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NaNoWriMo 2010

GUYS How do you motivate yourselves?

It's more of a "I've already wrote 40,000 words if I fail NaNo now all my efforts would have been wasted" kind of thing.

And also "since this is my first NaNo if I win it I can get bragging rights."

(TCoD needs to stop eating my posts. :( )
It is absolutely okay to hit 50,000 words and not be finished with the novel. For most people it's purely the word count and proving that they can write that much that serves as a primary goal (though other people do want to finish outright). I didn't finish the novels from 2008 and 2009 and there's no way in hell that I'll finish this one by the 30th, because the vast majority of what I write every year ends up only accounting for the first few chapters plus some interesting bits here and there later on in the story. The revised versions of everything I've written so far, after I cut out all the waffle and just generally get my derailed-train-of-thought tangential rambling under control, won't be anywhere near 50K (though the complete revised story might; I have no idea and don't really care). But even though it's nowhere near complete and what's there will be cut down to a fifth of its size, it's still me writing 50,000 words of fiction and that never seems to happen any other time of year, regardless of quality. That's more than enough for me, and it's still a great foundation for whenever I actually get the balls to do all that editing and revising. (And even the rambling that gets axed from the final cut can give me other ideas, like the silly one-shot I want to write as a spin-off to 2008's story!)

Speaking of 2009, focusing on writing has been sort of hard over the last week or so because I have been hit with a sudden urge to go back to tweaking last year's NaNo. BUT I AM GOING TO HIT 50K TOMORROW OR SOONER DAMMIT and then I'm going to do homework and then I'll be free to do some of that revising/outline finishing. and then write the story and start the epic mafia game that goes with it
My story is definitely not going to be finished by the time I hit 50,000 words. I'm only like halfway through it tbh. I might consider just forcing myself to write 1667 words/day into December so that I don't end up just sort of throwing this away (especially considering I want to see if it's at all possible for me to publish it).
If anyone need help racking up word count, I have a brilliant plan.

Extended metaphors.

Those things take up so much space it's not even funny.

Also, backstories don't hurt as well. And flavor text. Everybody loves flavor text. That little word counter does, too.

*sage nod*

(I'm seriously going to need to cut down that huge chunk of random crap I've just spewed in my fic or at least move it to a place where it makes more sense, but EDITING IS FOR DECEMBER so ha. Go ahead and cry, Inner Editor. You'll get your chance to shine later.)


:D :D :D :D :D :D

50046 words as of 11:58PM yesterday! :D And, as usual, it's all like the first four or five chapters and will be hacked at mercilessly later (or hopefully sooner! I do want to get back to last year's, but I still want to work on this one, too!), but I wrote 50K+ words of story and probably 48K of it is shamefully bad but I got the draft started and I kept with it and I was never behind once and it was still a lot of fun most of the time and and and :D

I would say more but now would be a pretty good time to get back to homework!

Write moar, you guys! Write moar now! There are sock monkeys waiting for you at the end!

Whoooo! Congrats, Kratos! Show us your fic when you're done regurgitating!

I'll shower you with the shredded remains of my draft. Please pretend it's confetti; I don't have time to go out and buy actual ones because I'm too busy NaNoing.

ALSO I finally caught up! Go, extended metaphors! Ok, back to writing.

Kratos Aurion said:
I was never behind once

does not comprehend
Up to 47,208 now. And it'll probably be higher before I go to bed (though those words will end up on tomorrow's wordcount), since that cold seems to be going away now.

It looks like the secret-underground-vampire-city-under-Michigan chapter will end up being two chapters (plus a little bit at the end of Chapter 11), because Chapter 12 is already 2000-ish words and the big fight scene isn't even started yet. Actually, the Burijeoo-disguised-as-a-vampire girl (well, technically more of a middle-aged woman, but she still looks 20ish) who the main characters will be fighting hasn't even been introduced yet. XD

She has been mentioned, and the vampires managed to find a picture of her on the Internet while looking up information on the place they were headed, and they are currently split up and snooping around in different parts of her underground castle trying to figure out what's going on... but still.
I'm not concerned about the fact I am probably going to lose. :D I have most of the major plot points at least started if nothing else and I also have a bunch of little finicky bits. Haaa.
okay so I failed at this this year but I would like to add that I am very very proud of surskitty.


this is an awesome performance for you. it warms my heart to see ; ;

*cries silently in the corner.*


it is not impossible to win at this point if you know what you're doing. LOOK AT CIRRUS SHE WROTE 20,000 WORDS IN TWO DAYS LAST YEAR. YOU CAN'T GIVE UP NOW, YOU CAN ONLY GIVE UP ONCE IT'S MIDNIGHT ON DECEMBER 1ST





DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

*takes off Hiikari costume*
I'm so close, I can taste it... just got to today's target plus a bit more. I thought I'd finish, but something in real life happened that actually... pertained to the story in a way and I just didn't feel like writing anymore until really late, so I wrote what I can and now I'm just too damn tired to write out anything coherent. 48,000ish. Just a bit more! Checking my segments got me 400+ words... I hadn't checked them at all because I was in a hurry. But... hey, whaddya know, it helped!

Tommorow... I'll finish NaNo. Although the story is far far far from over. I don't know if I'm even half-way into it... I'm probably less than half-way. That's how long it is.

I DID INDEED DO THIS but I'm insane, so. Also I'm still not sure how I actually managed that. Genuinely, I have no idea.

I'm a bit less spectacular this year... I'm at about 44,000 right now. @_@ Will I manage? ONLY TIME WILL TELL.
Well. I think it's official that I'm not going to get to 50,000 words with school and other important things being in the way.

But I did get to 20,000 words this year, which is more than I ever have before. So I'm pretty proud of myself. :)

or I can try writing 15,000 one day for two days, which ain't happening

EDIT: Also I got a pretty interesting story that I definitely think that I'll keep writing once NaNo is over.
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