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Global Orgasm

This is the first thread that has ever made me say "What the fuck?" out loud. Excuse me, but I have to go mark my calendar.
who would...what...why????? WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Really, if i were to say this how i would back home, I'd say "Dude, what the hell is is this fucked up dog shit?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
this isn't actually about peace at all
it is just an excuse for people who want to imagine anyone that they'd ever wanted to imagine orgasming

and thus, a very proud day for the world

no, no, no! you've got it all wrong. it's a one-day excuse to have sex with the lady of your choice!

guy: "hey baby, want to come home to my place and get to know my pet snake, if you know what i mean?"
girl: "ew! no way"
And then the world will explode in mysterious splatters of white...

(and yours is the splatter that will pierce the heavens!!)

What a lovely way of putting it... although I suppose vaguely accurate...

As for my opinion on this, erm, no comment. Ahem.
Get back to me when they can get everyone in the world to orgasm at the same time. THEN I'll be impressed. Not so much where it's just a day that people will use as an excuse to convince themselves that doing it 7 times a day is normal. ._.
So December 20th is Global Orgasm Day Eve. Remember everyone, that is the day you put up your Orgasm Tree and hang condoms from the fireplace mantle.

...Either I'm having too much fun with this, or I'm REALLY creepy.
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