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Happy Pi Day!


Zoltea - The Jolteon
Just for fun, let's see how many decimals of pi everyone has memorized, be honest now.

Here's what I have memorized:

Also, free pies for everyone.
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Pi Day on Facebook:

Everyone knows pi day is March 14th, but any true nerd realizes pi is not 3.14, but rather an irrational constant which continues infinitely in decimal expansion. Starting at 9:26:53 (.589... sec) AM, the longest extended Pi Day of our lives will come into action. The date, at the AM and PM hours, will be " 3/14/15 at 9:26:53.589. Days like this only come once in a lifetime!

It is understood 1592 was a ...better year. This was probably the greatest pi day in history. Every 100 years (1915, 2015, 2115 etc) come the next closest pi days. It is also understood there are other minor pi days (be creative). Yes, 22/7 is pi approximation day -- But it's not that accurate! I wrote this just for all you people who like to find missing details written in nerd events. I'm sure you'll still find more ;)

***We recently have begun selling some epic wrist bands (like the yellow livestrong ones etc) that have pi day information. "Pi Day 3/14/15 9:26:53..." For more information visit http://thepidayofourlives.homestead.com/
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Hey guys, look what time I'm posting this at.

I am simultaneously celebrating an imaginary number AND being a Hussalo.

Go me.
I have memorised 80 odd digits. Funny thing is that I can't remember how or when I did this. I just... know them.
355/113 is much better, but it doesn't fit in a date.

you don't get that kind of precision again until you reach something like five decimal digits in the denominator.

hm. I wonder how one could stuff inverse-cosine -1 into a date.
Heh. I've memorized...3.14! Aren't I awesome? *people throw apples at me*
It' s funny because I just mentioned how I felt bad for brits not having a Pi day because of their date system.

and by just i mean five hours ago in math class
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