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Halloween Festival 2008


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
Every October, ASB Central is decorated with a Halloween theme in a lame attempt at encouraging holiday spirit. The trainers and referees, however reluctantly, go about in costume, prowling the streets in search of the greatest treasure in the land: (rare) candy. The league itself provides several activities that members can participate in to win points, offering, at the end of the festival, a lucrative prize for those dedicated enough to pursue it. So dust off that sheet you have with the eyeholes cut in it, rally your pokémon, and take a trip to ASB Central to scare some kids, steal some lawn ornaments, and maybe participate in some Halloween "fun" on the side.

Halloween Festival 2008

Yes, it's October again, and that means it's time to start celebrating something that doesn't happen until the end of the month anyway! And this year, because I'm resigned to the fact that there's no possible way I can get enough updaters to run an RP-style anything fast enough that people would be able to get much done in the span of the month, I've changed the format to something much more manageable. That's right, this year's Festival consists of doing stupid activities for earning points of dubious worth! And if you're feeling especially creative, you can even go ahead and pretend that they're somehow vaguely Halloween-related.

The Festival runs from when this thread goes up until the end of the month or until the game of Halloween Mafia comes to a conclusion, whichever comes last. In the end, the number of points all players hold will be added up and the person with the most earns the exciting prize of $25, one rare candy, and a special deal at my obviously not-yet-finished business if they'd like it. Second place gets $15 and a rare candy, and third place gets $10.

For those that don't win it all, points can be exchanged directly for cash at a rate of two points to the dollar. Fifteen points buys you a rare candy, an item that you may choose to use immediately or store and which gives the pokémon it's used on one experience point. Note that for pokémon that need to be holding something while they battle in order to evolve, a rare candy experience point will not count towards that requirement. Even if your staryu is holding a water stone when you use the rare candy on it, it will not evolve.

And how can you earn points? There are several ways, and I'm perfectly open to suggestions for new activities that may suck marginally less than the ones I've come up with. I may add more later as I think of them, or ditch the old ones if I get tired of running them. Successful participation in the ASB Mafia will also earn you points. Note that you may redeem points in this thread at any time, but obviously that means you'll have fewer at the end of the month, so if you want to be in the running for the top prizes, it's suggested that you don't.

1. Pokémon Riddles

Every three days or the day after all of them have been answered, I'll post a set of pokémon riddles. These will come in several different flavors of awfulness and difficulty. Getting one right is worth three points.

Note that you may either make a guess at one of the riddles or answer the trivia question in one post. Once I confirm or deny your answer, you may propose a different solution or choose to answer a different one up until the riddle is rotated. I'll try to rotate the riddles at different times to let people in different time zones have a chance at getting them.

This is the current batch of riddles:

2. ASB Trivia

Correctly answering the trivia question will earn you two points. Although I'll try to balance questions that only someone who'd been here for a long time would know with ones relating to more recent activities, but for those of you who weren't around, here's a link to the IFree version of ASB so you can do a little digging if you need to to get the answer.

Remember that you can't answer one of the riddles if you choose to answer the trivia question. The current question is:

3. Scavenger Hunt

The lamest activity of all! The scavenger hunt is simple: I'll go back through my recent posts and [highlight]highlight[/highlight] a random word from it. Find the post and the highlighted word and post it in this thread, and provided you didn't manage to screw that up somehow, you'll be awarded two points.

Yes, you may take a stab at guessing the word while also answering the trivia question or a riddle. Also note that the post I choose will have been made within the past week and will not include anything in the fanfiction forum, the debating hall, or anything in the mod forum because they're srs bsns. The scavenger hunt will be rotated each day after the word has been successfully tracked down.

Animorph: 18
Byrus: 7
Chiropter: 18
Full Metal Cookies: 18
Grass King: 18
greategret: 3
Icalasari: 8
Kratos Aurion: 11
Kusarigamaitachi: 24
o_0: 7
Prettzel: 19
Ruieko: 15
shadow_lugia: 3
Walker: 4
Last edited:
Some might call me lazy, but that's not true.
In fact, my yawn's quite dangerous to you.
Poison is to most a deadly thing,
But is only power in the mind of this king.

= Ursaring? You want an explanation to go with it or no?
In grass is where I'm never found,
and though I've wings, I rarely leave the ground.
A rare sight in wild lands,
I'm known to most for lack of hands.

Some might call me lazy, but that's not true.
In fact, my yawn's quite dangerous to you.
Poison is to most a deadly thing,
But is only power in the mind of this king.

Up and down with a steady beat,
Life would be tiring if I had feet.
Now this here orb's my greatest treasure:
It increases my power beyond measure.
I'm going to guess Snorlax.

Read the rules. I said it like three times.

Kratos Aurion

Ooh, wow. Uh, no, wrong, but you can have one point for a really good guess if you want.


For which?
And it looks like we can make another guess if we had one correct one, so...

In grass is where I'm never found,
and though I've wings, I rarely leave the ground.
A rare sight in wild lands,
I'm known to most for lack of hands.

Mmm, yeah, but I think I'll make the limit two per cycle that you can win on.

Some might call me lazy, but that's not true.
In fact, my yawn's quite dangerous to you.
Poison is to most a deadly thing,
But is only power in the mind of this king.

Is that Slaking?
Some might call me lazy, but that's not true.
In fact, my yawn's quite dangerous to you.
Poison is to most a deadly thing,
But is only power in the mind of this king.
I have a few guesses for this, but I'm going with Slaking. :[






Grass King

Wrong on the riddle, correct on the word.




Correct on the trivia, word already taken.

All after that obviously incorrect.

Three points to Chiropter, two points to both of Grass King and Prettzel. Everything will be rotated tomorrow.

Also, going to revise my policy on answering multiple things correct per day; you can answer as many as you want, but you have to wait four hours after a correct answer before you can guess again.
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