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Obsessive Scribblers~

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It will be shown... in time. *mysterious* o:

Much as I'm ashamed of it, I guess I am kind of proud too. ^^


Name: Salamander
Favorite Subjects: Humans
Characters: ...huh?
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Traditional (pencil/colored pencil/pen) and occasionally digital (tablet)
Art Url(s): deviantArt
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Because your name is invisible :o

I'll go fix that~

Ooh, I really that picture, though do you mind if I ask who is it?

Thank you for filling the questionair, and characters are animal/people/plants/fungi/whatever you've made.
She looks short to me. o.o; There's just no one next to her to compare her height with.
Name: Vladimir, Vlad, VPLJ or Vladimir Putin's LJ.
Favorite Subjects: Humans doing cool things.
Characters: A ton. Alain, Henry, Ivan, Donald, Sophie, Roland, Alois, Alwin, Christopher and Michael are the main ones, though :v
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Rotring pen, Copics and thick paper. Also do digital work, but pretty seldomly.
Art Url(s): deviantArt
Art thread comment!
Comic thread
Name: Spaekle Oddberry
Favorite Subjects: humans, interesting creatures, combining humans with interesting creatures
Characters: Hahaha, my characters. Gwee, Evan, Hadrian, and various Pokemon of mine.
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: tablet, prismacolor, pencil, ink pens, sometimes oil pastels and markers
Art Url(s): http://spaekleoddberry.deviantart.com
Hmmm... I'll just draw ink Kai and Seri on another sheet of paper then scan and copy + paste it on to the existing Halloween picture. That should work....

Name: Crazy Linoone
Favorite Subjects: Pokemon, birds, and dragons
Characters: ....uhhhhh.... well..... I have a ton, but none of them are really developed. And most of them don't have names. And they're all Pokemon. I'll list a few: Linoone, Muddie, Pory, Scout, Blade, Lucario, Salamence, and Ziggy.
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Mechanical pencil, random inky pens, paint.NET, and the fill bucket the mouse.
Art Url(s): The DeviantArt account that I never update.
Name: Zora
Favorite Subjects: Humans, dragons, trying to draw things based on random words, tons of stuff. :]
Characters: A hella lot. Too many to list. >>
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Pencil and paper. And colored pencils. I'm practicing with shading pencils though, and I want a tablet.
Art Url(s): dA, and my art thread whose URL I will get later.
Name: You'll never guess.
Favorite Subjects: Pokemon, people (especially children and females), animals
Characters: Characters from Wicked, Rent and other fandoms.
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Standard sketching pencils, inking pens of varying thickness, a bazillion coloured pencils.
Art Url(s):
Art thread (which feel really lonely right now, so it'd be great if you could go cheer it up)
To answer your question Kai, I must have skimmed far too fast. Please forgive me, and as I edit the member list. ;A;

Name: Eclipse
Favorite Subjects: Pokemon, random people, poofy hair
Characters: Have too many |D
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Tablet, traditional pencil and paper, Photoshop CS3, colored pencils
Art Url(s):dA :U

EDIT: Oh yeah, new lame doodles from me: http://i38.tinypic.com/1owvhh.png
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Hmmm... I'll just draw ink Kai and Seri on another sheet of paper then scan and copy + paste it on to the existing Halloween picture. That should work....

Thanks for drawing me, yay. =D Uh, use this pic - a picture of Seri.


Name: Seritinajii, or just Seri.
Favorite Subjects: People, Pokémon,
Characters: Comic characters.

Seri's world -
Seri - a nice guy, a human, but able to shapeshift. Kinda based on/inspired by/I dunno/whatever me.
Nick - Seri's friend, has some undecided power.
Isabela - Another person in Seri and Nick's world.
Sal - Another person in Seri and Nick's world, who has nothing special.
Flying pig (gonna be named) - Nick's pet.
Flying butterstick - see here.

Pleasure and Pizazz -
Splashy - a Mudkip, in Pleasure & Pizazz. Kinda nervous, but friendly and good at comforting people.
Eligon (by CFH) - a Pikachu, Splashy's girlfriend. Nice, but has a bad history.
Yuni - a Squirtle, who's very mischevious and happy. Not too smart and likes to prank people. (envy)
Mazu - a Horsea, skliled in battle but not too social. He wants too much. (greed)
Impy - a Horsea, Mazu's brother, kind of insane.
Trisha - a Treecko, who's great at cooking and throwing things. (pride)
Reti - a Pikachu, who's very fashionable. (lust)
Osu - a Latios, happy in life but kind of bad-tempered. He likes candy too much. (gluttony)
Sui - a cross between a Suicune and a human. He's good at running the house and keeping it (he has an indoors job), but very lazy. (sloth)
Xar - a very angry but strong Natu, who is going to evolve soon. (wrath)
Snowflake - a shy Lotad who likes reading books.
Teri - a Pikachu, the mailman, with a cameo in number 1. Will be Reti's boyfriend.
Timmy - a Bulbasaur who's very smart.
Seriopé - a Surskit, personalityless but a villain.
Ray - a Rayquaza, roommate of Osu in college. They love and hate each other as friends.
Muddy - a Mudkip, Splashy's cousin and Kippy's twin bro.
Kippy - a Mudkip, Splashy's cousin and Muddy's twin bro.
Shinnen - a Houndour, fought in a war with Splashy, on an opposite side. Has multiple personality disorder.
Tenoru - a distant relative of Trisha, who fought in a war with Splashy on the same side. Very childish and is a child, but tries to make others happy.

Pupil-less -
Sandy - a cheerful and optimistic person.
Hannah - a little shy, but friendly.
Angie - trustworthy and loyal, but easily bored.
Louise - a trendy girl who wants to be a star.
Kenny - a bullied guy who's friends with the other pupil-lesses, but is really handy to be around.
Jeremy - a possibly depressed but trying to enjoy life guy who appreciates his friends.
Alex - a sadistic but skilled kid, Jeremy's brother.
Lulu - a somber girl who's kind of shy, but a nice friend after a while.
Jonah - a relaxed, laid back guy who loves acoustic guitars.
(I forgot some of the other mains.)
Ken - a crudely drawn person who's always happy.
Mary - a slightly valley girl who's always getting good grades.
Patty - a girl who's dressed like every day is Saint Patrick's Day.
Matt - a short kid who's always annoying people.
(I forgot a lot of the minor characters.)

Err. I probably have others.

Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Pencils, regular and mechanical. Lined paper, sometimes with three holes. or regular lineless paper. Pens. Computers - PaintBBS and ShiPainter.

Art Url(s): deviantART
Seri~ I'm drawing you as the helicopter in your avatar, if that's ok...

And you have a ton of characters. Must have took a while to make up that many.

And Eclipse's doodle has awesome colors. Really awesome colors. And realllllly awesome shading. I love the hair~
Oh yes, I also have to say that I too, will depict everyone by their avatar.
I'm sorry if I make anyone look weird in my group pic. ;A;

And thanks, Linoone. xD

EDIT: http://i37.tinypic.com/10fp2ew.png
The curly-haired girl is supposed to be Arylett.
The starry towel is supposed to be towel!Spaekle
The Linoone is supposed to be, well Linoone
The spoon is supposed to be Spoon
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Name: Midnight
Favorite Subjects: Pokemon And other Animated animals
Characters: ...?
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Pencil, Coloured pencil, Paint occasionally.
Art Url(s): ...?
Ahahaha! I have already expressed how much I adore that picture~ X3 ;;Snackers;; It amuses me to no end. And I look STYLIN' in that Spaekletowel.

Name: Arylett Charnoa (that's my secret middle name) Dawnsborough. Just call me Arylett though. Or HRA (Her Royal Arylettness) or Queen Arylett~ Whichever strikes your fancy.

Favorite Subjects: Pokémon and mostly canines, reptiles, and birds. Oh and me. I love to draw myself a lot~

Characters: My Creations, I suppose. (Random monsters that I've drawn, called Creations.) And there's too many to list individually. Also uhh... Mourmedy and Trinity Flame. Also, Atnura the Mightyena, Arylett the Pidgeotto/Poochyena (Aryena and... Argeotto? Two Pokésonas, I guess.), Queen Arylett (which is basically me, except with a crown and a fancy dress and oh, a sceptre. Arylettsceptre~ Umm... don't ask, I have crazy injokes with people.) and a few others I'm probably forgetting.

Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Mechanical pencils, coloured Crayola pencils, oh and Paint/Paint.NET/GIMP for anything digital.

Art Url(s): Art Thread~ DA. Art Thread is more recommended.
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hahaha I love the Spaekletowel's <:x eyes. Far too long have inanimate objects been silenced by lack of mouth.

Eclipse's other drawing was awesome too; I love the way you colored his/her? hair. Is the spottyness just how the hair is colored, or do you shade like that too? It looks cool.
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