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Yes but the way I used to do it made it look all blobby.Zora, to be honest I don't ever recommend shading with burn + dodge because it makes the colouring look extremely lumpy.
;;Raises hand;; Lack of a tablet makes that a necessity. Although I'm also a bit psychological about it. There's just something about... having the art physically in your hands and there being no risk of it being accidentally deleted that makes me feel better. (Sure, you could print it out... but it somehow doesn't really feel the same) Also, I still haven't really figured out a consistent style for like... digital art. Mostly, I just use digital for quick non-serious concept MS Paint doodles which I never show since everyone will be all AAAAAAH PAINT. For the occasional rare serious piece though or an avvie, I use Photoshop and uh... combine dodging and burning (don't worry! very sparse) with actually picking out the colours.VLAD
and stuff. Also, is there anyone else in the OS who still does mostly traditional art?
So... something more akin to this, rather than this?Tbh dodge+burn is bad for multiple reasons. You have no control over the shading at all; how strong it is, which is what results in the blobby-quality, or the colours, which is why you shade at all. Just making it darker isn't really... the point. The point is colours. Dodge+burn just makes it more gray or more saturated depending on the setting. :\ Play with colours. That's the point of art.
As far as colouring goes, I haven't used Photoshop is literal years ever since I discovered Paint Tool SAI, which is much better for drawing, I find. And it makes very pretty smooth lines. You can find a free trial by googling it or just download the full version off a torrent site or something. I got it from a friend.
I have finally finished my first big drawing since 2008. It took me all week, but I present to you:
Vukoon 'Salanee,Covenant Elite MinorSeperatist Elite Minor.
Normally, in doodles, he has a Needler or Plasma Rifle, but the drawing I used as a guide used Dual Energy Swords and when I put the guns in they looked....awkward. So swords it is.
Also known as: My Halo-sona. Not coloured, but you could see that (I hope)
EDIT: And whilst I'm at it, DeviantART
Extremely impressive. ;;Bows head;; Your outlines are crisp and sharp, and your shading is very good. I bow to your superior armor drawing abilities. Only thing about it that kinda bugs me is the stomach torso part. It seems sort of... too bent over. If that makes sense at all. But seriously, nice job.I have finally finished my first big drawing since 2008. It took me all week, but I present to you:
Vukoon 'Salanee,Covenant Elite MinorSeperatist Elite Minor.
Normally, in doodles, he has a Needler or Plasma Rifle, but the drawing I used as a guide used Dual Energy Swords and when I put the guns in they looked....awkward. So swords it is.
Also known as: My Halo-sona. Not coloured, but you could see that (I hope)
EDIT: And whilst I'm at it, DeviantART
I have finally finished my first big drawing since 2008. It took me all week, but I present to you:
Vukoon 'Salanee,Covenant Elite MinorSeperatist Elite Minor.
Normally, in doodles, he has a Needler or Plasma Rifle, but the drawing I used as a guide used Dual Energy Swords and when I put the guns in they looked....awkward. So swords it is.
Also known as: My Halo-sona. Not coloured, but you could see that (I hope)
EDIT: And whilst I'm at it, DeviantART
I have finally finished my first big drawing since 2008. It took me all week, but I present to you:
Vukoon 'Salanee,Covenant Elite MinorSeperatist Elite Minor.
Normally, in doodles, he has a Needler or Plasma Rifle, but the drawing I used as a guide used Dual Energy Swords and when I put the guns in they looked....awkward. So swords it is.
Also known as: My Halo-sona. Not coloured, but you could see that (I hope)
EDIT: And whilst I'm at it, DeviantART
Vukoon 'Salanee, Covenant Elite Minor Seperatist Elite Minor.
Normally, in doodles, he has a Needler or Plasma Rifle, but the drawing I used as a guide used Dual Energy Swords and when I put the guns in they looked....awkward. So swords it is.
Also known as: My Halo-sona. Not coloured, but you could see that (I hope)
I genuinely almost clicked the edit button instead of the quote button.Also, Kai Lucifer has taken up the role of threadmin. So you can also go to him if you need clarification on OS activities and matters.
Also, I think I've changed my mind about ArtMo. I'm going in~