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Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

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^ Yeah. And how he broke down and his hair got all messed up. That was satisfying. Although they never explained the scar on his hand... I was hoping for some awesome plot-twisty explaination...

I just started 1-4 and I love the game already. I already randomly said "Objection" about fifteen times. ^^
Club Membership Get.

So I tried out this Phoenix Wright on a ROM the other day and it is actually really good. I can't believe I ignored this awesome installment until NOW. I don't know about you guys but I'm always on edge when cornered plays.
Okay, so Magnifi Gramarye killed himself. How on earth did I manage not to think of this obvious possibility? I think I somehow concluded that you can't shoot yourself in the forehead.

I must go headdesk at myself now.
lol @ Edgeworth's Steel Samurai mask

Oh, Edgey, you silly closet otaku you.

also technically shouldn't those be spoiler'd? It was spoiler'd on C-R when I went and read most of the bios anyway a few months ago. :/
I just noticed that
the shirt Godot/Diego stopped wearing when he was blinded was red. I guess he couldn't see it very well any more? Heh, minor, I know, but I never really examined his changes in appearance before. Also his tie is always the same colour as his hair, I think. :O

I amuse myself with the most trivial observations.
My brother got hooked on AA and won't give it back so I can finish my replay. D:

...which doesn't bother me any longer because JFA finally friggin came today and now I have it and I'm not going to be left in the dark any longer and actually I wanted to go back to sleep but I have a shiny new (used) toy and I am torn between sleep and JFA and aaaaaaaaaaaa.

Okay, so I finished Apollo Justice! :o

...and I was so, so disappointed. D: It was so predictable! They'd made the details of the poisoning and the whole Thalassa=Lamiroir=Apollo's mother thing blatantly obvious halfway through the MASON system part! The last trial was a joke! Where was my epic courtroom battle of great revelations? Where was my nerve-wrecking cross-examination of the real culprit? (Yes, we cross-examined Kristoph, but it was so obvious what to present at every point because we already knew all the details! His hand was even the second thing I checked for a 'habit'!) I mean, it was a great case until the last trial. It was interesting and very promising. That trial was just such a horribly awful anticlimax. D: I was expecting there to be so much more. At least give us some sort of a final twist!

Worse still, Kristoph was kind of lame. D: We'd known he was an evil manipulator since the first case, it was ridiculously easy to point him out as the real killer in the final trial, and... well, all those black Psyche-Locks made me think he had some deep, dark secret or motive was otherwise interesting as a character, but... he wasn't. D: His motive all along was just "I want to win this case and then keep my reputation intact", and we don't even know why he'd go so far to win the case, because unlike the von Karma family, there doesn't appear to have been any drive on him to need to win every trial. He was just Evil. Come on, even Dahlia, who was pretty messed up, had her own little personal tragic tale. And well, okay, Matt was irredeemably evil, but at least it was a revelation to find that he was evil and he had a bit of a history showing what a sick bastard he was. Why didn't Kristoph get anything? D:

Finally, I really wanted to see some interesting brother dynamics in the final trial. Beyond Klavier sitting there and sweating for a bit, I mean. Apollo and Trucy were saying he was acting different from normal, but as far as I could tell there was nothing more to it than the sweating. We should have seen Kristoph twisting him around his little finger or Klavier standing up to his big brother for the first time or just Kristoph despising Klavier for being more successful than he was or something. D:

When the case was over, I thought "What? Honestly? This is it?" And I was just complimenting the series on the epicness of the final cases... DDD:
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WHAT THE HECK?!? von Karma has the most demented Objection call I've ever heard. Seriously.

Plus that dude has issues. WAAAY too many issues. Honestly, if he wants to rule the court, he should be a judge.

...On second thought, ERASE THAT IDEA!!
...why is that a spoiler? But yeah, von Karma sounds like he eats babies for breakfast or something. As opposed to Payne, who sounds like one of the babies von Karma is about to eat.
von Karma in German is the best and scariest thing ever. I downloaded his Objection (or "Einspruch") specially and it terrified meee~
Random thought of the day:
If Lamiroir/Thalassa is blind, how did she know which button at the end said "Not Guilty"? :O
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