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Open Heroes: Pokemon

"I probably can," she said, "But do you know a move that raises your Speed? I might be able to use Psych Up..."
"Sorry," said Vanish, shaking his head in disappointment. "Leer's the only thing I have. Guess we'll just have to go with something else."
"I'll try to speed up myself, then," Lilly said, dashing slightly faster. "That good enough for you?" she huffed.
Chris appeared to Jon in his mind.

<So. What excactly are we here for?>

"Hi!" said DarkThunder. "So, whatcha doin?"
Dr. was right overhead of the Purgly and Dusklops. He saw up ahead and he quickly went invisible and went down. Then he sent a telepathic message to Inferno." Duisguise yourself as me and pretend to be me for Matt and Jon, the two Company people behind me. I will sight-share and tell you what to say."OK" Thought Inferno. He shifted into Dr.'s form, a Latios with a golden triangle on his chest. Then he started trying to nurse the Murkrow back to health. And he waited for the 2 pokemon to come.
Matt and Jon trekked on. "CAN'T YOU GO ANY FASTER?" Jon shouted.
"Well, I don't have speed powers!" Matt replied. Jon sighed. "Well, use Agility!"
"Fine.... But I'm tired!" the Metagross said.
"Just do it...." Jon said back. The Metagross then started charging forward at lightning-fast speeds.
Eden sped through the skies, after Dr and Inferno. He landed on the outskirts of a clearing, and saw them off to the side. They appeared to be hiding, so Eden crept over to them and sat behind them. "What's going on?" he inquired.
Mazkea was on the move when he spotted something in the sky.

Well, well. It's about time.

"For anyone that's interested, seven White-and-red Salamences are flying a short way above us. I've battled this Salamence, and he's no pushover. His name's Krika, has the power to summoun duplicates of himselves form the past. Ring a bell?"
"Of course. It was my first battle. You guys get him!" Then he used telpathic powers to contact Dr. "We need you back here" he said. "I see. I'm on my way." Dr. responded. He started off at mach 5.
With a bad feeling in her belly, Lilly was powered even faster by fear. Her energy was quickly draining, but she could not stop. She almost tripped twice, but regained her balance. She would not dare speak, or lose her breath and be forced to rest.
Krika and his doubles were tailing the Metagross and Weavile when they spotted something else running on the ground.

Well Well. An even better Weavile to hunt

He and his dubles flew down at Mazeka.

You want an even score? I'll give you an even score.
"Good job," encouraged Vanish. "You can do it. Just don't talk, and breathe evenly."

He paused. "You and I will be good friends." He prepared a fireball in his hand, preparing to launch it at an enemy.
Dr. was keeping close watch on the Purgly and friend. He was just arriving at the stakesite. " Cmon, lets get to this!"
I know, Lilly thought. She was considering thwacking him with her tail, but when he said that they could be friends, she lowered it again and continued fleeing.
"What do you mean, let's get to this?" Vanish demanded, firing a Night Shade at Dr. so quickly that it surprised even the ghost. He launched all the energy he could into it, and sat backwards on the Purugly, panting. He could still conjure fire, just not powerful attacks.
((Wow, lotta posts since I did my homework~
And Jon totally ignored Chris being in his mind D=))
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