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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

I've gotta say, Pinkie Pie was hilarious before the maze happened. But am I the only one still wondering if Discord is actually going to do anything to Twilight?
I'm wondering too. And what he can do to her as well. Is he going to convince her that using her magic is evil and hypnotize her into not being able to use it? He already took away her horn once, so that also takes away her magic and element...
He can take away her friends. Friendship is magic. (... Huh, I guess I wouldn't be surprised if that actually turned out to be the idea here.)
That episode was SUPERB.

Also, I have a prediction on how they will break the "curse" placed on them by Discord and beat him.

Twilight will eventually try to defeat him alone, but completely fails. The rest of them eventually notice, snap out of it, and combine to use the EoH and defeat Discord, because Friendship. Is. Magic.

Calling it now.
I'm wondering too. And what he can do to her as well. Is he going to convince her that using her magic is evil and hypnotize her into not being able to use it? He already took away her horn once, so that also takes away her magic and element...

I really just don't see the need.
Discord's already sewn the seeds
For Twilight and her buddies' ruin.
Effercon, I think that you and
Zhorken have the right idea.
(Although I still can't wait to see!)
I do have the Hub! :3 I think I missed the one everyone is talking about, though.
I've gotta say, Pinkie Pie was hilarious before the maze happened. But am I the only one still wondering if Discord is actually going to do anything to Twilight?

To me it seemed like the intention of the writers was to make Twilight save the day. It's one of the things I didn't like about the episode, since you can tell Twilight is the mainest character.

It's giving me horrible flashbacks to Star Trek 5 where everyone gets brainwashed except for Captain Kirk.
To me it seemed like the intention of the writers was to make Twilight save the day. It's one of the things I didn't like about the episode, since you can tell Twilight is the mainest character.

But you've got to admit, Fluttershy does always steal Twilight's thunder.
To be honest when I was talking to Alvyren about the episode I just made a portmaneau of "reverse personalities", "reversonalities", just as a general term to describe what happened to the majority of the mane cast.

Either way, I did really enjoy the episode and if this is how they're starting out, I have high expectations for the series overall.
too bad there will apparently be a gap of an uncertain amount of time between the airdates of ep 2 and the rest of season 2 =/

it was always weird to me that they've moved the date of the 2nd season premiere so ahead from the originally announced December

could be worse though, they could've decided not to even show us the first two eps earlier, so I guess we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, and instead be glad they're taking their time not to rush things and end up making half-assed episodes
too bad there will apparently be a gap of an uncertain amount of time between the airdates of ep 2 and the rest of season 2 =/

it was always weird to me that they've moved the date of the 2nd season premiere so ahead from the originally announced December

could be worse though, they could've decided not to even show us the first two eps earlier, so I guess we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, and instead be glad they're taking their time not to rush things and end up making half-assed episodes

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that..."

...yeah, you know the one.
one word.
(and I thought Discord was going to be a metal unicorn. nyaaaaan)
After reading all of the newest posts, I now have a prediction. Perhaps a slightly silly one, in the eyes of some, but I'd like to let everypony know, anyway.

In one of my earlier posts, I assumed that, if Discord does remove Twilight's element, she'd disappear completely, as she, herself, is magic. Anyway, I predict that Discord will do just that--make Twilight disappear--and he will believe that he has won. However, the other ponies will begin to notice how miserable they feel without their element, and without Twilight, so they will then travel to find Discord to confront him. They will all work together to defeat him, and they will say something along the lines of, "We want Twilight back, because friendship is magic" or whatever. As five of the EoH are united together once more, Twilight will then reappear, completely uniting the EoH. At last, with the EoH finally united and together once more, they will stop Discord and his chaos, bringing happiness and harmony back to Equestria. No, no more chocolate rain, Pinkie.

...And that's how Equestria was made!

Or something like that. I know it's a bit silly, but.
I fucking love it!

I love how when the elements were not in the case, while the other ponies were staring at it wide eyed and jaws open, Pinkie pie was saying "Oh well, if ayone needs me, i'll be in a chocolate puddle with a sizzle straw"

I Freaking love Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle! (also Rarity, AppleJack, and Fluttershy, X3)

And Missile, i think that's the best prediction so far.

Anyway, if we could get off the subject of that episode for a moment, I'd like to say one thing.


Fluttershy's just plain cruel now. =( WATCH IT!!!
Fluttershy asking Rainbow Dash politely if she could pin her down against her will. She's so cute :3

Also Spike is Rainbow Dash now.
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