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when I am older I am so going to push for civil unions to be called marriage. Churches don't have to have anything to do with the thing, I just don't want my marriage to be different to a straight couple's.
I hate it when people are all 'hey, gays can't get married, but they can get civil union...ized! it's great, right? separate but equal! :D'
'no it's not great you fucking cunt because it's still goddamn discrimination'

Also anti-gay preachers and such make me laugh because they're so obviously craving for cock it's ridiculous.
I like it how many gay couples who get civil unions don't let the name bother them and go and call it a wedding anyway.
I hate it when people are all 'hey, gays can't get married, but they can get civil union...ized! it's great, right? separate but equal! :D'
'no it's not great you fucking cunt because it's still goddamn discrimination'

Also anti-gay preachers and such make me laugh because they're so obviously craving for cock it's ridiculous.

yes totally, I find that an awesome test of whether something's homophobia or not is to replace "gay" with "nigger" or something.

BUT the antigay preachers who are all "homothexuality ith wrong! GOD THAYTH THO! *limp wrist, possible flipping back of bleached blonde hair* I HATE GAYTH and i hope they never get married becauthe it'th thick."
what people should do is just grant civil union the same rights as marriage and make a wedding/ceremony a church-only thing to solve the whole problem

this circumvents the discrimination problem because a civil union now offers the same benefits as any conventional marriage would before and people that want their sacred day in stone buildings asking invisible bearded men to bless their bond can have it without the whole issue of OH MY GOD MAYBE SOMEONE WHO ENJOYS PENIS IN BUTTHOLE STOOD HERE AND DID THE SAME THING WE DID
civil unions already have the same rights as marriage; they're pretty much the same as marriage, but also saying gays aren't good enough for it to be called marriage.
i think civil unions have some differences that should be resolved, but it also depends on where you live I guess

where I come from gay marriage is legal
My Mom is against homosexuality. She didnt even go to her lesbian sister's wedding. Her only reasoning is that 'The Bible is against it'. I told her to show me where in the Bible it says that. She said she would, but she still hasnt done it. She says, 'God is against it. It's a wrong choice." I questioned her, 'Choice? No. It's not a choice. It's a way of life. You cant change it. I've got some friends that are homosexual, and just because they are that way doesnt mean I'm not going to friends with them." She stayed quiet at that, but she's still biased. She takes me to Presbytarian Church of America (against homosexuality. figures.), and I'm not even religous. Like I said, i'm fine with gay people, I dont they are different or anthing. Maybe it's just because I know gay people, and I talk with them often. Maybe my mom avoids her sister, that might be it. Well they do live in two different states. I dont know what I'm asking for. Help? Some smartass counters to her attitude? What can I do to help her change?
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^My parents are the same way. I've had those conversations with them.

I've learned to just let it go. They don't know I'm bi, and by the time they do, I won't be living with them. Whatever they do after that is their business. Blargh.
So the UN (i think) recently tried to start an appeal to de-criminalize homosexuality everywhere in the world. I think this is a good iniative and even though I'm not sure whether it will work or not, I applaud the effort.
Then the Catholic church (Vatican, Santa Fé, etc.) decided to publicly say they were against this effort.
That's pretty douchebaggy for a start, but hey, it's the Catholic church, what do you expect?
The thing I find awesome was the reason they gave for not supporting it. It was something like 'We disagree with this effort because if it passes then countries where homosexual marriage is legal will feel discriminated against.'
Wait wha
Ratzinger start making sense you senile german bastard ):<
Wow, that really... doesn't make sense. o.O Wonder what the UN has to say about that.
So the UN (i think) recently tried to start an appeal to de-criminalize homosexuality everywhere in the world. I think this is a good iniative and even though I'm not sure whether it will work or not, I applaud the effort.
Then the Catholic church (Vatican, Santa Fé, etc.) decided to publicly say they were against this effort.
That's pretty douchebaggy for a start, but hey, it's the Catholic church, what do you expect?
The thing I find awesome was the reason they gave for not supporting it. It was something like 'We disagree with this effort because if it passes then countries where homosexual marriage is legal will feel discriminated against.'
Wait wha
Ratzinger start making sense you senile german bastard ):<

It makes sense. If they say IT IS AGAINST THE BIBLE they will just be laughed at so they made up a politically correct reason instead.
So the UN (i think) recently tried to start an appeal to de-criminalize homosexuality everywhere in the world. I think this is a good iniative and even though I'm not sure whether it will work or not, I applaud the effort.
Then the Catholic church (Vatican, Santa Fé, etc.) decided to publicly say they were against this effort.
That's pretty douchebaggy for a start, but hey, it's the Catholic church, what do you expect?
The thing I find awesome was the reason they gave for not supporting it. It was something like 'We disagree with this effort because if it passes then countries where homosexual marriage is legal will feel discriminated against.'
Wait wha
Ratzinger start making sense you senile german bastard ):<
the catholic church now supports killing gay people

well, at least they're being upfront about it.
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