• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Greetings Fellow Members.

Steelver Fin

Fin the Steel armoured cat.
Ok, this might be a bit short because I just spent about 20 minutes typing this out when I got logged out so... Yea, don't really feel like trying to remember it all. Need to learn to copy and save before I try and post. :/
Anyways, on with the intro!
Hi! I'm Steelver Fin.(Like "steel" and "silver".)
I'm a 13 year-old Cali girl(aka. from California.) and I've just started 8th grade. I'm in beginning band and I'm learning to play guitar.
Oh yea, and I'm ambidextrous. Meaning I can write, draw, and do other stuff with both my left and right hand.
When I'm not busy with homework I often write fictional stories, draw, and sprite. And in hot weather like this, I swim.
I'm also a gamer. If that's not obvious.(I'm here, aren't I?)
I love Nintendo. Especially Pokemon and Zelda(again, obvious?) I also enjoying playing The Sims and a variety of Resident Evil games.(Lotsa' mature stuff. :/)
I'm an advanced sprite artist, novice pixel artist, and begginer graphic artist. Unfortunately, I lack the programs I need to further myself and I'm stuck with Paint. But Paint is pretty good... I guess.
So... That's about all I can remember from my first attempt at this, *copies and saves*.

I'm glad to be here and I hope I get to know and possibly befriend some of you guys. ^^
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Hi! Welcome to the Cave. As a welcoming gift, I present to you a program in which you can do lots of neat stuff with sprites, GIMP! (Download link) Hope you like it. It's good.

Avoid treading on the carnivorous welcome mats. Several people have nearly lost a leg.

Don't accept any gifts of fish. The nearest river has become polluted and the fish are poisonous.

That will be all.
Hello. (RespectThe) Blade here. with carnivourous welcome mats, all these members, piles of cod and gallons of tea, this place is a bit cramped, but, it's a cave.
Check out the Anime-Style Batlling section, if you like.
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Greetings. I am Superbird, a fellow spriter. I am also the cheif provider of any combination of beverage and fish on this forum. Pastries are also available. Would you like some? And can I take your bags?

Actually, considering your age and location, you might want to see Blackthorne Steele. He is, apparently, another californian around your age. To conclude my welcome, DO NOT step on the welcome mats. Only the ones that don't say 'Welcome' on them. Or else.
Ok, this might be a bit short because I just spent about 20 minutes typing this out when I got logged out so... Yea, don't really feel like trying to remember it all. Need to learn to copy and save before I try and post. :/
Anyways, on with the intro!
Hi! I'm Steelver Fin.(Like "steel" and "silver".)
I'm a 13 year-old Cali girl(aka. from California.) and I've just started 8th grade. I'm in beginning band and I'm learning to play guitar.
Oh yea, and I'm ambidextrous. Meaning I can write, draw, and do other stuff with both my left and right hand.
When I'm not busy with homework I often write fictional stories, draw, and sprite. And in hot weather like this, I swim.
I'm also a gamer. If that's not obvious.(I'm here, aren't I?)
I love Nintendo. Especially Pokemon and Zelda(again, obvious?) I also enjoying playing The Sims and a variety of Resident Evil games.(Lotsa' mature stuff. :/)
I'm an advanced sprite artist, novice pixel artist, and begginer graphic artist. Unfortunately, I lack the programs I need to further myself and I'm stuck with Paint. But Paint is pretty good... I guess.
So... That's about all I can remember from my first attempt at this, *copies and saves*.

I'm glad to be here and I hope I get to know and possibly befriend some of you guys. ^^

Hi! Welcome to the Cave. As a welcoming gift, I present to you a program in which you can do lots of neat stuff with sprites, GIMP! (Download link) Hope you like it. It's good.

Avoid treading on the carnivorous welcome mats. Several people have nearly lost a leg.

Don't accept any gifts of fish. The nearest river has become polluted and the fish are poisonous.

That will be all.

Hello. (RespectThe) Blade here. with carnivourous welcome mats, all these members, piles of cod and gallons of tea, this place is a bit cramped, but, it's a cave.
Check out the Anime-Style Batlling section, if you like.

Greetings. I am Superbird, a fellow spriter. I am also the cheif provider of any combination of beverage and fish on this forum. Pastries are also available. Would you like some? And can I take your bags?

Actually, considering your age and location, you might want to see Blackthorne Steele. He is, apparently, another californian around your age. To conclude my welcome, DO NOT step on the welcome mats. Only the ones that don't say 'Welcome' on them. Or else.

I'm sure you four will all get along just fine. You all type too much.
Salutations, fellow Californian! Are you northern or southern?

Anyway, I also enjoy spriting, and I am resident carrier of coffee and salmon. Not to mention, I am also a fellow band geek! (go drumline!)

So yeah, enjoy your stay! I don't usually post much at this time (my life is going full swing). I was checking the forums really quick to see if someone replied to a message I sent out a while ago, and I saw your thread and felt the need to reply. Enjoy this moment! It will be some time before I post again.

To conclude my welcome, DO NOT step on the welcome mats. Only the ones that don't say 'Welcome' on them. Or else.

I couldn't stress this more. Now please wipe your feet >_>
Meh, Trumpets are the best though.

Yeah, the river got polluted with tea......not our best idea. (But now they're TeaCod!)

Welcome to Tcod, have fun, and apparently avoid the welcome mats. But the other mats are fine. I guess.
...i'm in love with your avvie.

So, anyways hello, it be Mewtwo, one of the members who doesn't copy-paste their greetings *glares at Squornshellish, Blade, and superbird*
superbird said:
Actually, considering your age and location, you might want to see Blackthorne Steele. He is, apparently, another californian around your age.

Just Steele. And who said I anything about me being from California? I'm from western Idaho. :/ (Which is just a day's drive to California, admittedly)

Well, anyway, welcome to the wonderful teacod. Oh, and you can have this delicious Stantler, as a break from fish. Good thing the river went bad! *Tosses away bottle of cyanide*

Ah... well, go with Blade's suggestion and check out ASB, while you're at it. Oh, but ignore the welcome mats. They are actually vegetarians...
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No they aren't. He lies.

And srsly, who said Steele was a Cali guy? Even though Steele live closer to you than mwah. I live clear across the US in NY.

Also I hate how even though a lot of people supported dumping tea in the River and making TeaCod, I was the only one who did it. I feel bad about it.

Welcome to our ((big but crowded)) little cave.
Meh. I live in central Indiana.

And sorry about the copy/paste thing; it just seemed it was the same thing every time.
Hey, maybe STEELe and STEELver aren't both from Cali, but I bet they could find something else they have in common!
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