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Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

"Hey, hey, calm down, Kiki! I don't need anything yet..." she said before going into a coma from the bleach and Koffing poison inside her.
Lex walked into the room just in time to see Shadowflare pass out. He ran over to her and checked her pulse and breathing. Both were still present, thankfully, but Lex was very concerned.

"Stay here and keep an eye on her. I'm going to fetch a doctor."

Lex teleported staight back to his office and phoned the emergency number.
In his mind, Cannon sneered. He couldn't wait till nightime. He would need to do something about this, like form a group or something. But not yet. It still wasn't time...
(Sorry for not being able to post sooner. 3x)

Ink walked out of her room. She would have probably been late and maybe punished. But when she found Shadowflare, she was sort of wondering what had happened, even though she didn't really feel like caring.
"I brought you some delicious cream, mistress..." Khran abruptly ended his sentence when he peered in the room, realizing the Ninetales had passed out. Just as I had suspected! One of the servants beat me to it! And there's Ren! I have a few suspicions about him...

Khran turned to the servants hanging over Shadowflare. "Excuse me, but did any of you see Lady Shadowflare pass out? What was she doing before then?"
Setting the bowl of cream on the night stand next to the box of tissues, Khran thought to himself, Typical. His lips bear lies but his face has truth written on it. I didn't want it to go this way. Now I must adapt my plan. I must dispose of Ren...

The truth was, Khran didn't want to kill Shadowflare. Opal had meant the world to him. But deep down, he felt for her. The more time he spent with her, the more he came to realize his feelings for her. He had desperately tried to put those feelings behind him. Opal before anything else. That child was his sole responsibility. But now, Khran is feeling unsure of himself...
"That's not it," Noelle immediately barked. "She fell into a coma right after Ren came in. Not like his appearance did anything..." She nudged him playfully. "I highly doubt he has anything to do with this, but the food is what probably made Shadowflare sick. From now on, I think we should double-check the food. Just a suggestion, of course, but a useful one, at that." She frowned, and turned to Shadowflare. Her worried expression was encouraged by tears slowly falling out of her eyes. "Please wake up soon, Mistress..."
She turned to the others. "We need an antidote of some sort. Does anyone know Refresh, or anything like that, maybe Pecha or Lum berries?"
"I'm... not a healer." said Khran. "Sorry. But, that idea sounds like a good one. I'm sure you have a good sense of smell, Noelle. Perhaps you should be the food-tester?"

That should put an end to Ren's poison food. thought Khran. At least some of the servants have common sense. Seems as if the ones with the same motives as my own are only getting in the way...

((Is it okay if I change Khran's side to Limbo-Bad? That would be more appropriate.))
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Lex wasn't happy.

The doctor was busy and would be several hours away. He teleported back to Shadowflare, this time dispensing with the curtosy of arriving outside the door, and turn to the group which was gathered around her.

"Everyone, the doctor is coming, but will be a while. Does anyone know anything about what might have happened here?"
((Yes, Limbo-Bad is allright, SE!))

Shadowflare, even though in a coma, could hear everything that was going on((My dad told me it was possible!)). She wanted to say, "I'm here. I'm allright. But everything she was hearing was fading... she was floating in limbo. She let out a small grunt as she went from coma to just passed out.
Holy crap, we get cookies?! I'm joining.

Name: Hawthorne Shadow, goes by Thorn
Pokemon: Roselia
Level: 39
Age: If he was human, he'd be 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: A tall Roselia, with his head a dark red color and face red. His arms and legs are also red, and the leaves hat cover his shoulders and chest are black. The yellow stripe down his chest-leaf is red, and he has one red flower and one black flower on his hands. The thorns on his head are black with a red stripe surrounding them.
Side: Bad
Personality(may be PO): Thorn hates to be bossed around by anyone, and the only reason why he serves Shadowflare is because he was born into it. He takes great offense in being called a girl or even a Grass-type, as he wishes he was a Dark-type or a Mightyena, like his adoptive father. He has a soft spot for children. He swears that he'll kill his mother if he ever finds her.
History(doesn't have to be long): When Thorn was still an egg, he was abandoned by his mother, and left for dead. A male Mightyena named Shadow came along, who served Shadowflare at the time, and planned to eat the egg. Carrying it back to Shadowflare, the egg unexpectedly hatched and the baby Budew thought Shadow its father. Shadow raised the Budew until it evolved into a Roselia, then quick working for Shadowflare and told his adoptive son to keep working there so that he may get rid of the Ninetales once and for all.
Other: He think that Bakugan is stupid, but that's probably because he has no idea what it is.
((*updates profile slightly* Um, do you think we should add a relationships section? Not really for love relationships (Though there could be some), but for friendly and/or rivalry relationships?))

"Thank you, Lex. According to Noelle, some of the food Ren gave her must have been poisoned." Khran shot Ren a quick look. "But no worries. Noelle thinks we should have a food-tester, and I think her good sense of smell should make her perfect."

Why do I want to help Shadowflare get better? I was going to kill her! This was the perfect opportunity! Khran thought. ...If I return home after killing her, I mustn't tell Opal. He would be ashamed of me for killing someone on his behalf...
"Thank you. I will go and speak with the suppliers in case they had problems with any of the food. In the meantime, I suggest everyone's food is checked, and if anyone else is to fall ill, tell me immediately."

With that, Lex teleported back to his office and began to contact the suppliers, manufacturers and anyone else involved in the supply of Shadowflare's food.
((IN!!! and, SE, you may be right!))

Shadowflare fluttered her eyes. she saw a glimpse of her servants, but then went to sleep. She had come out of coma, but asleep nonetheless.
"Oh, you're blaming me, huh? I'm a loyal follower of the lady." Ren snarled, lies coming out of his mouth.
"Ren... Ren took..." she muttered. "The last cookie!" Shadowflare yelled as her head snapped up and her eyes flung open. "Oh... it was just a dream! It was a dream that Ren ate all the cookies!"
Thorn blinked as he heard his mistress yell something about a last cookie. He grunted with distaste. Now what had happened? He walked down the hallway into the bedchamber.

"What has happened, Mistress Shadowflare?" He almost retched at how he said it, trying to cover up his hatred with a sweet voice. Thorn didn't do sweet voices, and he hated to ever use one. Especially to this fleabag that he had to serve.

The darkly-colored Roselia waited for any command that may be thrown at him, something that he could make backfire on the Ninetales.
Cannon slapped his forehead. The Mistress had awoken. "Sorry, just something on my face." He stepped up to the mistress and felt her forehead. "Are you feeling alright?"
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