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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
And look at the edge of the world map. It looks nothing like Johto.
The version names look like tokinsuta- and toginsuta-, which translate to "Ten Gold Star" and "Ten Silver Star" respectively.
<Eevee> some dude I kinda know showed me over im
<Eevee> so could be totally bogus
speculate to your desire
oh, and from what I could make out, it's 'Ta-' or 'Da-'something Gold and blob Silver. The big characters at the top read 'Johto Region'.
oh pk-chan
you raise us ups and you lets us downs
Well, the first Kanto Gym leaders had Pokémon in the thirties. They were a joke. Red was a sudden jump from the fifties (Blue) to the late seventies.
To anyone who's complaining about the Leaders' and E4's levels, they were probably like that because the E4 was only the half way point- you still had 8 more leaders to go through plus Red, who had Pokémon at/around 70 iirc.
That said, they could at least bring Falkner's Pokémon up some. Seriously, a level 9 Pidgeotto?
No, the levels are perfect. They are hnostalgic and allow you to complete the first half of the game without pulling your hair out. It's a whole lot better because you don't have to stop and train for hours and hours between Gym 8 and the E4.I figured that I might as well bring this back, since nobody else has yet, and inevitably someone was gonna do it. So yeah, just post what you want in it.
Personally, I want them to do something to Falkner's Level 9 Pidgeotto, and raise the levels of Gym Leader and E4 Pokemon in general.