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Hello. :D

Old Catch

N t al th r .
Does anyone remember me?

Probably not. My name is Catch-22 and I'm interested in animals, music, pokemon and reading. Nice to meet you. :>
Hiya people. :D Nice to see you again.
(Of course I remember you, Arylett!)

EDIT: Hey Arylett, no Final Fantasy avatar! D:
...were you around at the old forums when I changed my name to Spaekle? Because I was hfjdsfhdsPoffin before that.

You had an FMA-ey avatar, didn't you? |:D

*glomp* I may be breaking my thing about only posting after Markku when it comes to introductions, but this is important. Welcome back!
...were you around at the old forums when I changed my name to Spaekle? Because I was hfjdsfhdsPoffin before that.

You had an FMA-ey avatar, didn't you? |:D
I may have been, I don't recall. Also, yeah. It was probably Envy.


*glomp* I may be breaking my thing about only posting after Markku when it comes to introductions, but this is important. Welcome back!
Thanks Zora.

That I won't, that I won't. If I EVER took out that FFVIII quote out of my signature, I think the world might explode.
It's the only constant in my life. ;;
I wasnt a member of the old forums, but you seem like a nice guy.

I'm the Ultimate Pikachu. Welcome back to The CoD.
Welcome back~ You might remember me; I was marillbuddy before the forum died? Ah, never mind. Enjoy your return to the tea-cod, anyway.

I may have been, I don't recall. Also, yeah. It was probably Envy.

It was you! I just started read FMA and on seeing Envy I went "I know you - where do I know you from?" Now I know. :P
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