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i met a gay guy on holiday once, he was exactly like another guy really but with a different taste for things like music and clothes

the only serious odd things i found was when everyone had had too much alchohol, my mother still owes me £15 for carrying her and my sister up the stairs that night -_-
...huh. Apparently:

70% of African American voters who came out for Obama voted YES on 8.

Whites 49% for YES.

Latinos 51% for YES.

Asians/Pacific Islanders 24% for YES.

Only two-thirds (66.6%) of Christians backed Prop 8

well from stats i've seen black people tend to be more conservative on traditional family values and things so it's not that surprising
I'm pretty sure they're the same.
Wikipedia said:
Although gender is popularly used interchangeably with sex (male or female biology), or more recently with "sexual orientation" and "identity" (including LGBT), historically, within the social sciences including political economy, it refers to specifically social differences.
No I'm saying they choose what gender they perfer after experimenting.
What about people who know they like/don't like people of the same gender without fucking them first.
For example, I don't feel sexually attracted to women and I know this despite never 'experimenting' with girls. I know this counts for lots of people, both hetero and homosexual.
re: these people experiment:
in fact, i've never 'experimented' with anyone of either gender
i'm just attracted to men :V
I have never done ANYTHING with either gender but I know for sure what I /want/ to do with both at some point
Sorry to bring up a dead subject but:
The Yes on Prop 8 site makes me feel physically disgusted. It really does.
Just look at these gems:
For example, because public schools are already required to teach the role of marriage in society as part of the curriculum, schools will now be required to teach students that gay marriage is the same as traditional marriage, starting with kindergarteners. By saying that a marriage is between “any two persons” rather than between a man and a woman, the Court decision has opened the door to any kind of “marriage.” This undermines the value of marriage altogether at a time when we should be restoring marriage, not undermining it.

Come on. I was never taught about 'marriage' in school. We were taught what intercourse was, and I know this is something parents can choose to have their kids opt out of in some countries.
And even if 'marriage' were taught (it wouldn't, the Californian teachers representatives said so), what could they say? 'I'ts exactly like straight marriage but with two people of the same gender'. Oh, the inhumanity!

Proposition 8 is NOT an attack on gay couples and does not take away the rights that same-sex couples already have under California’s domestic partner law. California law already grants domestic partners all the rights that a state can grant to a married couple. Gays have a right to their private lives, but not to change the definition of marriage for everyone else.
Oh, it all makes sense now. Those poor straight couples, feeling undermined ): I hope those married gay couples feel ashamed of themselves. They already have domestic partnership! Yeah, we should get them their own drinking fountains, schools, shops and restaurants amd never let them use the same ones as good old straight people do! What a great idea!

This is disgusting. Utter bigottry and discrimination. And of course domestic partnership isn't the goddamn same: in a domestic partnership, you don't get social security, veteran's benefits and pension plan survivor benefits when your partner dies, you're not guaranteed to receive equal equal benefits from employers, your insurance isn’t guaranteed to carry, you have to share common residence (you can't even leave the house on business trips or anything for extended periods of time), you're excluded from long-term care benefits and you're not guaranteed family leave to care of your partner if they become ill.
I sincerely hope Prop 8 is overturned.
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I just love the fact it's called "protect marriage" and how they feel it's their right to marry that's being threatened :/
VPLJ stop posting those things my blood pressure can't take it.

*want to punch his dad in the face, because he talks like that*
No but seriously, if you're so opposed to gay marriage then don't get one.
Exactly. You shouldn't have to take away /other/ peoples rights because /you/ don't think they should have them. Mind your own business, it's not you getting married. (Not directed at you, directed to people who go 'yes on 8'.)

I have never done ANYTHING with either gender but I know for sure what I /want/ to do with both at some point
I still don't get it.

"I don't like the fact that you're gay."
"I don't like the fact that you're a bigot."
"shut up i can steal your rights my group is big enough"

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