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If you had been born the opposite sex, what would you have been named?

Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?


I would have been Gunnlaugur


You people all have awesome parents
(Except Butterfree who probably just has an awesome nationality since Gunnlaugur sounds completely badass if you're not Icelandic)
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

Killian sounds like a bad-ass villain. "I AM KILLIAN. OCCUPATION: MURDERERRRR"
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

Whoah. Whoah.

I already wanted to change over two years ago? Time is fast.

(EDIT: I legally changed my name to Lynn about four months ago, for the unaware.)

Random invasion of your privacy moment but did you change your name on everything, like, passports, etc.? And around how much did that cost? If you did.
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

I would have been Gunnlaugur, after my great-grandfather.

Which is a pretty terrible name, in my opinion, so I'm glad I turned out female.
Gunnlaugur sounds like some kind of high-level dragon wizard, so I'm going to have to disagree with you on its awesomeness potential. :(
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

Eh, my parents didn't really decide to give me a name before they knew what gender I was.
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

I have no idea what my first name would have been, since I was the one who named my brother, but my middle name would have been Alan. My dad, brother, and oldest cousin all have that middle name, so I'm pretty sure its a family tradition.
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?


My mum said recently that she wishes she named me that anyway because it's gender neutral and she wouldn't have to learn to call me anything different lol...
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

You people all have awesome parents
(Except Butterfree who probably just has an awesome nationality since Gunnlaugur sounds completely badass if you're not Icelandic)

Random invasion of your privacy moment but did you change your name on everything, like, passports, etc.? And around how much did that cost? If you did.

What. :( You don't even know what it sounds like, only how it's written! (It does not sound like what an English speaker would imagine from looking at it.)
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

Gun [as in English] + Low [as in English] + Gurr?
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

Well, she just said it's not pronounced how you'd think reading it from an English perspective, so I guess it's, you know, not how you'd assume.
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

That's where Google comes in.

If by 'Google' you mean 'Google translate's vocaliser', that's very rarely accurate for the languages, including Icelandic, for which it has a generic automated voice. I mean it uses the same voice (and, indeed, accent thereof) for Welsh and, uh, Armenian, and many others!

If you're not, then please forgive me, and enlighten me as to how you solved the mystery of the pronunciation...!
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

I found a basic guide to Icelandic pronunciation.

...I never said I did anything clever.
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

Probably Paula/Paulina or Christina, based on my name and middle name unrespectively.


awesome edit: The post number is Arcanine's Natl. Dex number. <3
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

What. :( You don't even know what it sounds like, only how it's written! (It does not sound like what an English speaker would imagine from looking at it.)

... Why did you quote me?
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

I likely would've still been named Farron, since it's a very unisex name :P
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

she meant to quote goldenquagsire right below you?
Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

Random invasion of your privacy moment but did you change your name on everything, like, passports, etc.? And around how much did that cost? If you did.
The actual change cost $137 Canadian, but all the updating of documents past that has been free. And yeah, I've gotten an updated health card, social insurance number card, and birth certificate; I still need to apply for a new passport, though.
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Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named?

she meant to quote goldenquagsire right below you?
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