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How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

How many Shinies do you have?

  • 0-10

    Votes: 204 87.6%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 13 5.6%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • 31 or over

    Votes: 13 5.6%

  • Total voters
Never seen a shiny (in the wild), never had a shiny.
I know they're not all that special, but... yeah. I really want at least one. Preferably in my Generation III games.
51+, not counting GSC, which also doesn't include the Gyarados because honestly I don't think that counts. I don't feel like listing them all, but I do have a few repeats of the same species (three Mightyena, for example).
hmm where do i start...

  • Charizard
  • Blastoise
  • Butterfree
  • Raichu
  • Sandslash
  • Ninetales
  • Vileplume
  • Poliwrath
  • Tentacruel
  • Graveler
  • Muk
  • Electrode
  • Cubone
  • Weezing
  • Kangaskahn
  • Seaking
  • Starmie
  • Tauros
  • Ditto
  • Omastar
  • Kabutops
  • Dragonite
  • Ariados
  • Ampharos
  • Azumarill [Only one caught]
  • Steelix
  • Scizor
  • Magcargo
  • Donphan
  • Hitmontop
  • Miltank
  • Raikou
  • Tyranitar
  • Sceptile
  • Mightyena
  • Linoone
  • Ludicolo
  • Shiftry
  • Pelliper
  • Gardevoir
  • Hariyama
  • Mawile
  • Manectric
  • Wailord
  • Camerupt
  • Flygon
  • Cacturne
  • Altaria
  • Zangoose
  • Lunatone
  • Solrock
  • Armaldo
  • Milotic
  • Castform
  • Absol
  • Bagon
  • Deoxys
  • Empoleon
  • Staraptor
  • Roserade
  • Rampardos
  • Drifblim
  • Mismagius
  • Bronzong
  • Hippowdon
  • Drapion
  • Weavile
  • Magnezone
  • Porygon-Z
  • Froslass
  • Dialga

And a few others, but I bet you're bored of reading this by now.

Thank the GTS. ^_^
I've got about 15. I don't feel like checking the exact number. I remember the first shiney I saw. It was a ditto in silver version. I didn't have the pokeballs though. Acctually the very first one was Pidgey. I killed it and realized it was shiney afterward. it sucked lol

omg kai that doesn't even count! lol I caught most of mine.
hmm where do i start...

  • Charizard
  • Blastoise
  • Butterfree
  • Raichu
  • Sandslash
  • Ninetales
  • Vileplume
  • Poliwrath
  • Tentacruel
  • Graveler
  • Muk
  • Electrode
  • Cubone
  • Weezing
  • Kangaskahn
  • Seaking
  • Starmie
  • Tauros
  • Ditto
  • Omastar
  • Kabutops
  • Dragonite
  • Ariados
  • Ampharos
  • Azumarill [Only one caught]
  • Steelix
  • Scizor
  • Magcargo
  • Donphan
  • Hitmontop
  • Miltank
  • Raikou
  • Tyranitar
  • Sceptile
  • Mightyena
  • Linoone
  • Ludicolo
  • Shiftry
  • Pelliper
  • Gardevoir
  • Hariyama
  • Mawile
  • Manectric
  • Wailord
  • Camerupt
  • Flygon
  • Cacturne
  • Altaria
  • Zangoose
  • Lunatone
  • Solrock
  • Armaldo
  • Milotic
  • Castform
  • Absol
  • Bagon
  • Deoxys
  • Empoleon
  • Staraptor
  • Roserade
  • Rampardos
  • Drifblim
  • Mismagius
  • Bronzong
  • Hippowdon
  • Drapion
  • Weavile
  • Magnezone
  • Porygon-Z
  • Froslass
  • Dialga

And a few others, but I bet you're bored of reading this by now.

Thank the GTS. ^_^

Holy crud *wants GTS*
The only one I've ever actually caught would be the Red Gyarados in G/S/C; all the rest were "seen in Safari Zone but it ran away"-type situations.

My sister has a shiny Tentacool in her Sapphire version, though.
I have one shiny Fearow I caught in Diamond, and a shiny Mightyena in Emerald that glitched and disappeared...

How do you get shines on the GTS? Kai... Teach me the secret! Please! I'll give you a cookie!
How do you get shines on the GTS? Kai... Teach me the secret! Please! I'll give you a cookie!
Hehe, just search for the Pokemon you want and you'll see on the Pokemon display-thing if it is shiny or not. Or you can just put well earned, high level pokemon in there and hope you get a trade. I could have had a Shiny Suicune if I was lucky.

Now, onto buisness about the cookie.
I have a couple which I have come across by chance, I just got lucky. I tried chaining once, although; I failed miserably.Dx

All done~ I want a shiny Luxray D: But I can only ever chain 6 for some reason before a Bidoof ruins it D:<
At the moment, between Diamond and Pearl I have 13.
I actually hatched a shiny Elekid. xD;
Most of the others are results from trades.

Total, though, the list exceeds 50.
But they're things that have been traded away.

On my own, I've caught 4 if Elekid counts and Gyarados doesn't.
Actually, make my shinies two. I really wanted a Gallade, but I didn't have a Dawn Stone, so I traded my shiny Tauros for a Growlithe holding the Dawn Stone.

And no, I don't regret it. I didn't use my Shiny Tauros, anyway.
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