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Closed Masque Carnivalia

Kiara stood up and stared at the tent, thinking of two things.

As she glanced at the others, she thought of thing one, which was that all the females seeemed to go gaga over Connor. Ally gave him a gummy bear, Tess had an ogled expression over him, and Celest, well, it was obvious, wasn't it? But Kiara didn't have one feeling of love towards him or anyone, if there were any other boys. Maybe since he was the only boy here, the others would smush him with love? Possibly.

She started thinking of the second thing-of what lies beyond the tent. Se steeped towards the tent more, closer to the tent then Celest. If nothing was in the tent, then nothing would be there. But if their kidnapper was there, they could get some answers. It's not like the carnies seemed threatening or anything, right? Everyone wasnt used to their morphs yet, so worst case scenario, the kidnapper would just probably put them back in their tents.

She didn't bother telling the others to follow, cause there was a chance they could get hurt. Slowly, she put her Squirtle hand on the tent and pulled open the tent. It was too dark to see from there, so she walked in to get a closer look. If something popped up, the carnies would come and help her, right? She only hoped as she trudged in the darkness, prepared for a sneak attack.
Connor watched as Kiara carefully opened the tent flap. A little annoyed with her caution, he figured that if something was in there waiting to eat them, he'd at least want to get it over with. Stepping up behind Kiara, he grabbed both the tent flaps, and pulled them open as quickly as physically possible. His long arms held them open, and though he cast a shadow over the middle of the tent, he could see in for a fair distance. Still, a fair distance only revealed a small part of a circus ring.

"Hm. Pret-ty damn dark in there." He made a popping noise with his lips. "Okay, so I can probably make fire, but anyone know how we could get, you know, a torch or something? Like, what do we put on a stick to make it go from stick to torch?"
Celest watched as Conner flew open the flaps and stated the obvious fact that it was pure darkness in there. He said he may can make fire, but he might need a stick or something to make a torch. Celest looked around for any wooden materials, and her eyes skimmed across an old wooden booth.

Gingerly stepping over to it, Celest ran her hand across it. Hopefully it would be okay to use.

With a swift pull, the board easily came off into her hands. Running back to Conner, Celest held it up, though she lingered back from the tent. "Will this work...Conner?"
Kiara gazed at where ever his voice was. It was too damn dark to see where he was.

"Don't be such an imbecilic Psyduck, you two! One fire and the tent will burn down!" Kiara snapped.

She looked around more. Nothing. There goes her worst case scenari- OOOMPH! Kiara hit something sharp. It felt like a sharp corner of a table. After feeling around carefully, she concluded it was a table. She decided this tent was just for a snack room or break room or something. She didn't care, she just walked out calmly.

She emerged out of the tent. She then glanced down at her stomach and gasped. A large gash was there, from the table! Her knees buckled as she fell down.

She had an idea. Wasn't blood made from water? It is only super close to being neural on the pH scale, with water being neutral. Maybe adding water would even it out, causing her to spew out water instead?

She sarted to throw out a water gun. She expected for it to feel uncomfortable, but it felt.....soothing now. Right before she let it out, she sent a blast of water inside her body, causing the blood to become water, spewing out.

Wait.....the water came from my body...so shouldn't it still be blood? she wondered. Meh, it didn't really matter if the laws of phisics changed, she was just glad there wasn't any blood left. But shouldnt she need blood to survive? And doesn't she need water, which was spewing out? No wait, fuck water, I'm a freaking sea turtle, I can make more water whenever the hell I wanted. But shouldnt the water dilute the blood? No, cause i can control water now, and, again, I'm A FREAKING SEA TURTLE

Pushing thi controversial arguement with herself in the back of her mind, she looked back down at the gash. There was still a gaping hole, but nothing came out. She sighed with relief as she stood back up.
Connor looked at the stick. "Should work. I don't see why not-" Kiara yelled some insults at them from inside. Connor decided it'd be fun to shout back.

"Well, pardon me, but we're not lighting the fire in the tent! It's a pretty big tent, anywhos, so it can afford a bit of heat as long as the tent doesn't catch any extra flames!" He heard her approach, and held the flaps open for her. "So, anything interes-OH, SHIIIIIIiiiii-snap!" The gash was, quite honestly, sickening. "Yeesh!" But she seemed perfectly capable of handling it on her own. He actually was a little more disgusted with the fact that it stopped bleeding.

Do girls just attract pain and suffering wherever they step?!
Celest backed up in disgust at the gash. "What the...What is that?" she pointed a pale finger at it and her eyes widened. "That's not...natural..."

Not taking her eyes off of it, she held the board in front of Conner and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

Okay, so Kiara was bleeding. Or...what would you call that? Watering?

Either way, it was really appalling.

And then for it to stop bleeding/watering was really sickening. Maybe even more then it was before.
How could it just...stop? Just like snapping a finger?

"...So I guess the tent was clear..."
Tess stared at Celest, completely ignoring Kiara.
"Clear?! You call this thing--" she gestured to the tent, "Clear?!"
She turned away from Celest and gasped when she saw Kiara.
"Kiara! Are you-- Why aren't you bleeding?!" Tess rushed over and stared at Kiara with concern. "I...do you need any help?"

[Crap post is crpa]

EDIt: I meant crap.
These girls are going to kill themselves... Connor sighed inwardly. "Whatever the hell you just did, it seems... Somewhat effective." He took the board from Celest, and examined it to a small degree. Definetly flammable. "I'm gonna' give this a shot. Hopefully, I don't have to relate this to butt-flexing."

He held his breath for a second, staring intently at the board. He exhaled, his eyebrow twitching. "For the record, this feels really stupid, even for me." He tried coughing on the board. Nothing. He tried wrenching his gut, but found that it only let a bit of bile into his throat. After several other such ridiculous attempts, he smacked the board on the table, making a face similar to that of a five year old pouting. After regaining a bit of composure, he slowly flexed every muscle in his neck and torso he could. Eventually, he found one muscle near his heart that was totally unfamiliar to him. He never remembered straining the thing once in his life.

So he flexed it. Flexed it again, this time while holding his breath. Nothing. He probably didn't have the muscle mass to flex whatever muscle it was he had just found up until now. He glared at the board, willing it to combust. He felt a belch begin to bubble in his stomach, and made a small sound as he prepared to hold it in. Except it was beginning to hurt. He exhaled sharply, coughing just a bit. As he did, a small tongue of flame shot out of his mouth, catching onto the board where it became nothing but an orange glow on the tip.

"... I did it." He stared at the board in amusement. "I don't know how, but I DID IT!" He held up the barely harmed board, yelling in triumph, "I AM THE MASTER OF FIRE!!"
Celest felt a sweat drop roll down her face as Conner made a lot of ridiculous attempts to make the board catch on fire.

Finally, when he coughed up an ember or two, Celest peered at the board over his shoulder, standing on her tippy-toes. "It worked," she noted, stating the obvious.

She quickly stepped back when he held up the board in apporval, proclaiming that he was "The Master of Fire". Blinking at the board for a few seconds, her red eyes wandered back on Conner and she nodded once. "...Yes, I...I suppose you are."

She glanced up at the ever darkening sky and sighed. "But we'll need a lot more flames for a full-fledged fire. That," she gestured to Conner's small, beloved blaze, "won't keep us warm through the night."
Kiara looked at Tess and smiled. "Yeah, I'm ok, thanks"

After stading up, she stared at Celest and Connor. "Yeah whatever, your a fire master. Yeah that's sooooo unique. Hey, when Mr. Fire Master over here perfects his fire abilities, maybe we can make some soup. In the dark tent, there seemed to be a table there. If a pot's on the table, then Connor could heat the pot, i could puke water in it, Tess could make berries, and Celest could smoosh up some of the berries so there's flavor in the soup, so we can have Berry Soup."
Ally was shadowing and listening to all of the recent happenings,without saying a word.
She was thinking about all the ways they might die here.
Maybe the berries are poisonious! Maybe someone ends up massacred by something those trench coat guys put here!
Maybe I'm going insane.

Ally shook her head. She wasn't solving anything.
Connor stared at Kiara. "Well, there's no need to be so sarcastic." He liked the idea of soup. Still, she was rather rude regarding his flaming torch of destructive death. Or so he wanted to call the little stick with a barely glowing tip. "When you find a pot, a soup would be pretty freakin' sweet."

He turned his attention to Celest. "Alright, so we need more! No biggie." He glanced around, and briefly considered using one of the tents bundled up as fuel. He discarded the idea after only moments, but still figured there would be something helpful nearby. Maybe not a pot, but humans could survive for quite a while without food. Berries would fill them, but not much nutrition was going to come from it.

"That should work." He mused, observing a little box in a shadowy corner. He could see from where he stood that several fire performers stored their materials here. Everything in it was scarce, and there was hardly any fuel, but it was enough to start a cute little fire. He pulled the fuel out, flashing its label at his companions with a devilish smile. "This should do it, don't you think?" There wasn't anything else of value in the box, so he kicked it as he walked back to them. He found himself tempted to dunk the board in it, except that there was no way it was going to fit.
Ally managed to stop herself from thinking about death,and turned to Connor and his...meager fire fuel.
"Be fore you make a fire, shouldn't you make sure that everything's safe? You might burn down the tent. Even if your fire skills are...yeah."
She landed gently on the ground.
Celest walked over to Conner and his fuel as her pale fingers ran across the container. It was a but greasy. ...Was that good? Or bad?

Either way, the fuel would be very helpful. Even the smallest of flames could get a good, warm fire going. Celest nodded her head with approval. "It can help us out a lot. And the soup idea is good, too," she answered, blinking back up at the sky.

It was still the same pale, pearly gray, but it was obvious that the night was quickly approaching.

"And we won't burn anything other than the fire; We're going to make it outside, no in a tent." She looked at Ally when she stated this.

Knowing that they didn't have any time to spare, Celest looked around the general area the group was in. She gingerly pulled apart broken or detached tents with amazing ease, and searched for anything of use.

Eventually, she had gathered many more boards of wood and a nice little metal spoon. Just enough to make a nice fire going and something to even out the soup with.

She walked back to Conner, holding the boards up. "This will help us greatly. And I found a spoon, too. Now we just need berries and such..."
[crappy post is crappy]
Ally nodded her head.
She took out some of the berries she had put in her pocket and gave it to Celest.
"Um,here are a few."
Celest accepted the berries. "Let's see if there's more," she said vaguely, already looking around for trees or bushels.

She walked through the maze of tents as the sky darkened more and more, searching for anything eatible at this point.

Finally, she found her target.

She motioned for Ally to follow. "I...I found a tree," she called, " There's little blue berries on it. I think they're Oran berries."
Ally ran over to the tree.
She levitated up,with some difficulty,to the lowest branch,and started shaking it, making the little Oran Berries fall. She caught one and ate it.
"Tastes like an Oran Berry."
She went to the next branch,and shook it,too.
Connor joyfully poured the liquid over his pile of wood on the ground. Corner of his great success had gone out, so he had to light another fire. He very quickly ran through a series of muscle flexes he suspected. One of them happened to work, and he felt the heat rising in his throat. He coughed up a few small tongues of flame at once.

There was a loud woosh as the flame came into contact with the soaked wood, and practically blew up in Connor's face. He jumped back with a hearty laugh, cheering in triumph. "Ha! Boyscouts got nothin' on me!" He threw the now empty cotainer to the side, laughing with giddy joy as he watched the flames flicker in front of him.

Just wait! One day I'll be blasting columns of fire thirty feet long! Maybe even learn how to do a Blaze Kick! Ooh, hope that doesn't ruin my jeans when I do learn to do it... If I can learn to do it. Of course, that didn't matter much. All that mattered was that he had fire, and the dead wood was burning fast. He found that he couldn't pull the nearby wood supplies apart as easily as Celest seemed to, but he got a nice little pile in a few minutes.
After picking numerous Oran berries, Celest turned to Ally.I think this should be enough," she stated, pushing a strand of hair out of her face, "If not, we can always come back."

She turned around and was attracted to the smell of smoke. Going toward the pillar of black clouds, she motioned for Ally to join her.

She soon found Conner and his cute little fire. "...Brilliant," she sighed, looking at him, "I can feel it from over here. Good work."
Tess trotted into the tent, grass pieces sticking out of the corners of her mouth.
"Wha?" She looked frightened at Conner's flame. "Fire!" she gasped.
Tess backpedaled to the tent wall, glancing nervously at the leaves around her neck.
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