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All you've done is bash religion without anything to back up your foolish claims. 'Looks a lot like a pathetic attempt at trolling to me.

well i think you have not read any of the religion threads but it's stated like 100 times over and I am not apt to sounding like a broken record.

I also haven't bashed religion, I've called it obsolete and redundant; which, owing to a 2000 year time gap since its inception, is a pretty damn accurate statement!

Dunno what you're on about, but being told you're wrong and then violently spitting and hissing like a snake because you can't stand the heat of being told you're wrong doesn't seem like a particularly clever standpoint to me.

But sure, I doubt you know what Russell's Teapot is. You are forgiven. Amen
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That's what I said, wasn't it? Each individual has the right to vote according to their personal beliefs.

Are you fucking blind? You are, aren't you? People are voting according to what their religion says, not what they want to happen. Is homosexuality right? Person turns to religion, religion says MMMM NOPE, person accepts this and votes against it when religion tells person to.

Are you seriously that brainwashed?

lol im a troll since i disagree wit u
Are you fucking blind? You are, aren't you? People are voting according to what their religion says, not what they want to happen. Is homosexuality right? Person turns to religion, religion says MMMM NOPE, person accepts this and votes against it when religion tells person to.

Are you seriously that brainwashed?

lol im a troll since i disagree wit u

Whoops, and here I was thinking I had religious freedom. Silly me!

lol i nevr sayd u was a troll
What do you think is wrong with homosexuals.
And it better not be 'because it's in the bible' because the Bible says too much innaccurate stuff to be taken at face value (it was always supposed to be read as a metaphor iirc anyway).

And duh, you have religious freedom, but don't start playing the victim when you want to deny other people their basic rights.
Whoops, and here I was thinking I had religious freedom. Silly me!

lol i nevr sayd u was a troll

Uh uh. No playing the freedom card. You're on the internet, prepare to meet a bunch of pissed off people looking to tear apart your arguments.

Oh, hey, you know, I kinda assumed how you were calling other members trolls for actually arguing against you, you would be calling me a troll as well.

Also, thank you for trying to mock me without actually countering any of my points. Anything else you want to fail at?
Freedom may include freedom to be a bigot, but don't be surprised when you're a. called out on it and b. overruled.
You don't have to agree 100% with some book from many, many years ago, when the world was a much different place, when some things it says are incredibly inaccurate and outdated.

So provide an argument as to why you think homosexuality is wrong without turning to the Bible. Otherwise you may want to rethink a couple things.
As far as marriege and adoption, gay/lesbian people should have the rights because
they pay taxes, pay bills, basically anything a "normal" person does. And what example are they giving to gay kids, that they cannot marry because there's something wrong with them?
I figure we should get this thread back on to the topic of homosexuality, so let me relate some possibly optimistic news from Slovenia. One of the coalition leaders, also the minister of the interior, stated in an interview before the elections (they were in September) that she thought Slovenia should specifically define marriage as between any two people (I'm not sure how it works now, but we do have some flavour of civil unions).

Unfortunately her party is the smallest in the coalition and it wasn't so much a question of policy as a question of her opinion, but I am vaguely hopeful.
So, I'm very sorry that I'm an abomination and pretty much everything the Bible hates, but take a lesson from Jesus Christ and stop the discrimination. Marriage is a civil issue and has nothing to do with your church. Gay people being allowed to live is also a civil issue and has nothing to do with your church. In fact, unless you want it to, homosexuality has nothing to do with your church.

also opal hooray slovenia! apparently your healthcare system is ranked 38th in the world, too! or so I have read.
at least slovenia has the euro that is something


anecdotal evidence from my homeland shows that when gays marry... they... marry.

there is absolutely no problem with except by people who indulge in excessive bigotry (i.e. fundie religious people and random idiots who don't know what they are talking about). Homosexuality is becoming more and more accepted by the day. The anti-lgbt violence I see is mainly from idiots (Moroccan youths who are just trying to show off/be cool) and there are issues raised by some churches for religious ceremonies, but that's it. The only issue is our government atm has the christian parties, but they are being so nicely thwarted by the social-democratic labour party it is lol.
Whoops, and here I was thinking I had religious freedom. Silly me!

You have religious freedom.
However, you do not, in any way, shape, or form, have the right to strip any minority of fundamental rights.

Also, please learn when someone's rights impede on yours. If gays are allowed to marry, it does nothing to your rights (except maybe that right you only believe you have – you know, the one to strip minorities of their rights).

Please explain the following:
a) Exactly how gays marrying takes away your fundamental rights. They're doing it in Massachusetts and Connecticut. You at least must have noticed some change to what you were able to do.
b) Exactly how homosexuality is wrong. They do not harm anyone (except for sadomasochism, but that's their choice, not yours). They simply love each other; now, is that so wrong? Also, do not refer to the Bible.

On the topic of "marriage between gays doesn't make children": neither do marriages involving infertile people or marriages involving people that want no children; those must also be horribly wrong. Also, if you want every single marriage possible to raise a family: let the gays adopt. Just because they don't want children through sex doesn't mean they don't want children at all. If you are against gays adopting, you must also be against adoption in the first place. If you, in fact, do not want kids to be adopted and want everyone to have their own children: lesbians can get sperm donations (gay men I do not know about, but if you are this conservative, you're pretty dumb).

tl;dr: treat everyone equal and stop making excuses.
at least slovenia has the euro that is something


anecdotal evidence from my homeland shows that when gays marry... they... marry.

there is absolutely no problem with except by people who indulge in excessive bigotry (i.e. fundie religious people and random idiots who don't know what they are talking about). Homosexuality is becoming more and more accepted by the day. The anti-lgbt violence I see is mainly from idiots (Moroccan youths who are just trying to show off/be cool) and there are issues raised by some churches for religious ceremonies, but that's it. The only issue is our government atm has the christian parties, but they are being so nicely thwarted by the social-democratic labour party it is lol.
Yeah, I read somewhere that like ~80% of the Netherlands was okay with gay marriage, which was very cool.
Yeah, I read somewhere that like ~80% of the Netherlands was okay with gay marriage, which was very cool.

We're becoming less religious by the minute.

That is, the actual Dutch people. I am not counting the Muslim immigrants, most of them just got worse.

I mean some of them are still excessive and idiots, but those people should do what they can't quit doing. But overall, yeah. But then again most of the people I hang out with are very nonreligious people. Like all my friends are agnostics or atheists or basically weird people. My friends circle is not big but you know...I don't have many gay friends though. Not that I mind but I just happen to hang around people that ain't gay.
I didnt asnwer these, a friend did, but she has good points on each. Dont forget there are sarcastic remarks in like the whole thing. ;3

The top 10 arguments against Gay marrige.


1. Being Gay Is Not Natural
And real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, air conditioning, tattoos, piercings and silicon breasts...

2. Gay Marriage Will Encourage People To Be Gay
In the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3. Legalizing Gay Marriage Will Open The Door To All Kinds Of Crazy Behavior
People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. Lamps are next.

4. Straight Marriage Has Been Around A Long Time And Hasn't Changed At All
Hence why women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

5. Straight Marriage Will Be Less Meaningful If Gay Marriage Were Allowed
And we can't let the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage be destroyed.

6. Straight Marriages Are Valid Because They Produce Children
So therefore, gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our population isn't out of control, our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

7. Obviously Gay Parents Will Raise Gay Children
Since, of course, straight parents only raise straight children.

8. Gay Marriage Is Not Supported By Religion
In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

9. Children Can Never Succeed Without A Male And A Female Role Model
Which is exactly why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10. Gay Marriage Will Change The Foundation Of Society; We Could Never Adapt To New Social Norms
Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
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