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Uh, I didn't do it.
Is going to be freaking AMAZING in the world of video games. Just saying...

Plus the last book in the Inheritance Cycle, but we don't talk about that.
For me it's mostly Skyrim and MW3.... Wasn't ME3 supposed to come out too? I heard it was moved to April, which is another epic month.
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva in North America aaaaaaaaaaaaugh but that's not a video game.

also Super Mario 3D Land and Cave Story 3D which are pretty sweet :3
My life on this plane will end on 11-11-11. It's true.

People still like Inheritance? gag me with a spoon and lemmie read some more Temeraire
The next book of the Eragon series is also coming out in November, as well as the next Max Ride book and the Hunger Games movie.
The next book of the Eragon series is also coming out in November, as well as the next Max Ride book and the Hunger Games movie.

Eragon: They call it the Inheritance Cycle now.

I liked them, they weren't masterpieces, but a good read for when you have nothing else. Besides I want to see the end, I felt it was cheap promising a trilogy then having a series.
I loved the Inheritance Cycle :x
I can't wait for the last book, if it really is the last. Maybe he'll surprise us again, though. I don't mind him promising a trilogy and delivering a series. Some stories I'd rather didn't end :3
I've been waiting for that for 3 years!

...though I'll have to wait, like, two months before the library gets it.
Skyward Sword, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Skyrim.

Too bad I'm not buying Skyrim though. Already spending a lot of money in October for Dark Souls, The King of Fighters XIII, and hopefully Arkham City. And even then, I'm getting the Collector's Edition for Zelda and buying UMvC3 anyhow so
Have to get Skyrim and Arkham City. Also, I read Inheritance when I was young and have come to see its serious flaws but dammit if I'm not reading the last one so he can explain all the shit he hasn't explained yet. And to see how the story ends, I guess.
I'm looking forward to playing Skyward sword and using a guide (obviously) to 100% it. And I want that collector's edition for the music CD. That's what the collector's edition does, right? Also, does that game come with WiiMotionPlus?
I'd definitely butts Minecraft off of a shelf.

fixed that for you

YES very excited for finished Minecraft! Kinda wondering what else there is that Notch hasn't added in yet with 1.9, though. Maybe more NPCs?
Can't say I'm really pumped for anything else, though. Haven't had much money for vidya lately and, as we all know, Piracy is Wrong.
I'm looking forward to playing Skyward sword and using a guide (obviously) to 100% it. And I want that collector's edition for the music CD. That's what the collector's edition does, right? Also, does that game come with WiiMotionPlus?

The collector's edition comes with the soundtrack, a gold Wiimote with a Hylian crest, and Wii MotionPlus.
as well as...the Hunger Games movie.
:o I thought that wasn't coming out 'till March??

But yeah I'm looking forward to Skyward Sword, even though I'm not a huge fan of the Zelda series (but that's just because I've only played like two games! hopefully Skyward Sword will help me get into the series a little more hahaha.) And maybe I'll try Minecraft too, I dunno.

Inheritance better be good, with all this time we had to wait for it :U that reminds me, I still have to finish Brisingr...
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