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Homosexuality is mentioned negativly in the new testament as well.

And I, as an atheist, and thus a heathen, should care what the Bible says why?

The changes didn't happen overnight, slowly people moved away from perfection. (In genesis there are people who lived nearly a millenium). Also there weren't any other people anyway.

You mean they evolved into imperfect beings?

No one can live for a thousand years.

Everyone's imperfect, homosexuality is just one aspect of this. (Have you seen my spelling in this thread?)

So surely if everyone's imperfect, we should embrace this imperfection as part of our being, instead of being so negative about it?

People need to spend less time hating themselves.
I understand the theory of evolution, however it is not complete and there are a number of gaps in the fossil record.

Of COURSE there are gaps in the fossil record. Do you have any idea how rare fossilisation as an event is? How this is meant to be an argument against evolution is beyond me; the thousands of fossils we DO have all point towards it, and yet just because we don't have a fossil of every single species ever evolution must be wrong?

The point is the bible says that a dog won't turn into a cat, not that a greater pygme geen whatever won't become a lesser green pygme whatever.

Evolution doesn't say a dog will turn into a cat, either. It says that the descendants of one group of animal A will gradually become cats and of another group of animal A will gradually become dogs.

Please don't argue about evolution if you don't know what you're talking about; if you think you do, though, let's stop going off-topic and make a thread about it.
First off all, when I get 10 or so posts I cannot respond to every point made.
I'm glad my time is important to you!

Many of the OT rules are the law code for the isrealites when they were living in a sepatate country. Many still apply, but the fact that Jesus died removes the animal sacrifice, for example.
Please cite exactly where in the NT it says which rules still apply and which don't. Otherwise I can only assume you are picking out ones you happen to like.

The point is the bible says that a dog won't turn into a cat
What a coincidence! Science says that too. Well, quantum mechanics and spontaneous change notwithstanding..

I understand the theory of evolution, however it is not complete and there are a number of gaps in the fossil record.
1. Fossilization is a rare process. Of all the uncountable trillions of creatures that have ever been alive, have we found anywhere near that many fossils? Where would they even all go?
2. Say you have two related species, one descended from the other:
A ----------> B
Now say we find a third fossil that fills the gap:
A ---> C ---> B
Surprise! All we've done is double the number of "gaps". "There are gaps" is not a very good argument.

(ps: god of the gaps)

When the creation account mentions days it means periods of reations (it's symbolic) not literaly 24 hours
Prove it. I dare you to give me one single reason to believe that the word "day" is symbolic. Hell, if something as simple as a UNIT OF TIME is "symbolic", why should I take anything at all in the Bible at face value? How do I decide what's real or not? And who writes a GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE and throws metaphors in with no indication that they are so? What a cruel joke.

You sure do like making interesting interpretations of the Bible to suit what you think it should say.

He didn't create homosexuals, homosexuality is a result of imperfection, which was caused by the rebellion of Adam and Eve.
Prove it. Prove that any undesirable part of human nature was not originally in Adam and Eve's nature. Especially given that:
1. They only exist for a few scant chapters before the serpent comes along.
2. Despite being "made in God's image", they are capable of being tempted and rebelling, while presumably God is not.
3. Armed only with knowing what good and evil are, they still manage to do evil, which generally makes no sense anyway.
4. They were nude, which is apparently a Bad Thing given that they strive to avoid being nude as soon as they know what evil is.

While you're at it, please explain how it at all makes sense for an entire species to "inherit" the actions of their ancestors.

And while I'm at it, you would do well to explain why imperfection is a bad thing. I'm kinda sick of the Judeo-Christian mantra that imperfection, abnormality, inefficiency, and evil are all the same thing.

The jewish law code defines homosexuality as a crime, therefore god opposes it.
Really! Funny you should mention Jewish law.
From Deuteronomy 22:
[28] If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, [29] he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

Is this the same moral code you are judging me by?

Homosexuality is mentioned negativly in the new testament as well.
By Paul, obscurely, and arguably mistranslated in the first place. Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. He was too busy traveling with his twelve male companions.

The changes didn't happen overnight, slowly people moved away from perfection.
We sure jumped to jealousy and murder pretty quick.

Also there weren't any other people anyway. The only other people who were around in their lifetime were thier decendants (I'm sure other people on here would find that disturbing)
Hey, I don't find it disturbing. It's your incestual creation myth. Whatever you think makes sense...

Everyone's imperfect, homosexuality is just one aspect of this. (Have you seen my spelling in this thread?)
So homosexuality is morally wrong, but your terrible spelling etc etc are just some fault.

So then answer me this:

If homosexuality is just another way of falling short of some arbitrary definition of "perfection", then who cares?

The difference between evolution and creationism is that evolution actively seeks answers and admits to making mistakes instead of saying 'goddidit!' and telling people to stop asking so many questions.
^ this
Just a few points (get the book i mentioned for the others. If you don't care enough to obtain a free and delivered book do not complain at me):

There are a few things in the law code that are modified. Jews have to undergo circumcision, something which was made unnessary for christians in acts.
When I mentioned dogs turning into cats, it was an example of what you claim happened using two modern animals rather than one which is extinct.
No-one can live for a thousand years anymore, humanity is like a computer file which has errors occouring in it every time it is copied, making it worse.

Prove it. I dare you to give me one single reason to believe that the word "day" is symbolic.

The the hebrew word tranlated as day does not mean 24 hours. It means a period of time, such as when a significant event is happening.

1. They only exist for a few scant chapters before the serpent comes along.
2. Despite being "made in God's image", they are capable of being tempted and rebelling, while presumably God is not.
3. Armed only with knowing what good and evil are, they still manage to do evil, which generally makes no sense anyway.
4. They were nude, which is apparently a Bad Thing given that they strive to avoid being nude as soon as they know what evil is.

1. For this I could just use the common 'prove the positive' argument athiests seem to like, but i'll let the other points speak.
2. They are made in gods image having free will. This does not make them immune to temptation, and in fact allows them to rebel
3. I'm sure a lot of murdurers know that murder is wrong.
4. They ate from the tree of knowlege of good and bad, and at that poind became ashamed of being naked.

If homosexuality is just another way of falling short of some arbitrary definition of "perfection", then who cares?
People who want to serve god. Clearly other people don't, and they don't have to

The fact is I have neither the time nor the desire to carry this on, so i'll leave it here (unless someone posts something I consider it irresponsible to ignore)

Edit: New Testement anti-homosexuality:
Romans 1:27
1 Corinthians 6:9
Jesus most likley didn't mention homosexuality because he had far more important things to do such as dying for our sins.
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Edit: New Testement anti-homosexuality:
Romans 1:27
1 Corinthians 6:9
Jesus most likley didn't mention homosexuality because he had far more important things to do such as dying for our sins.
Let's post the quotes then:
1 Corinthians 6:9 'Do you know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolatrers nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders,'
This doesn't condemn homosexuals only, it condemns sexual immoral types in general, idolatrers, adulterers and male prostitutes too.
Why only male prostitues, why not prostitutes in general? Also I highly doubt this is a direct translation because the term 'homosexual' was only invented in the late 19th century and was only used widely mid 20th.

Romans 1:27 'In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion'
Only they didn't because they're still around and always will be.
Also something I always wondered, this is a genuine question: why are the Romans allowed to make comments in the Bible? I mean sure Jesus forgave them and all because he was a pretty cool guy but they did kill him.

Also seriously, Jesus had 33 years to mention gays before he died for our sins, that's plenty of time. I don't think he would've said anything anyway because Jesus doesn't sound like a hating type to me, to be honest. I mean he just sort of chilled out with lepers, cured them, defended various people and loved everyone.
I don't know, doesn't seem like a GOD HATES FAGS FUCK YEAH AIDS type to me, reminds me more of a hippie :/

Also if the Bible is so anti-gay why are David and Jonathan such obvious homos.
1 Samuel 18:1,3 'After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return to his father's house. And Jonathan made a convenant with David because he loved him as himself.'
This is pretty damn straightforward, for one. Also forgive the simplified language in my Bible but it's apparently Holy Book: Retard Edition with all the thous changed to yous and such.

1 Samuel 20:31 'As long as the son of Jesse [David] lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send and bring him in to me, for he must die!'"
Saul was kind of a dick. But here we see another problem: Jonathan cannot establish himself or his kingdom because one of the most important duties of a king was to produce an heir. Jonathan can not do this because he is in love with David, and only him.
He eventually does have a kid because kings had harems in those times to make sure at least one child was produced but his love for David was greater than his love for women, so he sort of did it out of obligation.

1 Samuel 20:41 'After the boy had gone, David got up from the south side [of the stone] and bowed down before Jonathan three times, with his face to the ground. Then they kissed each other and wept together- but David wept the most.'

2 Samuel 1:26 'I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women.'
'Do you know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolatrers nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders,'

It never says all homosexuals, either, only the "offenders"; nowhere is it stated that homosexuality in itself is an offence.
Let's post the quotes then:
1 Corinthians 6:9 'Do you know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolatrers nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders,'
This doesn't condemn homosexuals only, it condemns sexual immoral types in general, idolatrers, adulterers and male prostitutes too. And that makes a difference to the point about homosexuality HOW?
Why only male prostitues, why not prostitutes in general? Also I highly doubt this is a direct translation because the term 'homosexual' was only invented in the late 19th century and was only used widely mid 20th.

1 Corinthians 6:9 : What! do you not know that unrighteous persons will inherit god's kingdom. Do not be misled. Noether fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterer, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men,

My translation mentiones 'men who lie with men' which is the same point. Homosexuality is just another word for the same thing, which your translation has included.

Romans 1:27 'In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion'
Only they didn't because they're still around and always will be.
Also something I always wondered, this is a genuine question: why are the Romans allowed to make comments in the Bible? I mean sure Jesus forgave them and all because he was a pretty cool guy but they did kill him.

Romans 1:26,27 'for bothe the females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in thier lust towards one another, males with males, working what is obcene and reciving in themseves the full recompence which was due for thier error.
Where does it say what the recompence was.
The book of romans was a letter written to the christians in rome at the time, it has nothing to do with the roman empire. Also although the romans put Jesus to death it was the jews who wanted him dead.

Also seriously, Jesus had 33 years to mention gays before he died for our sins, that's plenty of time. I don't think he would've said anything anyway because Jesus doesn't sound like a hating type to me, to be honest. I mean he just sort of chilled out with lepers, cured them, defended various people and loved everyone.
I don't know, doesn't seem like a GOD HATES FAGS FUCK YEAH AIDS type to me, reminds me more of a hippie :/

Jesus only preached for 3 of those years, and he had to correct a lot of false religous teaching around at the time. Also, if homosexuality was not a problem where jesus was teaching at the time why would he mention it

Also if the Bible is so anti-gay why are David and Jonathan such obvious homos.
1 Samuel 18:1,3 'After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return to his father's house. And Jonathan made a convenant with David because he loved him as himself.'
This is pretty damn straightforward, for one. Also forgive the simplified language in my Bible but it's apparently Holy Book: Retard Edition with all the thous changed to yous and such.

In the bible love=/=sex. It means they were best friends. I think your version may be a modernized king james version. If it is the mention of bats as birds will be a result of a changing of the word 'fowl' employed long before biord became a scientific term

1 Samuel 20:31 'As long as the son of Jesse [David] lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send and bring him in to me, for he must die!'"
Saul was kind of a dick. But here we see another problem: Jonathan cannot establish himself or his kingdom because one of the most important duties of a king was to produce an heir. Jonathan can not do this because he is in love with David, and only him.
He eventually does have a kid because kings had harems in those times to make sure at least one child was produced but his love for David was greater than his love for women, so he sort of did it out of obligation.

What? This is because David is due to take over from Saul as king. Saul doen't wan this to happen, so he'll kill David to keep his family in power.

1 Samuel 20:41 'After the boy had gone, David got up from the south side [of the stone] and bowed down before Jonathan three times, with his face to the ground. Then they kissed each other and wept together- but David wept the most.'

As before, they're good friends in a society which apparently approves of displays of affection. Also Johnathen has just foud out hid dad wants to kill his best friend.

2 Samuel 1:26 'I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women.'

His best friend just died, and he's upset. He calls his love 'more wonderful..than the love of women.' The 'love of women' may be a reference to sexual love in general. He's also chanting this, and presumably there are other people there. Given that gay sex=death here, how stupid would he have to be to admit to being gay. There's also the fact that he had a man killed so he (David) could have his wife.
My translation mentiones 'men who lie with men' which is the same point. Homosexuality is just another word for the same thing, which your translation has included.

Men who lie with men = sex. Which results in your translation of homosexuality = gay sex.
Just cause I'm gay I don't run around the house going "Gotta have sex gotta have sex. I need sex".
Gays are normal people (unlike thou (imo)). We aren't screwing each other 24/7. We got lives too.
Romans 1:26, 'for the females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature'

This would, given what follows, count as a condemantion of lesbianism.

When I say men who lie with men = homosexuality I am saying that both are discussing love between two men. It's the differences in translation which make it difficult to discuss the bible in English. The change to homosexuality is probably an attempt to show lesbianism as wrong.
Romans 1:26, 'for the females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature'

But it never says anything about females lying with females! Only that they changed the natural use of themselves, and who knows what that could mean.

Also, read this.

ETA: This part in particular:

In 1958, for the first time in history, a person translating that mysterious Greek word into English decided it meant homosexuals, even though there is, in fact, no such word in Greek or Hebrew. But that translator made the decision for all of us that placed the word homosexual in the English-language Bible for the very first time.
Romans 1:26, 'for the females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature'

This would, given what follows, count as a condemantion of lesbianism.

When I say men who lie with men = homosexuality I am saying that both are discussing love between two men. It's the differences in translation which make it difficult to discuss the bible in English. The change to homosexuality is probably an attempt to show lesbianism as wrong.

What's the natural use of a female? To reproduce? If so then if they don't reproduce =/= lesbian.
Susan B. Anthony never dated or had babies. She was believed to be a lesbian. But she wasn't. She was a Quaker and Quakers don't date or anything.
So she changed her natural use but wasn't a lesbian.
Romans 1:26 = too broad not good enough argument.

Did you not catch it when I told you that men who lie with men = sex?
So if I was to "lie with another random man" it would involve love?
Man do gay man whores have a lot of love then.
Romans 1:26, 'for the females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature'

This would, given what follows, count as a condemantion of lesbianism.

A woman's "natural use of herself" is to sleep with men? I'm afraid I don't follow.
also sup

Actual KJV text: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet."

1. God gave them up unto? God caused this or what?
2. "Natural use" doesn't mean anything useful; in fact, the natural thing for a homosexual to do is sex up people of the same sex.

Anyway, http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibc5.htm
Paul didn't write it as a condemnation of homosexuality, but as a criticism of Greek behavior in temple worship. Greeks often incorporated sexual behavior in temple worship.
That is, by engaging in both opposite-sex and same-sex behavior, they were attempting to behave as bisexuals; this would be against their heterosexual nature.
Various other interpretations as well.

KJV: "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

So the effeminate are screwed! And so are people who want things (covetous) and people who drink too much. Classy.

The phrase 'abusers of themselves with mankind' was originally written as 'arsenokoitai', a Greek word that did not exist before Paul used it here. There were existing Greek words for sex between men, but Paul did not use them. Interesting. Also, the etymology of the word Paul invented specifically refers to men, not women.

At the time of Martin Luther, "arsenokoitai" was universally interpreted as masturbator. But by the 20th century, masturbation had become a more generally accepted behavior. So, new translations abandoned references to masturbators and switched the attack to homosexuals. The last religious writing in English that interpreted 1 Corinthians 6:9 as referring to masturbation is believed to be the [Roman] Catholic Encyclopedia of 1967.
Many would consider "malakoi" -- the word preceding "arsenokoitai," in 1 Corinthians -- to refer to a boy or young male who engaged in sexual activities with men. Such boys were often slaves, kept by rich men as sex partners. The second term might then refer to the men who engaged in sex with the catamites. That is, they were abusive pedophiles or hebephiles.
And, again, others.

So! It is absolutely possible to approach these verses and come away thinking that they do not condemn homosexuality. Since there is no way to ask the author for clarification, ultimately you are the one deciding, personally, whether you think the Bible would condemn true homosexuality. And you do. And I am still curious as to why.
There are no Bible verses definitively condemning homosexuality; they could all be referring to more common practices of the time like child prostitution or pagan temple worship.
Corruption due to Adam and Eve is nonsensical, as I revisit below.
People are not required to have children -- priests aren't allowed, some are born sterile or otherwise made that way, some just never have children, and none of those people seem to be condemned by the Bible.
Activities as innocuous as typing are unnatural uses of your body, so claiming that anything not explicitly intended by God is evil is ridiculous. (Does Black and Decker get to call you evil if you use their screwdrivers to pry something open, rather than turn screws?)

Most of these appear to be more justification than reasoning, too.
So. What is your problem with homosexuality? It is not something you can strongly and obviously pull from the Bible; you decided it was wrong and then you hunted for ways to make yourself absolutely right by pulling from the Bible. Don't worry, people have done it for interracial marriage (no two crops in a field, do not be unequally yoked) and masturbation (see above) and women's suffrage (man is head of the household, women cannot lead church, other such blatant sexism) and all sorts of things they didn't happen to like at the time that could conveniently be condemned by the Bible if you squinted the right way.

Just a few points (get the book i mentioned for the others. If you don't care enough to obtain a free and delivered book do not complain at me):
You don't care enough to carry on a real argument, but I should care enough to read an entire book for you. Nice. Feel free to be less lazy anytime.

Jews have to undergo circumcision, something which was made unnessary for christians in acts.
And what a great rule that is, too.

When I mentioned dogs turning into cats, it was an example of what you claim happened using two modern animals rather than one which is extinct.
That is not what evolution does at all. Evolution simply makes reproductively-useful traits more likely to stick around.

No-one can live for a thousand years anymore, humanity is like a computer file which has errors occouring in it every time it is copied, making it worse.
Wow! That kinda sounds like evolution.

1. For this I could just use the common 'prove the positive' argument athiests seem to like, but i'll let the other points speak.
2. They are made in gods image having free will. This does not make them immune to temptation, and in fact allows them to rebel
3. I'm sure a lot of murdurers know that murder is wrong.
4. They ate from the tree of knowlege of good and bad, and at that poind became ashamed of being naked.
1. Which would be valid if I had not said anything else. :V
2. Does God not have free will? I don't think you even know what "free will" means, having said this; it is entirely possible to be immune to temptation without violating free will. If they were made in God's image, there is no reason they should be tempted at all.
3. Obviously. The issue is that they were entirely capable of murder before eating the fruit. The fruit did nothing but make them aware that some things they could potentially do would be evil. Would Cain still have killed Abel without Eve having eaten the fruit? I don't see why not; the tree does not grant the ability to be jealous. God is jealous, too, so people made in his image should be. (And God has killed people for less.) The only difference is that Cain would have been naive and thus blameless. The fruit only made us responsible for what we do.
4. Yes, and if they were ashamed, that means being nude was bad. Therefore they were already doing something bad before they ate the fruit.

If you missed it, I just completely destroyed your argument that we were somehow made faulty because of what Adam and Eve did. Even if the above were not valid, you have yet to explain how the actions of a parent can affect the personality of the child.

People who want to serve god. Clearly other people don't, and they don't have to
Just like you're never jealous or covetous or etc etc?

If we don't give a crap about your mythology and you know it, why are you expecting us to follow its rules? You don't even have a reason why your mythology is better than anyone else's.
And if being gay is just an imperfection -- as opposed to some moral outrage -- then why do you care at all?

Jesus most likley didn't mention homosexuality because he had far more important things to do such as dying for our sins.
Dying doesn't take long. I'm pretty sure he had the time. He's a god, after all!

I would also like to emphasize just how sexist the Bible is, as another reason why I find it abominable to use it as a moral compass.
1 Cor 14: women must be silent in church.
1 Cor 11: husband rules over the wife.
1 Tim 2: "Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent."
In fact, the only really important women in the entire story are Eve and Mary -- one of whom causes the downfall of the entire species. Supposedly.
"If a woman grows weary and at last dies from childbearing, it matters not. Let her die from bearing, she is there to do it." -- Martin Luther
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Some points:

1) I have offered the book because someone may be interesed in finding out my reasoning without having to read my poorly worded and explained posts.
2) When someone mentions the 'turning of females from natural use likewise men lie with men it does imply that the 'turning of females' is due to a similar reason.
3) With regards to Evolution ve Creation Evolutiopn is the changing of one species into another.
4) 'only six or seven verses in the bible bention same-sex behavour.' So if a football rulebook didn't mention stabbing anothe player it would be alowed?
5) There is a reason I seem to be justifying - I am outnumbered and I am fairly sure people would like me to respond to thier points.
6) I have my beliefs, and stated them (however badly) im my first post. I also believe in god and the bible for reasons irrelavent to this thread and none of this counter evidence seems to me to make as much sence as my opinions (clearly it makes more sense to you).
7) Nowhere have I said 'stop being gay' or 'accept my beliefs' (other than asking people (I think) to understand that my veiw can be held). My opinion is based on evidence from a book I believe to be accurate.
8) A husband is the head of the family, which means he makes decisions and is responsible for the family. The same applies to those in charge of congergations. I may find out some scriptures which put a different light on this but I don't have my bible to hand. Not having a large number of women important to the story probably reflects on the times (but that dosn't invalidate the bible. You try writing a book with ANY relevance 3000 years from now)
9) What does something some man said over 1000 years after jesus died have to do with the bible being 'sexist'
3) With regards to Evolution ve Creation Evolutiopn is the changing of one species into another.

Yes, but it's nothing like a dog turning into a cat or whatever. It's like, say, one dog learns to swim and develops webbed feet over a period of years while another, shall we say, grows a longer neck to reach higher food. When that adaption becomes perfect, the two different dogs (and any offspring they may have) are classified as a different species.
But the dog still changed into someting else (the fact that another dog went another way isn't the point here) which is not the same as before. I was using exteame examples to make a point, but clearly everyone seems to think i don't understand evolution simply because I have mentioned the aspect which was relevent to the post at that time.
The problem is that you worded it in a way that made it sound like species A turned into species B and species A now ceased to exist. The truth is much different; species A and B descended from species C, and perhaps another group of species C didn't change at all; or maybe three species descended from it, or one, or twenty. At no point is there any "turning into"; it is a gradual process.

The point is that evolution is not a linear progression from A to B, and most certainly not a dog turning into a cat.
8) A husband is the head of the family, which means he makes decisions and is responsible for the family.
I thought the husband and wife made decisions together but w/ever

You try writing a book with ANY relevance 3000 years from now)
Here's a tip: it's impossible because things change. Things aren't the same after 2000 years so following a rulebook written and aimed for people in that time is kind of stupid.

Also the cat/dog analogy is one of the worst I've ever heard.
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