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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

How would you like to die?

Halfway through producing the best painting of my life.

Of my life.
Painlessly and not any time soon. Preferably before I level up and classchange into a vegetable.
I'd like to try a painful death. Either stabbed or something. I want to know how it feels like, and you only get one chance to feel it, right? But I also want it to be short. No one day in pain :[

Reaqlly wouldn't want that to happen. Being alone screaming in pain for hours would mess you up especially a slow painful death.

When I die, it will becuase I discovered the secret of Area 51 and was hunted down by the government and I had to spend my life hiding from the government, but then aliens will kidnap me and I will become highly esteemed on their planet, but I will die because their planet doesn't have any oxygen.
You become some great hero yet you die ecause of no oxygen. What do the aliens give you some oxygen long enough to be famous then just take it back as soon as you are done?

I would want something quick and painless although I would want to see what it is like to be shot in the knee. Hopefully I die 5 seconds after that though =p
Under normal circumstances, I would prefer dying a painless death, after fulfiling my life's goals. If I were forced to choose a painful death, it would be... hmmm... really, I don't know. If I actually managed to find someone in my life I actually liked/loved enough, I might protect them from dire harm... though I have nobody like that now, and currently find it strange to fathom the idea. If there isn't anyone like that, fighting for a cause I believe in enough to give my life for would be just as good. Most of all, however, if I can't have my painless death, I want my death to have meaning.
I will honestly say in an alien invasion. :D
That or protecting someone I like ^^ (this includes my family)

... Or of course by my own hand.
What kind of question is this? It's a total catch-22. Either you say "I want to die in my sleep at an old age with my family by my side" and you sound boring, or you say something else and.. well anything else is really just stupid. :|

A better thread would be "what do you want your last words to be?". Now that's interesting.
I would never die if I could choose. I would also not physically age more than 30-ish, but let's not go too off-topic here.

Well, dying in your sleep maybe, since I'm a bit squeamish(silly word) about pain.
Hmmm. This is probably something I think about too often :/ Well, if anything, I find that going out in my sleep would be a waste of death. Why go out without knowing it?

Then again, that's just me.

If anything, I would like to freeze to death. Nice and slowly, so I can remember everything as my body moves slower and slower until I die. That would a nice dead.

And falling from something really, really, really, really high up, so I can splatter on the earth's surface. That would be an epic death, because I could literally see it coming at me.

Another good way to die is by blood loss. With maybe an arm or leg torn off, or a big cut somewhere. Maybe the throat, but that might be too quick.

Err... I should stop now...
As soon as possible. Please. ><

Er, sorry, awkward situation going on in a PM conversation with a friend...

Er, yeah. Violently, in front of as many young children as possible, so as to scar heir innocent minds for life.
Peacefully in old age.

If anything, I would like to freeze to death. Nice and slowly, so I can remember everything as my body moves slower and slower until I die. That would a nice dead.

And falling from something really, really, really, really high up, so I can splatter on the earth's surface. That would be an epic death, because I could literally see it coming at me.

These sound fine too, though. I am particularly inspired by the final scene of the movie Stalingrad as far as freezing to death goes.
I would like to die... by drinking too much water, resulting in a bloated stomach, where as it somehow managed to explode when poked by a rock jutting out of the Eiffel Tower at exactly 3:45PM (GMT time) on June 28th 2058 where my blood would go gushing, resulting in the damage of a new washing machine.
I could drown.
Hmm... Can I change mine? Now I kind of want to die of a gunshot >:). I wonder what it would feel like... Probobly painful.

It would feel like a large chunk of high-speed lead ripping through your body. Obviously.
Um.. I think you'd be dead by then. I read somewhere that apparently, being shot is the least painful way to die as it's quick and easy. I'd like to die that way.. just a click of a gun, a whoosh of a bullet, and then nothingness..

If anything, I would like to freeze to death. Nice and slowly, so I can remember everything as my body moves slower and slower until I die. That would a nice dead.
That sounds good too. :3 Like in a dream I had, where I was stuck in a blizzard with a love and then I sorta fell asleep and died. Poo.

Or maybe I could drown in the ocean or something. That way my body could decay on the ocean floor, be eaten by hagfish, and give back to nature what nature gave me. Yaay!~
i would like to die protecting someone, either my one of my family members or one of my friends. like, you know, in the movies when there's someone with a gun and then they shoot at the person and then some other person jumps in front of them and takes the bullet for them. and then the heroic person that got shot dies in the end. at least you'll die knowing that you saved someone else's life...:unsure:
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