I swear I'm cool you have to believe me
- Pronoun
- she
Basically, what was the saddest part in your trainer's lifetime? (If you guys want to, you can also say spin-off games, but please don't start spamming PMD scenes, mainly because they were designed to be sad, while in the main games, it's basically a unique story every time.)
My most heartbreaking momment in pokemon was when I had gold in '06, lost to Red, turned it off to rematch him, AND MY DATA GOT DELETED!!! ARRRGGGHHH!!
Seeing that was my first game file ever, I won't lie when I say I shed a few tears:sad:
My most heartbreaking momment in pokemon was when I had gold in '06, lost to Red, turned it off to rematch him, AND MY DATA GOT DELETED!!! ARRRGGGHHH!!
Seeing that was my first game file ever, I won't lie when I say I shed a few tears:sad: