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Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [Town Win]

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Seems weird for you to be calling my explanation "overly complicated," when you're still going on about this odd role-switching thing. So are you saying that your role switching was unrelated to your blocking Chief Zackrai or not?

tbh, the fact that you were the first of anyone to nominate a player (on no grounds other than "hey I made this zodiac chart, I bet people in this arbitrary grouping are mafia") and have been pushing the strongest for LS99's lynch, despite as much as admitting that you were grudgevoting, doesn't really give me the most shining impression of your innocence. Why are you so desperate to lynch on questionable evidence if you're not Mafia?

I can't help it if my role is unusual (but not actually that complicated!). I know there are other weird roles out there this game. All I can do is tell the truth and hope for the best.

Of course, if you are a vigilante now you'll probably just kill LS99 (or me) yourself tomorrow night, even if you don't succeed in getting him lynched, but whatever. I'm going to at least try to keep him alive as long as I can.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

The discussion was heated. At first, Coloursfall eagerly jumped the gun on Legendaryseeker99, claiming to have evidence but never showing it, even when pressured to. At first, the other players were willing to believe her, if only because they were stark out of leads; however, Negrek countered the claims and, with the stark confusion settled in, no action was ultimately taken.

No one was lynched.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [N2]

(massive delay owes to me not being able to access my computer; I still can't, but I managed to scrape together all the info from PMs)

None thought any single murder could top that bloody scene that came to be when surskitty became a target. And they were right.

Any single murder, mind you. The events of the night following were far from that.

In a straight row of maddening terror, RK-9 stumbled upon Karkat Vantas, sliced in half; Superbird, not yet dead, but in a deep coma he wasn't about to recover from anytime soon; Negrek, impaled through the chest with extreme prejudice; and last but not least, ole_schooler, whose flattened head displayed a clear, oversized handprint on each side.

The next player he ran across was a thankfully alive HighMoon. At first, she was quite suspicious of him, what with him being covered in blood from four different sources; later, though, she could see that he'd just stumbled upon the scenes. It could be an act just the same, but with that many players dead, it was no time for rash judgment.

Karkat Vantas, the Rogue of Life, is dead. He was innocent.
Superbird, the Seer of Blood, is dead. He was innocent.
Negrek, the Sylph of Void, is dead. She was mafia.
ole_schooler, the Knight of Hope, is dead. She was innocent.

48 hours for discussion.
Last edited:
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D3]


......oh holy balls what happened here..

Okay guys,, we need to puzzle out what transpired last night before pointing fingers.. Any ideas??
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D3]

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D3]

Well that was a really gong show. Anyone have a list of who is still alive?
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D3]

you mean like at the top of the page?

More of a quick sheet, but never mind that:

Chief Zackrai

Here are the remaining numbers. Half of us are gone, with majority of that being last night. Now seeing as Negrek was indeed killed, and only wanted to keep our last lynch nominee alive for their power-sake, I'd vote for LS99 again. But we can't be rash right now since we need more facts on the matter.

Anyone else have anything to contribute so we can work out a way to nail the mafia?
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D3]

...Alright, LS99.

Watch as this blow up in my face.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D3]

HighMoon should just drop dead
Day command negated.

It took the players a long time to recover from the initial shock of the multiple bodies, but once they got back to proper discussion, they soon remembered how this mess started in the first place: with Coloursfall claiming that Legendaryseeker99 was responsible for at least one of the kills.

The players were quick to side with Coloursfall. Legendaryseeker99 tried to defend himself from the incoming mob with his powers, but found that they'd left him when he needed them most, and as such, he was helpless before the lynching.

Even with that threat down, however, the players couldn't expect not to walk into another bloody mess next morning.

Legendaryseeker99, the Page of Rage, is dead. He was mafia.

48 hours for night actions.
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