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Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [Town Win]

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Tsk, well then may as well join in on the lynch wagon. And please, don't mistake this as a "I'm still ticked you tried to get me killed" vote

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

No, sorry. I stand by what I said the previous day. I know that LS99 is innocent, though he will flip mafia when inspected--if you're claiming that private information comes of inspection, rather than a certain other source.

I reeeally would prefer not to claim at this point, but my role becomes useless if LS99 dies, so I guess I will if you demand it; then at least there's a chance I might live and get to use my power later. However, I would prefer to avoid painting a gigantic "Kill-Me-Please-Mafia" sign on myself any more than I've had to already by making this post, so if you're willing to trust me on this one, I would greatly appreciate it.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

I can actually confirm Negrek's innocence-- I'm a hider. Basically, I die if I hide behind mafia. I hid behind neg last night and I'm alive. :/
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Well, it's good for me, since it lends some credence to what I was saying. And thank you so much, Mawile; it's pretty brave of you to reveal your role and claim I'm innocent when the atmosphere is so against me.

However, if there's anyone else out there that has some evidence of my innocence, I would prefer that you stay quiet about it; I would really hate for suspicions to be cast on you on my account. I already feel pretty bad, because my panicking and claiming LS99's innocence last night probably made several people suspicious of him. I seem to be pretty good at getting the people I'm supposed to be helping out killed and axeing the other innocents in the process; that's what happened the last time I was working with somebody (although TVTropes Mafia never finished, so how much it mattered is debatable. But getting the doctor killed = sorta bad).

So yeah. If I have to go down, I'd prefer not to get anybody else taken out in the process. I might have already doomed LS99, but I can at least try to contain the damage.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

I'd like twø knøw what "private knøwledge" Cølørsfall has that makes her want tø lynch me.

Probably won't be able to post until tomorrow.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

MF, is a majority vote necessary for a lynch, or is it just based on which option has the most votes?
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

MF, is a majority vote necessary for a lynch, or is it just based on which option has the most votes?
The numerically most voted player by the end of the 48 hours of discussion gets lynched.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Ah. So unless everybody withdraws, I'm going to have to counternominate. Lovely.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Th!s !s gett!ng us nowhere. Negrek, you are a very conv!nc!ng person, but !`m !ncl!ned to keep my vote the way !t !s. !f !t turns out badly, we can go after Coloursfall tomorrow.

There !s a chance that both of you are !nnocent, that Coloursfall !s an !nspector (or knows one) and LS99 got !nspected and fl!pped the wrong way. However, th!s !s the only lead we have.

However, !n the sp!r!t of commun!cat!on, my role got swapped last n!ght from roleblocker to v!g!lante. ! had targetted Ch!ef Zackra! to block h!m, then found out ! should have k!lled h!m. He`s st!ll al!ve. Can someone please expla!n?
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Ah. So unless everybody withdraws, I'm going to have to counternominate. Lovely.
A numerically superior bandwagon for abstinence will lead to a no-lynch, though.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Hurray for abstinence, then. All of you jumping on a bandwagon like that-- tsk tsk. Bad boys and girls.

I'm curious why Neg needs to have LS alive-- is this a lover-powered night action sort of thing? But whatever; I'll believe you.

Hm, Mawile-- who you hiding behind tonight? You can be useful to us, you know.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Th!s !s gett!ng us nowhere. Negrek, you are a very conv!nc!ng person, but !`m !ncl!ned to keep my vote the way !t !s. !f !t turns out badly, we can go after Coloursfall tomorrow.

There !s a chance that both of you are !nnocent, that Coloursfall !s an !nspector (or knows one) and LS99 got !nspected and fl!pped the wrong way. However, th!s !s the only lead we have.

However, !n the sp!r!t of commun!cat!on, my role got swapped last n!ght from roleblocker to v!g!lante. ! had targetted Ch!ef Zackra! to block h!m, then found out ! should have k!lled h!m. He`s st!ll al!ve. Can someone please expla!n?
Hmm, what do you mean "if it turns out badly"? LS99 will show mafia if killed, one way or another, I'll lose my power, and another innocent will be dead. And I'll probably die shortly thereafter. What other result are you expecting? I mean, it's not like you'll be able to tell whether LS99 is actually mafia from his death; that's what it will say, despite his actual alignment.

I don't understand what you're saying about Chief Zackrai. So you roleblocked him, then your got roleswapped to have his power? Or are you not saying that Chief Zackrai's power is vigilante, and you instead got someone else's vigilante power?

In any case, him not dying is probably just a function of night action priority: your roleblock went through before the swap, so you merely blocked Chief Zackrai, while anyone you target from now on will die.

But everybody, please do abstain if you have no one else to accuse; with only nine people total that means we'd need five abstains if no one else is willing to change their vote, which is going to be rough.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

However, !n the sp!r!t of commun!cat!on, my role got swapped last n!ght from roleblocker to v!g!lante. ! had targetted Ch!ef Zackra! to block h!m, then found out ! should have k!lled h!m. He`s st!ll al!ve. Can someone please expla!n?


I didn't even use my power last night. Maybe our actions (including if they were used or not) got switched? I don't even know how that works.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

lol ten players I can count; okay, so we'd still need five abstinences if nobody switches, which is three more.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

not sure if switch.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

(Please !gnore everyth!ng ! sa!d about Ch!ef Zackra!; turns out ! blocked h!m, and my n!ght act!on !s now v!g!lante. ! had two opt!ons at creat!on; I chose roleblock!ng, and now !t`s sw!tched to the other cho!ce.)

Negrek, !`m sorry, but !f LS99 (who st!ll has my vote) fl!ps Maf!a, you`re gett!ng my vote next. What you are suggest!ng !s waaaaaaaay more compl!cated that the obv!ous, wh!ch !s that you`re both Maf!a. ! f!rmly bel!eve !n Occam's Razor, even !n such a copl!cated game as th!s.
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