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Most bizzare Pokedex Entry


Annoying Hawkish
What do you think is the weirdest/most disturbing Pokedex entry.

I must say Kadabra has some odd one's you know Firered and Emerald. According to the entrys it was a boy at one time. The creepy thing is Kadabra can be female... That's why a woudn't put a cent in reality when it comes to Pokedex entries.
*Goes through Pokedex*

I got a couple.


Should Rotom destroy your DS?

Poliwag in Diamond: "Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. IT has trouble walking on its newly grown feet." Um, what organs? I see no organs...

Kadabra is always wierd. Like in Diamond it says about shadows on TV screens.

Tentacool makes numerous references to beams from its eyes, which appear to be nonexistant. Speaking of which, we need to see more of those in the anime. Stupid second lost episode because of 9/11.

Golbat in Diamond: "It loves the blood of humans and Pokemon. It flies around at night in search of neck veins." Heh. And if that wasn't disturbing enough...

Pearl Dex: It doesn't stop sucking blood until it is full.

FireRed Dex: Drains over 10 Ounces of blood in one gulp.

Drowzee in Diamond: "... It loves fun dreams."

Cubone multiple times...: "It's mother died." >_> What was that ghost thing, the mother of all Cubone?

Gyarados's rampages in most dex entries.

Magikarp's weakness references.

Snorlax lieks rotten food.

Weezing eats garbage fumes.

Diamond Cyndaquil: "It has a timid nature." But mine was Rash... heh.

Diamond Sentret: "It has a very nervous nature." Um, there's no such thing?

Diamond Ariados: "It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends." Dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUN...

Quagsire: "It has a sluggish nature." Again? Quit making assumptions, Nintendo.

Misdreavus screams like a banshee randomly.

Wobbuffet keeps its tail hidden because it hides a secret, apparently. I got a couple guesses, but I don't want to talk about it. Heh.

Teddiursa's paws taste "unique," apparently.

Larvitar eats dirt.

Tyranitar drives mapmakers insane.

Linoone can only run straight, which has always been funny.

Diamond Beautifly: "It has an aggressive nature. It stabs prey with its long, narrow mouth to drain the prey's fluids." Um, what the heck? A butterfly is terrorizing SpongeBobLand?

Makuhita randomly decides to destroy trees.

Nosepass can only face north, which is always wierd.

Skitty must chase all living or dead.

If you eat gems, your eyes will become gems. Hey, it worked for Sableye...

Manectric Diamond: "... It creates a thundercloud overhead to drop lightning bolts." SSB anyone?

The only thing keeping Spoink alive is the shock of bouncing. It must have one weak heart...

Cacturne likes to stalk people in the desert at night.

Diamond Feebas: "While populous, they tend to cluster in set locations." Ya THINK?

Banette was a doll. But there's more than one. And it has a pre-evolved form. 0.0

Shuppet takes people away into the wilderness.

Apparently, if you eat a lot of your favorite fruit, it will grow on your neck. (Tropius Diamond)

Chimecho can only use seven different sounds.

Absol warns of disasters.

Regirock rebuilds itself.

Regice is almost the only thing left from the ice age.

Registeel is from underground.

Nests on Torterra's back.

Apparently Bidoof is some sort of plump mouse and not a beaver. And has nerves of steel. But watch the anime, and a... different reaction appears.

Rampardos can shatter anything. Any frontal attack on Bastiodon is repulsed. When an unstoppable force meets an impassible wall...

Cherubi Diamond: "The small ball holds the nutrients needed for evolution. Apparently, it is very sweet and tasty." Who was cruel enough to try THAT?

Drifloon is formed by spirits of people and Pokemon. Yet it is a Pokemon. >_>

No one knows where Drifblim goes.

Buneary uses the word "grown-up." Why not "adult?"

Mismagius sounds like incantations. And gives headache and hallucination.

Purugly steals nests. Like the one on Torterra's back.

Stunky. Skuntank. Need I say more?

Bronzong sleep for 2000 years.

Mime Jr. is a perfect distraction.

Spiritomb is forbidden. And formed by 108 spirits.

Gabite Scales may heal (currently?) incurable illnesses.

Riolu can send auras, but in the anime isn't supposed to be able to use them.

Lucario can understand human speech. So can any other Pokemon, stupid Nintendo.

Drapion tears apart cars.

A Toxicroak scratch is fatal, yet a Pokemon can take a hit from it.

Abomasnow is THE abominable snowman, apparently. Yet there are many.

Rhyperior is Geodude Launcher 2.0.

Uxie Diamond. "AMNESIA POWERS"

Regigigas tows continents after Groudon shapes them.

Giratina is from the Reverse World. *Pushes up, walks down*

And who could forget the infamous Misspell glitch?

Ruby Mawile: "...MAWHILE..." What idiot let THAT through.

And I'm done. Whoa. Long post.
Poliwag in Diamond: "Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. IT has trouble walking on its newly grown feet." Um, what organs? I see no organs...

Apparently, the spiral on its front is in fact its intestines, visible throguh its thin skin.
Tentacool makes numerous references to beams from its eyes, which appear to be nonexistant. Speaking of which, we need to see more of those in the anime. Stupid second lost episode because of 9/11.

I HAD THAT EPISODE ON TAPE. Only problem is that the tape has probably been discarded. I was so disappointed. D:

Pikachu's says that it gathers in groups to let lightning hit it or something.
Machamp can launch 1,000 punches in two seconds. That means 125 punches per arm per second.
I think something about pikachu roasting berries?
Um, Alakazam being able to remember anything and never forget it.[It forgets moves with the move deleter]
And that is all I have...maybe more later
Mew, Fire Red: "A Pokémon of South America that was thought to have been extinct. It is very intelligent and learns any move."

Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh... South America? Hm.
Probopass's Pokedex Entry for D/P
It exudes strong magnetism from all over. It controls three small units called Mini-Noses.
Mini-Noses? o_O I don't know about you, but that's disturbing...
Shuckle's is not THAT bizzare, but still worth looking at:

The Berries it stores in its vase-like shell decompose and become a gooey liquid. The berries mix with its body fluids to become a juice.

I made that from 2 seperate entries, but still....we are drinking decomposed berries and body fluids?

And then, there is Swalot:

Its powerful stomach acid is capable of digesting almost anything. The one thing in the whole world a Swalot can't digest is its own stomach.

I don't know why, but something about that disturbs me.


The vicious and sly gangster of the sea.

I'm glad to know that there are gansters in pokemon. You know, in a kids game.
....Yay! Super long post.
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Shuckle. I thought it was obvious with the berries and the shell. Actually, I forgot to name him. Oops. Time to edit!
Charmeleon - "In the rock mountains where Charmeleon live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars."
So, eh...only in their mountains? They lose their glow otherwise? That's sad.

Wartortle - "It is said to live 10,000 years. Its funny tail is popular as a symbol of longevity."

Beedrill - "Its best attack involves flying around at high speed, striking with poison needles, then flying off."
Skarmory says hello.

More when Veekun finally decides to load '-_-
drifloon on pearl:
"it tugs on the hands of children to steal them away. however, it gets pulled around instead"
i'm surprised this one wasn't mentioned yet
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