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Who are you to say that? You can't decide that for everyone. Maybe for you there was no choce but maybe others did choose their orientation. Don't try to shove your views down peoples' throats.

Do you know that there definitely is a choice?

The only way I can think that someone can choose, is if they were Bi in the first place. In which case, they're not really choosing, they're just, I don't know, being picky maybe.

WTF 33 pages, I'm not reading all of that.
Do you know that there definitely is a choice?

The only way I can think that someone can choose, is if they were Bi in the first place. In which case, they're not really choosing, they're just, I don't know, being picky maybe.

WTF 33 pages, I'm not reading all of that.

I didn't say there was a choice. I said that some people choose their orientation and that some didn't.

Hell yes I'm going to choose something that's going to make my life as hard as possible

Being a homosexual or bi makes one's life harder, how? If noone knows then I fail to see how that'd make your life harder.

EDIT: For those who want a source to back up my statement, here you go.
Possibly the whole 'inability to marry and get tax deductions for declaring your intention to stay with the one you love' thing?

Maybe because quite a lot of the US hates gay people?

I don't know, maybe the inability to adopt in some states? (thank you, Arkansas, it's nice knowing that you're assholes)
I'm pretty sure no everyone is born a certain orientation. I mean some people choose what orientation they want to be and some are born one. Just because you were born a certain orientation doesn't mean everyone else was born theirs.
yeah man I chose to get bullied for 3 years
because the 5 years of bullying before that weren't enough

and what the shit
Being a homosexual or bi makes one's life harder, how? If noone knows then I fail to see how that'd make your life harder.
wtf son, you can't keep quiet FOREVER it's just impossible... and you shouldn't HAVE to anyway
Being a homosexual or bi makes one's life harder, how? If noone knows then I fail to see how that'd make your life harder.
The majority of countries don't allow gay people to get married or adopt children. In some countries, being gay counts as a valid reason to fire someone, send them to jail or kill them.
Gay people get discriminated against, beaten up, harassed, their basic human rights denied.

I wonder how their lives are harder.

And please, 'If no one knows then I fail to see how that'd make your life harder'. Are you suggesting they stay closeted forever? Ugh.

And yeah a wikipedia article, thanks man. I have actual gay people and a number of scientists to prove my point, too.
From Wikipedia:
On the day after the election, with 99.5% of precincts reporting the vote was 52.5% in favor of Proposition 8 and 47.5% against, with a difference of about 490,000 votes; as many as 3 million absentee and provisional ballots remain to be counted.
Must... Fail!
And post 666 above ^_^
it seems like the three main reasons against gay marriage are

1: god says no. this is obviously ridiculous, I am sure I do not have to go into why.

2: marriage has always been this way. jesus christ. people need to learn (and this goes for all issues, not just gay marriage) that just because something has always been a certain way doesn't mean that it isn't retarded. god damn.

3: "I don't have a problem with people being gay, it's just that I don't want them to get married, because I think that could ruin our traditional family values (i.e., make my kids gay too)". this is a prime example of circular logic. gay marriage is bad why? because it'll make my kids want to get a gay marriage. stupid fuckers. I hate everyone.
Everybody, prepare to hate California

I just found out that they decided to re-ban gay marriage. The votes are apparently finalized unless the supreme court overturns them

Everybody, prepare to hate California

I just found out that they decided to re-ban gay marriage. The votes are apparently finalized unless the supreme court overturns them


No, we prepare to hate the idiots who voted Yes on 8.
Fuck it. I hate California. Wait... I live there! Never mind then...
Everybody, prepare to hate California

I just found out that they decided to re-ban gay marriage. The votes are apparently finalized unless the supreme court overturns them

been talking 'bout this for a page already bro

To contribute,

EDIT: Wait, I just learnt Prop 8 isn't only going to ban gay marriage, it's going to repeal existing marriage licenses?
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A teacher of mine talked about this the other day.

This will likely come before the Supreme Court. Marriage Liscences are supposed to be interstate. If I marry in Pennsylvania, it should be valid in Florida, for example. This whole 'not give you rights' things kinda interferes with that. If a gay coulple married in massachusetts moves to California and their rights aren't acknowledged, they ought to sue and see if it can get taken to the supreme court.

Also guys, civil unions aren't just for gay people. One example is divorced people who are living together.
EDIT: Wait, I just learnt Prop 8 isn't only going to ban gay marriage, it's going to repeal existing marriage licenses?
the attorney general doesn't think it would be retroactive, but expects a court case about it

so I have to wonder

is it possible to take a constitutional amendment to court claiming that it's unconstitutional? what happens if a constitution conflicts with itself?
is it possible to take a constitutional amendment to court claiming that it's unconstitutional? what happens if a constitution conflicts with itself?

logically the amendment would be... whatever you do with amendments. rejected? overturned? kicked the hell out? I mean, it's an amendment shouldn't what's already there take precedence?
I hate how Republicans flip their shit when anyone talks about a constitutional amendment for things like the right to bear arms (but not the right to bear hand ): ) but are the first to propose an amendment for faggits.
Homosexuality constitutes a parasitic relationship with society. Homosexuals consume resources while performing none of the necessary obligations of an organism within a species (i.e. - reproduction). Homosexuality's existence is a threat to the continued existnce of the human race, and must be dealt with appropriately. While I'm unsure of the nature of genetic cures, and whether homosexuality is a genetic condtion at all, it seems to be the most prudent first step. If genetic tinkering doesn't work, rifles rarely fail.

I just read that on Conservapedia. And no, it wasn't a joke.

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