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Looking for a new web browser.


Yarn is comfy and easy to wear
Alright, I'm just utterly pissed at Microsoft. Just...read this rant(lotta cursing cause I was mad when I typed that) to understand why.

I decided to keep on truckin' with IE 8 anyways. I figured why not, at least I killed off that damn "Operation Aborted" error I had....

Turns out, I didn't.

Right now, I have my eyes set on either Fire Fox or Chrome. If any of you guys use these browsers, I want to know a few things:

1)How user friendly is it?
2)Is it fast(say, faster than IE)?
3)What pages can it NOT load? I'd like to be able to surf the web, you know.
4)What are its specific advantages and drawbacks?
5)Does it have tabs?(mainly applies to Chrome, cause I know FF does)

Search bars and the like are not an issue for me, cause I just keep Google as my homepage for quick access(and cause its been my home page for so long that it would be awkward switching to something else).
Maybe I should leave this to the more versed people, but I don't have any problems with Firefox so I can vouch for that. It's decently fast (but I have a fast connection anyway, or at least I'm supposed to, so your mileage may vary on that idk), and the pages it doesn't load are usually ones made just for IE or something (I know a few sections of Nexon's site are like this, but no others off the top of my head), which is somewhat rare in this age of better-than-IE-browsers-everywhere. I don't know what all Chrome in the way of addons has but Firefox also has cute skins called Personas that are really easy to change around, and of course Adblock Plus. Which is always cool.

If you're used to IE then Firefox would probably be the easiest to transition into; my brother had Chrome and all I can safely tell you is that it's kind of different and I had no idea what I was doing. :B
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inb4 link to Mozilla's download page.

But really, you should know what I recommended already, and I'll just say it again here. :l
firefox is a bitch on stuff with google ads now, though. bulbapedia and hotmail refuse to load for me until i've gone through a few minute's worth of script errors. i've never tried chrome.
As fas as I can tell you shouldn't have any issues loading certain pages so 3) shouldn't be an issue. I'm pretty sure both FF and Chrome are faster than IE, though I haven't tried IE 8 but I assume it's still kinda slow.

Chrome does have tabs. As for disadvantages. I find Firefox can sometimes be a memory hog and Chrome doesn't have support for animated PNGs. And both are pretty user friendly.

I prefer Chrome because I prefer the way it looks and I find it's much faster.
firefox is a bitch on stuff with google ads now, though. bulbapedia and hotmail refuse to load for me until i've gone through a few minute's worth of script errors. i've never tried chrome.
'Cause I have to have ads unblocked on certain pages that use Google ads and they've never given me a problem at all.
firefox is a bitch on stuff with google ads now, though. bulbapedia and hotmail refuse to load for me until i've gone through a few minute's worth of script errors. i've never tried chrome.
It works fine for me.

Firefox is really user friendly. It has a ton of add-ons and is more customizable.
Chrome is more secure, has tabs, but is a bit more difficult to use. Once you get used to it, it works just fine.
Firefox is a bit faster in my opinion.
Did Hotmail update just today or something, then? I checked my inbox a day or two ago and it worked fine. I think you have a different problem or something. Hotmail and Bulbapedia always work fine for me.
Well, I'm gonna have to update in the morning cause I'm being booted off the computer, but that does give more time for more input. Chrome sounds nice, but I know really little about it and FF sounds far more appealing right now.
Vixie the Ninetales here vouching for Firefox.

I am not biased at all, nope.

(But seriously, you can't go wrong with either, but Firefox has a longer legacy and a bigger following so it tends to get all the neat trinkets and add-ons first. Plus Chrome's UI is a little wonky for me; I like my programs looking similar.)
I find that safari works well.

It's easy to add bookmarks, and it keeps track of your most favorite pages, as well as tabs.

I didn't know it was possible for a browser to not load pages, but I suppose there are still some fossils that are made to work in IE and IE alone due to bad scripting.

I'm not sure how fast it is, the load time of webpages depend on internet connection speed, and the size of the files your browser has to download to display it. Start up is also one meaning of speed, and I don't think that Safari is anymore taxing than IE.
Safari for Windows is almost like using IE for Mac :\

Safari's a better browser by far, but it's still blehApple. And if one does go the closed-source route, Opera is probably the superior choice.
Firefox lets you transfer favorites and cookies and stuff over from IE, which is nice. Plus, as many people have said, it's very customizable and stuff.


AdBlock Plus pretty much gets rid of every ad that isn't a video preview (ie: no more of those ads on Bulbapedia!)

Google Toolbar

ColorfulTabs generates a color for every new tab that you make.

Lazarus Form Recovery: Ever press refresh accidentally and lose an hour's worth of ranting? Not anymore.

Read It Later is soooo useful because it adds a little button that you can press and then bang it goes in this little folder thing that you can check later. And it saves where you were on the page. :)

Smoothwheel removes the jerky scrolling blah that happens sometimes.
I would suggest Firefox, as it can handle more many tabs than other browsers, and is customizable, going as far as the advanced options, allowing almost complete customization of it, though when you click on the Firefox icon it takes at least minute to load.

If you're looking for instant speed, Google Chrome, and another Version of it called Comodo Dragon, aren't as customizable, but are about as fast as FF, and can handle nearly as much tabs, plus it has easy access to upgrades, instead of automatically updating and making pop-ups like FF saying that a new update is out, so GC and CD are better, but I prefer Comodo.

If you're looking for pure speed but limited customization, you should get Safari. It can handle a few tabs, and is good in speed.

If you're looking for an alternate for IE, you should get TheWorld Browser, which is basically the same.

If you want another, you should get Opera, but it is blocked by Windows Firewall sometimes.
firefox is a bitch on stuff with google ads now, though. bulbapedia and hotmail refuse to load for me until i've gone through a few minute's worth of script errors. i've never tried chrome.

must be just you, because I access hotmail and bulbapedia all the time?

so yeah recommending firefox, although if you're getting firefox I heartily recommend adblocker plus because it's awesome~ opera is nice too, and faster, I think? I only don't use it because I'm so used to firefox.
I'm rather disappointed this is like 10 times more active than my sprite thread. >:|

And thanks for that list of addons, Blastoise! Adblock, form recovery, and smoothwheel sound very useful.
Firefox does have a larger number of extensions overall, and some of the Fx-unique functions are more what keep me with it these days; I've been having various issues with it of late, though it could also just be my computer and I certainly don't consider it a bad browser by any means. (Also I like the Personas I made out of my own artwork, so. Biased.)

Chrome (and the other Chromium derivatives, e.g. Chromium itself, Dragon, IronWare or w/e, etc.--choose whichever flavor you like, I guess) do actually have a lot of those extensions, though, or extensions with similar capabilities. They have Adblock (Plus), Read it Later, Xmarks and uh quite a few other things I'm forgetting/I only have because they're web-design related so probably not relevant to your interests; the Chromium family can hold its own against Firefox in that department for most of the "basic" extensions these days. Depends on how badly you need fancy shiny things. I also find them all slightly faster. Right now my only major gripe with Chromium et al is the fact that they aren't as easily configurable as Firefox is, and so things like toggling/adjusting certain behaviors, keyboard shortcuts, etc. can be irritating. (And it drives me crazy that Ctrl+I/U/B refuse to work in rich text fields like this one and aarrrgh why won't they fix it.) If they get an about:config, they may actually get me to switch over. Maybe.

I actually really like Opera, but lack of extensions makes me sad. Yeah, yeah, third-party extensions break browsers, blah. I want my Read it Later and I don't want it wasting a chunk of screen real estate as a sidebar, damn you ;-;

You could always download both and try for yourself, then uninstall whichever you don't like, though, couldn't you? Why not experiment instead of taking others' word for it? Your mileage may vary and all that, after all, so...?

EDIT: ohey, Chrome even has Lazarus now, apparently. Which I've been meaning to get for Fx anyway why haven't I done that yet again
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