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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Nintendo sued AGAIN.

dear me, this is getting ridiculous. I myself have never hear dof these guys or the guys from the GCN/classic incedent a while back. but seriously, I dunno wth would happen if nintendo really lost! good thing I have my Wii already, If only I'd kept that 2nd one instead of selling it off to a friend...
You have GOT to be kidding me.

These are US companies stating that a Japanese video game company stole their technology. How does Nintendo even know these companies exist?
These people who are sueing Nintendo... they're getting pickier every day... Reminds me of that whole deal with Youtube and Yugioh: The Abridged Series.

And thus my chances of Publishing "We are the Champions" diminish to about 0.00000001%...
your precious nintendo is just fine

your precious nintendo controllers are just fine

find something better to complain about
as someone on that page commented


jesus christ what is it with these random companies nobody's heard of popping out of nowhere suing nintendo o.o like someone else in this thread said, how would nintendo, a huge japanese company, even know about the existence (sp? i feel braindead atm) of obscure american companies like these? man :(
I was more enthralled by the advertisment at the top of the page asking (present-tense) "Is Tony Blair the best Prime Minister of all time?" XD

That aside... oh?
This is just ridiculous. How many other products are using motion sensors? Jeez, this is getting more and more crazy.
Getting ridiculous...

Maybe Microsoft is bribing these companies to sue Nintendo, less competition and nobody can prove they had anything to do with anything.
I doubt it, though.
Getting ridiculous...

Maybe Microsoft is bribing these companies to sue Nintendo, less competition and nobody can prove they had anything to do with anything.
I doubt it, though.

Nice conspiracy, it made me laugh.

But seriously, what the heck? This is rediculous, why are they getting sued for that? It's just stupid.
Just make sure it stays on the market until October. I've been saving for so long... @_@

Poor Nintendo. Such a sue target.
This is getting silly. I hope that doesn't mean the games are off the market as well. I would die if that happened.
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