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If you had a tail...

We are animals. >\ No ape has a tail. That's how you tell us apart from monkeys.

If I could choose any tail though I'd def go with an andalite one, and the andalite body to match, and the shifting abilities because.
Prehensile, for sure. I can't count the times I've dropped all my stuff because I was trying to pick up the pencil I dropped by I leaned too far and all my books spilled and yes I'm a total klutz. But I want a long tail (so I can whip people). And I'd say furry but not overly fuzzy/fluffy... It just seems like it'd be hard to keep all that fluff nice and purty.
A Victini tail.


Shaddup, it has wings on its butt, so I count it as a tail.
I think I'd be a little too worried about it getting accidentally trapped by things! :c But I'd probably err on the glorious rather than useful side. If not a medium-length fluffy one, then a salamander's! :o
I think I'd be a little too worried about it getting accidentally trapped by things! :c

True, though this has to be compared to the massive tail-related pros of having massively superior balance. I'd never fall over again! (perhaps)
I just want a cat tail, or something similar. I'm an extremely clumsy person and I trip a lot, so that'd help! :D
Also, I can slap people behind me.
*wag's tail adorably~*

....I'd imagion, in terms of having a tail, i'd enjoy being a dog. xD Since they wave their tails when they are happy. And thats cute. So, if I had a tail, i'd want to wag it out of happiness. :) Cuz then I can use it adorably ^.^

Maybe I should be re-incanated as someone's pet dog someday XD
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