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Oh, right. Like it says that god can do anything, and knows everything that has and will ever happen, and will do anything to help humanity. And then you've got all these random natural disasters that happen. That definitely goes with what the Bible says.
This isn't the place.
This is an interesting discussion, why avoid it just because it's in a thread that contains a different, (frankly, one-sided) debate?

Again, refer to the book i mentioned, which will explain this
Do you think I don't know what it says in the Bible? I would be willing to bet that I (or if not me, another atheist in this thread such as Iibui) know more of what it says in the Bible than you do. Unless you've taken a bible study course, then I wouldn't know any of that.

and a whole lot more.
Oh, yeah, you mean like this?
Time Psyduck, answer these question.

How do homosexuals affect you?
What difference does it make to YOU whether homosexuals get equal treatment?

Just answer those questions, maybe I'll consider your argument.
that's a crappy argument, J.T. "genocide is bad" "WELL IF WE'RE KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN AFRICA, HOW DOES IT AFFECT YOU?"
that's a crappy argument, J.T. "genocide is bad" "WELL IF WE'RE KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN AFRICA, HOW DOES IT AFFECT YOU?"


Except we have a reason to consider genocide bad - killing people. So far I have never seen a good reason to shun homosexuality.
yes, but your reason for saying that homosexuality is right was fallacyalicious.

EDIT: Also, Time Psyduck. Assuming you're not asexual or castrated, you are allowed to have pleasurable sex sometime in your life. I have never had sex before, but I have heard people speak of it highly. :P It is one of the best experiences of life, most people would probably agree. Now what if, someone said, that because you were... uh, I don't know, a Pokemon fan, you were not allowed to have pleasurable sex. Because of something you cannot control, you must miss out on one of the best experiences of a lifetime.

How would that make you feel?
Also, to add on to my previous post: not only are you saying that gay people can't have sex, which is a fun experience to be sure, but you're saying that they can't LOVE. I wouldn't know, because I'm only a snot-nosed kid, but apparently finding the love of your life and getting to be with them forever is the greatest thing in the world. Now, Time Psyduck, you are trying to tell me that, because of circumstances beyond their control, some people are not allowed to experience arguably the two greatest things in the world. That's like saying "black people shouldn't be allowed to vote," only WORSE.

also yes I want you to answer Vlad's question (is it okay if I call you Vlad)
Again: Humans were not designed. We evolved from other animals, and are in fact animals ourselves. And what's a humen?

No offence, I completely respect every religion and anything, but may I point out how contradictory your beloved bible is (I'm assuming you're Christian)? It says something along the lines of 'prejudice and discrimination are evil, do not use them'. it then later goes on to say 'Homosexuality is evil! All gays are evil, no matter what they're like in every other area of life!'

I just honestly don't understand why it's 'evil'. I mean, come on, explain it without just saying 'humans were designed to have maleXfemale relationships' or whatever.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't notice the whole two and a half pages posted while I was at school, but yeah.
a humen is a typo

Homosexual people are not evil because they are gay, they'e just doing something that the bible says is bad, and they should therefore stop.

The bible is not a scientific textbook, and also it does not (as far as i have ever seen) say that. (mentioning both as 'flying things' is not calling bats birds)

I was refering the the book What does the bible really teach? which i mentioned in an earlier post, not the bible itself.

A lot of these 'contradictions' are likley to be between the two testaments, which are a result of the rules being intended for different groups of people (much of the old testemnt rules are intended for government not day-to-day life.

God hates homosexuality, so for a gay person to worship god as they should they cannot act on attraction to the same sex (and should avoid having these feelings, but i'm not going there), but other people will have other things they give up. Worshiping God is not easy, and no-one said it was.

'Animals' can refer to non-human animals and does not always include humanity. Also evolution is still a theory and cannot be proved (Design is one of the major reaons I believe in God)

And one final point: AS GOOD AS SEX IS, IT IS NOT THE ONLY GOOD THING IN LIFE. LOVE DOES NOT HAVE TO INVOLVE SEX, but a romantic relationship between tho people of the same sex is wrong
I personally did not mean 'beloved bible' in an offensive way, so I apologise if any offence was taken from it.
The bible is not a scientific textbook, and also it does not (as far as i have ever seen) say that. (mentioning both as 'flying things' is not calling bats birds)
Oh really?

Leviticus 11:13-19 said:
These are the birds you are to detest and not eat because they are detestable: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, the red kite, any kind of black kite, any kind of raven, the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.

Deuteronomy 14:11-19 said:
Of all clean birds ye shall eat.
But these are they of which ye shall not eat: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray, And the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after his kind, And every raven after his kind, And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kind, The little owl, and the great owl, and the swan, And the pelican, and the gier eagle, and the cormorant, And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. And every creeping thing that flieth is unclean unto you: they shall not be eaten.

'Animals' can refer to non-human animals and does not always include humanity. Also evolution is still a theory and cannot be proved (Design is one of the major reaons I believe in God)
Butterfree had a really good post on this earlier in the thread: here it is: http://dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2330&postcount=83

And one final point: AS GOOD AS SEX IS, IT IS NOT THE ONLY GOOD THING IN LIFE. LOVE DOES NOT HAVE TO INVOLVE SEX, but a romantic relationship between tho people of the same sex is wrong
wait, huh? So first you're saying that love does not have to involve sex? ohhhhhhh so you're saying that gay people can still be gay just as long as they don't express it in the bedroom? Or wait, no, now you're saying that love between gay people is still wrong? So you're just against sex in general? There is no reason to hold back from sex with your partner, that's like... I dunno, you have a brand new video game you've been looking forward to playing, and you have the entire day to do whatever you want, but you just sit around instead of playing the game. Kind of pointless.

Don't get me wrong, love is still great as I said,
me said:
apparently finding the love of your life and getting to be with them forever is the greatest thing in the world

but sex is not an unholy thing as some people say it is. Sex is a good thing. It feels good, it makes two (or more if it's group sex) people happy, it does not make anyone sad (unless it's adultery, of course), so why hold back from it?

tbh, Time Psyduck, you're being a lot more reasonable than some religious freaks who say that homosexuals all hate god, and choose to be a homosexual because they want to defy him. You're being fairly logical (but still wrong imo).
Dear Zeta Reticuli:

You are the most obnoxious shit in this entire thread.

Your bible quotes don't mean shit. The bible wasn't interested in making SCIENTIFIC SEPARATIONS -- you look at a bat, it has wings and flies, when you're not thinking hmm does it have every characteristic of birds as we know it you can easily file that under birds. Taxonomy isn't the point of the Bible. I dunno if you noticed -- you were probably trying too hard to find quotes that might be somehow relevant to notice the big picture.

you said

wait, huh? So first you're saying that love does not have to involve sex? ohhhhhhh so you're saying that gay people can still be gay just as long as they don't express it in the bedroom? Or wait, no, now you're saying that love between gay people is still wrong? So you're just against sex in general? There is no reason to hold back from sex with your partner, that's like... I dunno, you have a brand new video game you've been looking forward to playing, and you have the entire day to do whatever you want, but you just sit around instead of playing the game. Kind of pointless.

which really boils down to

blah blah blah BLAH blah Blah blah blah

er yeah, sorry ruby. :0

didn't mean for that to be offensive

Actually, yeah. Yeah, you did. So I would suggest backing down, not bothering lying, and staying quiet until you can think before you post.

IN SUMMARY: you are trying so hard, I feel almost bad for you. ~stop being dumb~
Verne, I don't know. I don't think anyone intended to offend Time Psyduck. It's easy to become angry during debates; I think Zeta and everyone else need simply to be careful in future when choosing their words and their tone.
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