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....Am I the only one that misses diving?
Yeah, lots of people think it's the remakes we've been waiting for. Even if it's not, the hype seems to be very big.
and the fact that Ho-oh, Lugia, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune are the only legendaries unavailable in D/P/Pt). So I think there's a good 98% chance it's G/S remakes.
Bulbanews said:The most recent episode previewed the annnouncement, showing two balls, one gold and one silver, which will be opened to unveil the announcement's subject.
If it's NOT a remake, then they're just being mean.
So let's start saying what our teams will be when we finally get to play it
I always plan my teams out (like for the debut of Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire) but my teams always change in-game since I capture Pokemon as needed.
What I would think if I was one of the Pokémon Creators said:Well, there are a lot of fan letters about GSC. Several fans call it the "best generation ever", so maybe we should make the remake soon. But wait a minute, if it's really that special, perhaps we'll wait until the 10th anniversary of its release. That would make it more special!
<Eevee> some dude I kinda know showed me over im
<Eevee> so could be totally bogus
speculate to your desire
oh, and from what I could make out, it's 'Ta-' or 'Da-'something Gold and blob Silver. The big characters at the top read 'Johto Region'.