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NaNoWriMo 2008

Are you taking part this year?

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Well, now that I have more access to my computer, I'm going to try this out. Although, I don't think I can pull off a little under 2k words a day (at least, not anymore) so my aim is going to be around 30K by the end of the month.

As for the story? I'm going to attempt a sequel to my only pride and joy, Hateful Smiles. But I'm not going to give away any details, if anyone's interested.

*Hopes he can make it past 30K*
Last year was definitely a test for me - I just wanted to see whether I could make it to 50,000 or not. Reading back, it wasn't that bad. Of course, there was no fantastic description every time the scenery changed, and sometimes you could just tell I was blabbing; additionally, many of the things that happened in mine added absolutely nothing to the storyline but were just things I felt like having happen. But... it's fun to read back and think "Hey, I remember writing that part".

This year I'm going for something of much better quality, mostly because I'm planning to show it to people. I'm not feeling too hopeful, but I can always start blabbing again when I run out of ideas - it's all part of the fun :)
One or two months ago I read my novel for the first time since last November, and there were actually some good parts to it. Overall, it was really bad, but it did surprise me how little of it was absolute garbage. I did, however, at one point, copy + paste an essay from school directly into the middle of the story, and at another point, had one of the characters randomly review the album Illinoise by Sufjan Stevens (aloud).

Like Jetx said, this year I want to actually write a decent novel.
I might take on this (incredibly nerve-wracking) challenge because, wonderfully enough, I have ages of time spent mindlessly on the computer and some to spare.
This has been on my mind sometimes recently too. November last year was just fantastic in every way, though I didn't feel some extreme relief when I hit 50,000, I just sat there speechless. And then I never touched it again and thus it still remains unfinished. D:

Nonetheless those horrible falling-behind days were actually so incredibly fun, just being able to bullshit my wordcount back up with mindless drivel that was actually quite entertaining. It's so great to feel like a team with all the others doing it, and fighting on together in attempt to reach 50,000, but not without a bit of "haha, I'm doing better than that person, woohoo!" on my part.

The idea I had this year isn't so hot. But I can't think of anything else. Last year's ended up not going to any plan whatsoever; most of the main characters were introduced at around the 30,000 mark, and, also against my plan, all of them other than the main main character ended up dying. Although, this one minor character who was meant to guide the protagonist through a network of mountain tunnels ended up being a main character himself, as they spent an insane amount of time in those tunnels. I could make anything I wanted happen there, so it was always easy to pump up my wordcount, so I am kind of thinking about doing a similar sort of anything-can-happen scenario this year... Of course, I wasn't gonna let this other character get off without losing anything, so his arm got ripped off and his son got eaten, naturally.

I'm thinking of showing people this year. I'm always scared of showing people my writing because I fear people's opinions on anything I do (though it's never so bad once I hear them), but I think it's about time I let some people see it, huh? :P

Hey, looks like you're coming back! Remember last year, when at first I was way behind the target, then I moved back on par, but then in the end I tailed off and finished on 36K?

Anyway, I'm not returning. NaNo drove me to such a state mentally that I'll never do it again.
I have an idea for this year. I'm currently mapping out the characters and setting. I love the idea a lot, though, so I'm not quite sure if I'll wait all the way until November...
I have an idea for a new novel that is much better than my old one. I even have some of the plot gotten down. There's no real content in the middle yet, though.
Now, I could choose to either
a)write the new one
b)finish the old one
c) write fanfiction about the Brave Little Toaster
I want to finish the old one, but it's just so... drivelly. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to touch it once I'm finished. I hit the 50k mark last year and it was good, but now I can't even read or revise my novel. The worst part is that I'm just at the halfway point.

I think i'll go with b). a) is a bit unfeasible at the moment and c) is just silly. :D

The other problem is school. There is a lot of homework these days. Can I actually muster out 1667 words a day? The idea frightens me and I don't want to fall behind on schoolwork. I also don't want to be dependent on NaNo to write original fiction.
Either way, I want to give it a shot to see if I can finally finish the longest (and perhaps most original) piece of fiction I've ever written.
I'm vaguely considering participation this year. Last time I wasn't able to because I had absolutely no clue what to write about.

In reality, I don't think it would be all that hard; I could probably manage the whole 2000-words-a-day thing if I kept up with school a little better. What I find difficult is stretching it out that long. By my calculations, the novel that I've already been writing on and off for a year will have at most 35k words by the time its been competed and edited, and that could be months from now.

Not to mention that my parents will snap my computer in two if my first quarter grades don't meet expectations.
Once I get a story in my head, I might go for it.
It might be kind of fun to sit down at 12:01, November 1st and type the very first thing that comes to mind. Then just run with it for 50,000 words. If it doesn't work, well hey! It's better than nothing, right?
You could always just chuck out everything except your plans and restart. :S
Who do these NaNo people think they are?
I'll show them a manuscript filled with so much shit it's like the second half of a different story sewed on to this one.
Or maybe not. Whatever. That rules infuriates me. :P
they do have a point. although I think it's a bit silly to outright ban it, starting something entirely new makes the month a lot more enjoyable.

(nine days 'till registration starts! :D)
I really don't know if I should take part this year. I did it for the first time last year and I loved it - everyone IRL thought I was completely mad for doing it, but I won and I got such a buzz from it. Of course, the fic in question has been sitting, unfinished and only partially edited in my PC for the last eleven months, but that's beside the point.

But here's the thing. I have my mocks for my GCSEs in November, along with one actual exam, and I -really- need to study for them. Seriously. ;>> It's sort of a stupid time to abandon everything else and write a novel.

So I'm torn between A) not doing it and spending a lot of time procrastinating the study and thinking "I could be using this time to write stuff" or B) actually trying to do it again and possibly/probably letting schoolwork suffer. Oh, and I don't have an idea for a story, but that's a minor problem. Sort of.
I don't really have what you could call a life, so I suppose i'm good. Homework's easy, I don't ever really hang out with anyone, and everyone already thinks I'm insane anyway (which is true).

I just need to figure out what I want to write about. And get at least two hours on the computer every day. After that, there's no telling what will happen, I just hope my story doesn't explode into nothingness after NaNo's over.(but it probably will)
They haven't really "banned" working on an older story, .... They suggest against it because it's in the spirit of NaNo. They also say they don't really care if people submit 50000 words of gibberish because it's their problem if they're going to cheat just for a winner's banner. In the end you're only doing it to challenge yourself, whether or not it's "in the spirit of the thing". If you'd feel accomplished finishing your previous story, go for it. :/
I am probably going to participate in NaNoWriMo this year; this year I actually have an idea for a story and /know what NaNoWriMo is/ - shocking, eh?
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