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Although you posted that link to make fun of them, I still feal a little sick from one of the passages used. =/
There is NOTHING wrong whatsoever with homosexuality. I'm a Christian, but I understand that the Bible has naturally been shaped by standards of the times and altered by time. Follow the meaning, not the literal definition. Allow legal marriage unconditionally, allow religious marriages to be decided by religious leaders. Two consenting adults should be allowed to do as they please.
Apparently it was a moral law because God says "NO" to sodomy. idk because I don't really care.

But aside from the sketchy story of Sodom and Gemorrah, which, as shown by Strangy's comic isn't the best moral guideline (I can't imagine anyone being too happy with you if you gave up your daughters to rapists, even if it was to save two complete strangers) and most people interpret the story as a condemnnation of inhospitality, not of homosexuality, and one line from Paul (who was a pretencious moron anyway and never even met Jesus), the times homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible is in the Old Testament among other ritual laws like women being isolated during and for a week after their period.
The Bible sucks as a guideline on homosexuality anyway, all these verses all have some fucking context or other that botches their meaning.
But aside from the sketchy story of Sodom and Gemorrah, which, as shown by Strangy's comic isn't the best moral guideline (I can't imagine anyone being too happy with you if you gave up your daughters to rapists, even if it was to save two complete strangers) and most people interpret the story as a condemnnation of inhospitality, not of homosexuality, and one line from Paul (who was a pretencious moron anyway and never even met Jesus), the times homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible is in the Old Testament among other ritual laws like women being isolated during and for a week after their period.

I don't really claim to know much about the reasons in detail, but I only know what I know because of some Catholic guy who keeps on saying the same thing. [my god is he annoying.]
I, as a Wiccan, care not what the Bible says.

And I, as a bisexual, and very okay with homosexuality and gay marriage. :D I myself (who is male) have had several boyfriends and girlfriends, though I am still a virgin. *nodnod*

And I don't believe homosexuality is a choice. Well, not a conscious one, anyway. It's how someone was born, and how they are meant to be. All those organizations to "ungayify" people are total bullshit.

However, my parents are totally against gays, and as such they don't know I'm bi (or Wiccan, for that matter), and it's hard to sit there and listen to them bash gays for reasons no one but fate can control. And when I try to argue against them, they accuse me of not being Christain and being immoral and all this other bullshit. Ugh.
I for one am against it. Not only is it disgusting for one but it's also against my religion. It prohibits homosexuality plain and simple in the Bible. I mean, God created the woman for a reason.
It also prohibits eating pigs, masturbation, lying, cheating, stealing and making images of God. Wait, are you actually saying woman were built only to hold children? Motherfucker, I'm gonna knife you, have some respect for the women!

I was reading through some of the arguements here. Number 100, nowhere in the Bible does it say it allows slavery. I don't know where you got that idea but it's simply untrue. Trust me, my father is a pastor and has read the entire Bible over 4 times.
Trust me, I'm an atheist and I've read the entire Bible over 30 times.

Now, I don't think homosexuals or bisexuals are bad people. They just don't understand that what they are doing is wrong. God works in mysterious ways. He is obviously trying to help them with this problem. Whether they decide to listen to Him is what they are dealing with.
This hardly merits a sentence.

So you ask me should homosexuality be legalized? No, I don't think it should. America is based on Christianity (Which it should. But that's another topic) And being that as it is, it seems that America should try to follow the laws of the Bible. Which is exactly why I don't think that it should be legalized.
America is based on absolute freedom of religion, speech, thought and expression.

The Bible might be important to you, but it's also just some old book to somebody else.
To me, the Old Testament is a great fantasy, and the New Testament is a shitty biography. The Acts of the Apostles are egotistic acknowledgements and Revelations is a striing preview of the next book.

Oh, I'm messed up? I'm messed up?

You say you're not ramming your religion down people's throats, huh? Is that what you're saying? Here's some news for you: nobody likes you, nobody listens to you, because you have no valid arguments whatsoever. Everything about you is utter bullshit, and then I'm not just talking about your crap website, I mean your biblically based opinions as well.

They're CRAP, you know that? They're a crapload of crappity-crap-crap-a-dap. I'm not anti-Christian. In fact, I used to go to Sunday School when I was a kid. I'm generally very accepting of Christians, and religious people overall.


When you come in here and say that certain people are wrong - that their lifestyles are wrong, that something about their personalities is wrong and that they ought to stop being who they are and that everyone should be like you instead, a bloody Christian - that really ticks me off.

So you say I'm messed up? No. No, you're the one who's messed up.

I don't know who taught you that everyone is wrong if they don't listen to what was written in a self-contradictory, centuries-old book full of shit that common sense should tell you to disregard. But whoever it was, they ought to be shot for twisting you into such a bigoted, close-minded, sick creep.

I'm flaming? Yeah, I don't know. Probably. Well worth it, if you ask me. You disgust me. You and your anti-homosexual attitude, you make me want to throw up. You make me want to die. I'm going to take a razor and just -

Oh, blood!
Bitch got claws :o

As I said before, my father is a pastor and has read the entire Bible over 4 times and nowhere in it does it say that slavery is ok.
As before, I'm 14, an atheist and I've read the entire Bible at least thirty times. I can read the Bible once per day, it's not that long a book.

Oh, bring it. Show me these things that disprove it again and again, show me these crazy theories, or stop spouting bullshit.
Did you notice that after you said this, he stopped posting :D

>.> Wish I came to this thread earlier though. I never get a chance to destroy these people ;.;
Me too ;~;

Not according to Tropiking.
Y'know he stopped posting about four pages ago :D
Well, my religion says nothing about homosexuality to my knowledge, but then again I'm not fully obsessed with my religion.

I'm okay with homosexuality. I've noticed most who call each other gay don't know about their sexuality. They may be with someone with the opposite sex but you rarely ever see them kiss. But sometimes they use the term "gay" instead of "stupid"
But sometimes they use the term "gay" instead of "stupid"

You have no idea how much that ANNOYS me. *twitchtwitch* That's like, one of about five words in the collective vocabulary of my idiot school. -_-
You have no idea how much that ANNOYS me. *twitchtwitch* That's like, one of about five words in the collective vocabulary of my idiot school. -_-

You're lucky with five, in my school, the chavs mesh words together, so 'you are some' becomes 'you'resum'. In my school, to talk, you need three 'words', 'you'resum', 'foockingayeejit' and 'like'.
You're lucky with five, in my school, the chavs mesh words together, so 'you are some' becomes 'you'resum'. In my school, to talk, you need three 'words', 'you'resum', 'foockingayeejit' and 'like'.

Not as bad as "Yous" (Like Yous two), bua (beautiful girl) and various other ones that if I listed them all my brain would melt and the only thing I'd be able to say would be innit.
What happened to English class? T_T Quick! Grab the Webster's and attack the schools!

Curse you, MTV/Fuse/VH1/whatever the hell is spreading this...
What happened to English class? T_T Quick! Grab the Webster's and attack the schools!

Curse you, MTV/Fuse/VH1/whatever the hell is spreading this...
Innit bruv I swear down blud I is gonna proper bang you out mate if you chat breeze like that. You waste gash. :P
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