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How many of you want to go back to school?

Do you want to go back?

  • No

    Votes: 35 55.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 28 44.4%

  • Total voters
I mean, I want to be either Japanese I, Japanese II, or Sci-Fi Literature so I can see the teacher who blows bubbles during classtime. :D Or break something in the cafeteria so everyone will applaud

You'll probably end up in Japanese I your freshman year.

And you don't even have to break anything. Just knock over a stack of trays. P=

Actual homework and stuff doesn't sound good either, especially Algebra II homework. Dx But since the Algebra teacher made an "All your base" joke, I think it'd be really worth it.

I think I only had homework from that class... twice? Three times? I don't think it was even very hard stuff, at that...

Uh, summer isn't nearly half over for me. It hasn't even started. We still have two days left at school.

Ah. Different perspective. X3; My summer's actually closer to 2/3 over. Since most other people around here (here being around where I live) get out in early June, I assumed that it might make a bit more sense to say 'half over.'

I forgot to take other nations into account. Sorry. ;.;

AuroraKing said:
Maybe... I'm going to a different high school and am nervous as hell. >.<

I did that last year, only with the added stress of being away from home. It turned out to be pretty awesome, though. P= I hope things also turn out awesome for you.
Yeah, I want to go back. I'm going to a new middle school, which I'll like better than the one I was at last year, and during the summer I just loaf around and do nothing. I like to be productive and have something to do. :sweatdrop:
Summers already half over?
I haven't even left school yet! It ends at the end of this week.
Some people are so lucky, getting more holidays.

To answer the question; no I don't want to go back. Whoever invented school should be brought back to life and then shot.
Yes! I'm really looking forward to going into the sixth form. I get to study German, French, English Language and History at A (well, first AS) Level! :D Hopefully.

I got out of school pretty early - I think it ended around the end of May for my year other than exams, and my last exam was on the 26th of June or something. Sort of half taking the exams into account, I think my holiday's about half over.
I kind of want to go back. Partly because I get set in my routine and I had difficult starting a new one. By the way, Arylett, no one likes to get up at 6AM. Especially me. My school starts around 7:30 depending on what grade your in.

Anyway, I'll actually be going to the high school as opposed to the freshman center which makes me very curious. Plus I like band and I'm kind of looking forward to it, but I really haven't been practicing since I went on vacation. I also need to finish my summer reading for english.

So what I'm saying is, I'm sort of looking forward to going back, but I'm not really prepared to go back. Luckily, I have about a month until school starts, but only two weeks until band camp starts.
I kind of want to go back. Partly because I get set in my routine and I had difficult starting a new one. By the way, Arylett, no one likes to get up at 6AM. Especially me. My school starts around 7:30 depending on what grade your in.
It starts at 7:15 AM. Seven freaking fifteen. Everyone's a zombie in the first two periods, they're all still half asleep, including myself. I don't even get what the point of starting so early is, nobody's paying attention in those periods, we're all so tired.

The reason they won't make us start later is because my high school shares the buses with the middle school I used to go to. (The middle school and high school are like, right next to each other. You can walk from one to the other) And the middle school starts much later, about 9 AM, than the high school. The high school and the middle school need to start at differing times, so they won't have bus issues. It sucks. Badly. I don't even read a damn bus.
I dunno. We haven't broken up yet. XD
(by the way, do Americans/whatever use the term 'broke up' for the end of term? I've always wondered...)

But I HAVE been on work experience, so I guess that counts. School feels like another world... 8D I want to go back, but only because the 'world of work' sucks.
It starts at 7:15 AM. Seven freaking fifteen. Everyone's a zombie in the first two periods, they're all still half asleep, including myself. I don't even get what the point of starting so early is, nobody's paying attention in those periods, we're all so tired.

The reason they won't make us start later is because my high school shares the buses with the middle school I used to go to. (The middle school and high school are like, right next to each other. You can walk from one to the other) And the middle school starts much later, about 9 AM, than the high school. The high school and the middle school need to start at differing times, so they won't have bus issues. It sucks. Badly. I don't even read a damn bus.

That's the reason we have different times here within five or ten minutes of each other. We have the middle school and the freshman center diagnol from each other then the high school just up the street.

The middle school starts at nine and there right next to each other? Why don't they just have the middle school and high school ride the same bus? The way they do it now seems crazy.
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There are too many kids in both school combined, you can't really fit them in the limited number of buses. Lots of people ride the buses already. And um, if you had both the middle and high schools ride the buses at the same time, it would be overload. Like I said, they wouldn't have enough buses for that many kids. Which is why they start at different times.

They could, of course, get more buses. But that costs money. And they don't want to waste money when they can save it!
There are too many kids in both school combined, you can't really fit them in the limited number of buses. Lots of people ride the buses already. And um, if you had both the middle and high schools ride the buses at the same time, it would be overload. Like I said, they wouldn't have enough buses for that many kids. Which is why they start at different times.

Oh, okay. I guess my school is just really tiny compared to yours because that is what they do here. And what your talking about is what goes on with the elementary school.
I'm not even out for summer yet. :(

But whatever, the day I say I want to go back to school is the day that hell freezes over.
Whoever invented school should be brought back to life and then shot.

It starts at 7:15 AM. Seven freaking fifteen. Everyone's a zombie in the first two periods, they're all still half asleep, including myself. I don't even get what the point of starting so early is, nobody's paying attention in those periods, we're all so tired.

But whatever, the day I say I want to go back to school is the day that hell freezes over.

Well, last year I was looking forward to it.

A) I'd be in the Upper School. My school is split into 2 buildings, the Upper and Lower Schools. The Upper School is grades 7-12.
B) I'd be away from the annoying really young children (AKA the grade below me D:)
C) That summer was boring.
D) My teachers were going to be much better.

THIS YEAR however I think that it will be a living nightmare. Seriously.

A) 7/8 is combined. I'll be in eighth grade. The four most annoying kids on earth will be in grade 7. There's only three eighth graders.
B) There is a question about whether my school will continue the high school after next year, which means next year is potentially my last year at an awesome school that I've been to only three years (including next)
C) My two favorite teachers will be gone; one left to teach 3/4 and the other left to be Dean of Admissions at a college.
D) The 12th graders won't be there, and they were awesome.
E) This summer is turning out to be quite fun.
F) I only like school because I have friends there. The academics are my least favorite thing of school.
G) Did I fail to mention that I live forty five minutes away from the school?
H) Half the kids in my class, although they live, at most, a lucky freaking 5 minutes away, are lazy good-for-nothings that don't get their freaking homework freaking done, so I'm usually stuck in class with at least 3 people saying that they didn't get their homework done. The other kids in the eighth grade turn in assignments on time, and when they don't, they have a damn good excuse (except for my friend, but hey, he reads so much that it seems like it's his job)

So you can see that I voted NO.
Sort of. I really do enjoy sleeping in until noon, but it'll be nice going back to school. I'm starting high school in September, and there are a couple of things I'm quite looking forward to.
... I'm in summer school which probably influences my decision a lot, but GOD NO.

I wish I had nothing to do but stay at home. D: My computer and Internet are all I need.

Besides, sleeping at five is much better than waking at seven (which is more sensible than some of yours, but still is hell), and ARGH homework and tests and projects and presentations and late nights and early mornings and not enough sleep and stupid teachers and exams and idiot classmates and choosing the wrong courses and ARGH.
Okay, ignoring the fact that it's, y'know, school and all, let's see the other reasons.

  • Most of my friends were seniors, so all of them are gone now.
  • I'm taking gym again after two years, which means not only that I'll actually have to exercise, but that I will be locked in a room full of sweaty teenage boys with just enough time to get beaten to a pulp and stuffed in a locker before the coaches come in.
  • My parents are going to start bugging me even more about the college I'll be going to.
  • Bio = Dissecting stuff D:
  • At some point between now and the end of August I need to read some crappy fiction book, and when I don't I'll be forced to write a report about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, again.

So, that leaves the answer as a definite "no".
Hmm... I recently moved after a few years at the same school with good friends. Even though my two "BFFs" were moving away as well, it still feels a bit depressing to be going to a new school unexpectedly... And I fear the homework. I make A's without a problem, but the homework... it murders. So now I have to go make new friends in a place I don't know, meet new teachers who either love me or hate me, and deal with homework. Great.

I'm not going "back" to anywhere, so I dunno. Come September/October (depending on where I end up going) I'll be heading off to uni for the first time and while I'm pretty terrified, I'm also looking forward to meeting all those new people and studying at university level and trying out this whole new "independance" thing.

...I should probably learn how to use a washing machine first, though.
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