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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Haha, thanks guys. xD Yes, inanimate things must suffer from the lack of the mouth. O:

His, and the hair was colored like that. It's my friend's character, so ask her if you want to know why its so spot-licous. xD
STOP POSTING stop posting dammit when I'm not here the thread is supposed to be suspended in time freeeeeze D:

Uh very distracted and will hopefully go click on picturelinks and skim slower later, but v. briefly:

-Hm, I don't mind drawing in front of other people. It's my favorite way to pretend I'm not actually out in public. I don't like them watching me for too long or asking me about it, but that's because any breaches of my personal space bubble are felonies in Phoenixland and I hate talking anyway, especially when it's explaining something that I know they don't care about. Seriously people you don't like Pokémon you don't actually care what I'm drawing don't lie to me and pretend you do it wastes my time D:

-Ooh, group halloweenthing pictures. Can't wait. Would maybe almost attempt to do one but, uh, see below.

Urgh, haven't been able to draw anything other than fake Pokémon lately. When I draw at all. I need to get away from my damn computer. I don't even have time to be obsessed with drawing or reading or video games, that's how bad it is.

But, um, I guess here, have a few. 1 2 3 4 5 6 hey look I can count.

Yes, some of you have seen the first three before. I redid them so that they failed less. The shading was crap in the old ones and the next time I expect to use my artwork as renders/stock I must remember to actually clean up the lineart. Ugh.

Not that the fact that I only draw fakes these days is entirely bad. dA people pay attention to you when you make up pokeymans, apparently. *shrug*

um and

Name: King Henry VIII
Favorite Subjects: apparently fake Pokémon, but also not-fake ones, animals, dragons, humans/humanoids that never see the light of day
Characters: none, really
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: pencils, pens, Photoshop, the occasional colored pencil explosion
Art Url(s):

art thread no one cares about (including me, hence the lack of updates... actually, I've kind of abandoned the art forum for now :/)

Also, I finally borrowed Rocky Horror and frankly didn't think it was that great, but then I learned what the time warp was and anyway Tim Curry in a corset makes everything better.
Joining please.

DA profile~

I haven't been drawing much lately but I have an Eevee...


It started as a random scribble and then I did a better outline and then I coloured it quickly with CHEAP colouring pencils because they happened to be the only ones at that time. I'm currently making a pixel over of it now.

Bye peoples *walks out* I'll visit later~
Thankings. I think something should be done to get rif of those cheesestones...*thinks about what could kill Cheesestones* How about...water? OK I'm outta ideas.
Arrrgh, I'm just so frustrated because I feel like everything I draw nowadays sucks. I know it makes sense considering I haven't drawn in months, and I never really was much of an artist, but... I used to kind of be able to draw. Now I feel like I can't, at all. I know I just need to practice, but it's impossible to get any motivation when I feel like everything I draw is going to be terrible. Bleh.

Well, Salamander, I suggest you try doodling aimlessly. Don't worry about trying to draw something perfect, just... doodle and leave stuff unfinished. It's a great way to practice a little and, since it isn't intended to be a finished piece of gorgeous artwork, you won't feel so self-concious. Besides, a lot of my aimless doodles end up looking pretty nice, and I can clean them up/redraw them later.
Well, Salamander, I suggest you try doodling aimlessly. Don't worry about trying to draw something perfect, just... doodle and leave stuff unfinished. It's a great way to practice a little and, since it isn't intended to be a finished piece of gorgeous artwork, you won't feel so self-concious. Besides, a lot of my aimless doodles end up looking pretty nice, and I can clean them up/redraw them later.
This pretty much sums it up. :P

I had two Halloween pictures I was gonna have done tonight. One of which was the obligatory holiday group pic.

Didn't get them done. Now I'll have to put 'em up tomorrow D:
Fwahhhh Elphachu is teh awesomesauce. Love the expression~ And the shading~ And everything else~

Ahem. Meanwhile, Linoone actually finished the Halloween group pic on time! *gasp*

I first need to apologize in advance to:
Kratos, because my theme for this picture is a very unamused Kratos Aurion. So, uh, sorry about that. And I screwed up on your sword so badly I can't even describe it... Just don't look at it, 'k?
Spoon, because you're a spoon. And the arrow and question mark hanging off of you is permanent now.
Spaekle, because I made your hair purple. And your eyes, too. Just pretend you're wearing contact lenses and dyed your hair because it's Halloween or something.
Dannichu, because I don't think I placed enough rainbows in my picture.
And everyone who is humanoid, because I screwed you guys all up quite badly indeed.

And I didn't even shade the picture!

Ok, so I do have a (sort of) shaded version of it, with less words. I'll upload it if anyone requests it... And if I spelled anyone's name wrong, uh.... Please correct me. I'll go fix it and stuff.

:D ?
Oh wow... I just can't say much more... Wow...

[I wonder what taking a photograph from a flying helicopter would actually be like.]
Hahaha, that's all kinds of cool. Kratos doesn't look pissed off, for once! And I like how even though we're all wearing the same costume, Dannichu still has her rainbow scarf.
Plus it had me with a monocle in it what more could you want from a drawing.

Keep them coming, you guys. I'll upload mine on Sunday or Monday, since I have no scanner here and I could only take like six pens with me because of weight limits on the plane :v
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