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Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

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Cryssie's siggy is awesome.
Thank you. :D

Aaaand that's it. I'm totally up-to-date. I can go back and read every single spoiler tag I've had to skip now, hahahahah. >:D *Cough.*

My final thoughts about 4-4 (all spoiler-tagged because I don't even want to give people the vaguest of hints that might ruin something for them):

So the time-hopping was epic. Nice finisher. I do think, though, that the case picked up speed as it went along and was totally snowballing at a very fast pace towards the middle-end there. And it feels like it lacks closure somehow. Plus I still say Thalassa looks Gavin-ish. >:| Oh well.

It's been a very fun ride. Now I intend to draw more fanart (if and when the mood strikes me), hunt down these orchestral and jazz versions (?) of some of the games' music I've been hearing about, and try my hand at putting together a case. Although honestly, the more I played, the weaker my idea for that last one seemed. I think my idea may well be relegated simple tutorial-case status.

But never mind, because hahahahah, I'm up-to-date at last! :DDD
Whoo, I'm playing as Phoenix again! :D Not that I have anything against Apollo (I rather like him), but it was a bit unsatisfying to just have 3-5 and then suddenly skip to Hobo!Phoenix who has already lost his badge. D:

EDIT: And haha, I was right about Trucy's father being the one on trial. Maybe I have Fey blood! :o

Which is even creepier because my boyfriend can look a little bit like Diego if you turn your head and he's positioned in a certain way and hasn't shaved for a little while (at least to me, but then again I see Godot everywhere right now). Maybe we are really the incarnations of Mia and Diego and that's why I ship it? :o
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Which is even creepier because Shadey can look a little bit like Diego if you turn your head and he's positioned in a certain way and hasn't shaved for a little while. Maybe we are really the incarnations of Mia and Diego and that's why I ship it? :o

okay! okay, fine, I admit, worse than JCS.

(also his hair isn't spiky enough)
okay! okay, fine, I admit, worse than JCS.

(also his hair isn't spiky enough)
Ha! I told you so, didn't I? >:/ I have grown delusional and shippy in addition to fangirly, if this obsession is a bit lacking in the stalkery department.

And no, it's not spiky enough, but that's why you need to squint a bit and turn your head and be delusional like me to see it. :D
But never mind, because hahahahah, I'm up-to-date at last! :DDD

Nice work. :D

Okay, so. This question was asked on the old club and I'm bringing it back. xD

*doesn't know how to properly phrase the question* Uh... what order did you like the ending cases in (including both 1-4 and 1-5)? *still doesn't know how to phrase question*

Spoiler tags simply for safety purposes.
1. 3-5
That was.... brilliant. Enthralling enough that I would spend until three in the morning (the latest I've ever stayed up with a video game) finishing it, emotional enough that I cried, surprising enough that I practically held a ":O" face for the whole night. That night itself was also brilliant... it was the night after I had completed 3-4, working alongside a friend of mine on the other forum (the one who had convinced me that I needed to buy Phoenix Wright in the first place, the reason I'm here now), and that next night we met again on the chatroom. I made a promise just before I left that I was going to complete the game that night. It was brilliant enough to warrant that. My friend's sister told me I wouldn't be able to complete it that night, but I tried anyway. When I didn't complete it by midnight, I told myself I would stop at one, but I didn't, and the hours flashed by... it's just too addicting to stop at. Too climatic. Just plain brilliance.
2. 4-4
For a brief time I actually preferred this over 3-5, simply because of the sheer unexpectedness of it, what with Apollo being Trucy's brother and all. I finished this one around midnight and had a real struggle not to squeal when the Apollo/Trucy thing was revealed.
3. 1-4 <3 Edgeworth. That's all I can say.
4. 2-4 Don't remember this one too well and can't check since my best friend's borrowing JFA at the moment, but I liked the fact that for once you actually had a guilty client. I also liked how they made it look like any other case (how basically it looks like the defendant is the only one who could have murdered the victim and them later it's shown that it was actually at a different place or that there was another person there or something). Interesting case, honestly.
5. 1-5 Don't remember this one too well either, but I don't think I liked it as much as the others. xD

So yeah.
My opinions of the ending cases so far (i.e. not counting Apollo Justice):

1. 3-5 (surprise, surprise).
I didn't like it that much until it had come to that point in the trial where Phoenix had just gone "Okay, the real killer was somebody who was on the Inner Temple side that night" and the chapter ended; it was something like three AM so I decided to finish it the next morning. I left the room to brush my teeth, thinking "Pearls channeled somebody and was the real murderer?"; then just as I entered the bathroom, everything suddenly just clicked and I realized, "Oh, God, Godot did it." And then I spent the rest of the evening thinking, "Holy crap, I love this case." :D I like my messed-up murderers. Especially so when you've been facing them and thinking they were perfectly harmless. Seriously, I'd never have thought Godot would kill anyone until just that moment when everything fell into place.
2. 1-4. Edgeeeeey. :D (Hey, just because I'm obsessing over Godot doesn't mean Edgeworth isn't still awesome!) He needed a hug.
3. 2-4.
I loved the client being guilty for once, and Matt was pretty awesomely messed up. And I really like Edgeworth's new theme music for some reason. Also, it had my favorite contradiction in the whole series, namely Shelly de Killer's confusion over Adrian Andrews' gender. Not hard to figure out or anything, but somehow I loved it to bits anyway.
4. 1-5. Damn it, I love 1-5 too. D: Gant has awesome theme music. And it was just very long and engaging and managed miraculously well to stand on its own even though half of the characters in it were exclusive to that case. But I guess it's my least favorite, in the end. The others are just so darned good!

Really, one of the best things about the series to me is that all the final cases are pretty epic; they're memorable, involving, have some very nice twists and always feel suitably climatic to end the game with. You never get a "but the previous case was more interesting!" feeling. Even 1-5 did a great job of feeling even more epic than 1-4 in its own way.

I think I have some sort of a thing for assisted suicide because this case suddenly got very interesting to me. That and a particular episode of House made me squee to unnatural degrees as well.
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n_n I'd like to join.

Um. What can I say to make this more than a one-liner? xD Uh. I just finished JFA and am hunting for Trials and Tribulations.
Welcome! The more, the merrier, no?

My favorites:
EPIC WIN. I love how the game manages to give off all these hints about the real killer without spoiling anything. I laughed out loud when the lights went out and Godot was all glowing and stuff. Then I cried when I realized that Godot was the killer because of his mask thing. It was a great ride, with so many twists and turns it made my head spin. In a good way, of course. And Edgey and Fran makes a comeback, and you get to be Edgeworth. How awesome is that? And then there's the Misty thing and the Godot bleeding at the eyes.... I think Butterfree covered that already. Anyways, it was a great case.
ALSO WIN. It seemed like a simple, normal case at first, with your client not guilty and all. But I knew something was up when the Psyche-Locks didn't go off when I asked Engarde whether he killed anyone or not. And getting a radio on the witness stand? Brilliant. And the Gumshoe tracker made me laugh. And I totally did not expect the whole guilty client thing, even if the Psyche-Locks tipped me off a bit. And the whole Franziska getting shot and breaking down was a great twist. I love that case...
Edgeworth~ Yeah. I was all squealing and stuff when I realized that Edgey didn't kill his dad. And the case made him gay. Yay.
The case made me go :O for the rest of the day after I finished it. It was at the end when everything just sort of came together and found out that Laminoir was Apollo and Trucy mom (I already guessed that. THE HAIR, I SAY!) And the black Psyche-Locks almost made me drop my DS (It was sitting on a table. It can't drop.) Although I was hoping that they would explain the scar on Kristoph's hand...
Gant is cool. Although it's on the bottom of the list, it's still an awesome case. Especially when I figured out that Gant was the killer. All the characters are great, too. I love all the lunches Angel offers to Phoenix (fish guts!). And Gant's music is awesome. The only reason it's so low on the list is because all the other cases are too awesome.

That was hard... All the cases are so good....
CL: Haha so totally agreed on 4-4 xD :OOOO

Oh, and *pokes Flametail* I got her into Phoenix Wright~ (and she told me she's attempting to go get T&T before noon today)
1. 4-4. It started out fairly normally, took a turn for the interesting when we went back to Phoenix's case, and by the time I got to the time travel bit I was sold. Also, Klavier is cool. Also, if I am ever stuck in solitary confinement for anything I want a cell like Kristoph's. Also, figuring out who Juror 6 was a split second before seeing her reflection in the screen was cool.
2. 3-5. Godot is cool, playing Edgeworth was cooler, and then there was the actual plot. Yay, I say. Then there was the epic Fey backstory (and this case FINALLY made me realise why my mind kept wanting to say Morgan la Fey. god I am stupid HOW did I not see it before).
3. 1-4. THE PARROT.
4. 1-5. I like how long and twisted this one was. They somehow managed to make it all come together; it was also pretty cool since you were never quite sure where the crime took place and what exactly it was.
5. 2-4. Your client being guilty was amazing, the radio almost equalled the parrot, Maya being kidnapped was awesome... but the others are just cooler :(
I still love 2-4 best. I blame Adrian.
And Matt, who was so psychopathic it was amazing - I did not see him being evil coming at all, and the whole thing was perfectly timed with my "But what if Phoenix got a guilty client?" wonderings, and DeKiller was the best assasin ever and Fran at the end... ;~;
Plus, I think JFA's the funniest game I've ever, ever played. The other games are funny, but have nowhere near as many random refrences as JFA does.

Everyone's pretty much covered why the others were amazing, but if I had to put them in order, I'd say 4-4, 3-5, 1-4, 1-5 and 2-2 because I absolutely love it, even if it's not an "epic" case.
I agree with Dannichu here.
Matt was really annoying me with the phone calls to Adrian, and he seemed too, well, refreshing to be guilty. And De Killer is awesome. I remember, in trail, they said something about him being suspicious because he looks like a baseball. That was funny.
... xDD I must be psychic.

Well, I just finished 3-1 and am starting 3-2. I realized two things without any real evidence:
Diego is important.
Luke Atmey is the culprit.
Leafpool confirmed these suspicions. xD
...okay, whut. Fourth-wall breaking much? Right now I'm playing through the whole... whats-its-name system part (attempting to break Drew's Psyche-Locks).

Unless I'm very much mistaken, Trucy's mother is Lamiroir, which would explain the whole 'mysterious past' thing that was bothering me in the last case because it was never revealed. Obviously, I figured Zak Gramarye was Shadi Smith the moment he appeared, which explains the locket with Trucy in it and all that.

I have to say I like how everything is being slowly pieced together, although I still find the past-present thing a bit... odd.
Um... I would like to sign up also...
But, I should warn everyone, I've only played PW:AA.
But I'm a member of the GSRPHQ on dA. I'm Damon Gant! =)
(Which I know accounts for nothing, but still...)
...okay, whut. Fourth-wall breaking much? Right now I'm playing through the whole... whats-its-name system part (attempting to break Drew's Psyche-Locks).

It's not actually breaking the fourth wall, although pretty much everyone seems to think it does. Wait until the very end.
Okay, my current theory about 4-4 is
that Kristoph just has to be the evil mastermind behind everything. The poison that killed Drew Misham was probably his nail polish. I mean, he even has a suspicious yellow envelope. And he's generally all evil. Just look at those black Psyche-Locks!

Incidentally, my pro-euthanasia mind seems unable to get itself to believe that whoever pulled the trigger to kill Magnifi Gramarye (part of me thinks Zak is the most reasonable suspect by any standard, and part of me thinks that knowing these games, Kristoph did it) did anything wrong at all. D: The man was suffering, he was terminally ill anyway, and requested it himself! And, to boot, apparently they were being coerced into following his orders, making them even less responsible. D: Where is the justice?
I like how his evil scheme sort of worked by accident in the end.
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