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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

How would you like to die?

I don't know! But what I would like to do is to fake my death before I die so I can see what everyone would do about it.

I took this survey in my class and you can have the results. (I skipped all the ones that were "die in sleep" so...)
-One person would prefer to drown
-someone else wanted to die at war
-someone else was the hopeless romantic kind... yeah, it was posted. Oh, but she also wanted to have rescued her love before dying in his arms, I think that's how it went.
-Someone wanted to die holding a trombone.
-someone else wanted to die at an old age, being fooled into crossing the road by a young trickster and being hit by a bus. He said it should be funny.
-Another person wanted to be eaten by zombies.
-One person wanted to be killed by being raped by a horse.
-Another person wanted to die after their husband died, and they would then shoot themselves in the head because they would get depressed and yeah.

Uhh... I think that was it.
In my sleep.

OR going to the moon without equipment, just so I can see what's up there.

OR getting hit by a bus.
I'd like to try a painful death. Either stabbed or something. I want to know how it feels like, and you only get one chance to feel it, right? But I also want it to be short. No one day in pain :[
Okay, I'm one of those boring people who want to die in their sleep. Now go away. >>

Then again, I might like a death that involves quickly shattering my entire body. Going out with a bang might be nice. Then they might eject the chunks of my liver and stuff into space. I'm not sure how it would happen, though...
Really heroically. Possibly Titanic-esque.

I've always dreamed of dying by saving somebody else. D: I used to say when I was sixty I'd climb a snowy mountain and die of the cold, because apart from the numbness it wouldn't be that painful, and I wouldn't have to go through being old. D<

But I probably won't end up doing that. XD Preferably in a way that's not very painful.
Ooh; it would be a bonus that, however I died, my organs would be usable afterwards so they can be used in transplants, etc.
I really want all my organs to be donated to people who need them after I die. Partly because it'd allow another person to carry on living, but also because it would both bring a very good thing out of my death and it'd kinda be like me living on through someone else, which I think is plain awesome. :3

(I'm blood group A+ if anyone wants to call dibs)
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I've got a donor card too, but if I was poisoned or pushed off a cliff or something, they wouldn't be any good to anyone.
I reserve Dannichu's lungs! HA!

And you who want to die in your sleep, you're boring <.< I mean it's your only chance to be in real pain and you decide to die while you're asleep?! Pshh. I'd like to die painfully, I would like to feel how it is like. You only get one chance.
...I want Dannichu's spleen. >D

-someone else was the hopeless romantic kind... yeah, it was posted. Oh, but she also wanted to have rescued her love before dying in his arms, I think that's how it went.
Woo this is even better. Give me this. <3
Hmm... Can I change mine? Now I kind of want to die of a gunshot >:). I wonder what it would feel like... Probobly painful.
It would feel like a large chunk of high-speed lead ripping through your body. Obviously.
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