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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Hmm... I've never uploaded sound clips anywhere, so I'm afraid I can't really help you, Eclipse. Sorry.

I drew an orange a little while ago. I used a HB pencil to draw it, and I like it quite a bit, but could I have some crit, perhaps?

There needs to ba an artist C+C thread, similar to the spriting one.
Wow, impressive, Kai. The lighting is great. :D
I'd suggest a pencil with a softer lead, and going over the outline of the orange, specifically where the shadows are at and meet, so it looks like it has a little more depth.

Well, my audio clip is irrevelant, so... I better get started on the skit.
But, can you guys give me PMs on your personalities, what you'd often say, what you'd never say, etc? If I make the skit, I have to know what I'm working with.
I like Kai's orange. It makes me... quite hungry. Ahahaha. Though it doesn't really look like an orange to me, at first I thought it was a croissant. (Ignore me, my perceptions are rather out of whack.)

And whee, this voice clipery is going to be fun~
Fweeee~ Voice acting thing~

Linoone wants to eat an orange now. Please excuse me for a sec....


There. Much better. I blame Kai for drawing such an delicious-looking orange. I suggest that you turn on more lights before trying to take photos of your art. And turn off the flash. But I can't crit on the orange because I ate it it's too good.

Linoone is inking the Halloween pic even though she screwed up at too many places to count. Oh well.
Ooh, that's a cool orange. Kinda looks like a balled-up caterpillar, but that's okay because peeled oranges look like those anyway X3

I hate myself for not drawing anything for about a month now D:
I'm just so damn busy; I spend virtually all my time with people and it's just rude to sit there drawing. That and I can't draw with people watching me.

It suuuuucks ;;
Aaaaand I must do my obligatory holiday pic. Not to mention I have that one for the charity I promised my art teacher AND trying to beat TP.

Haha, I often doodle... Though, I never really "draw", as in draw, ya' know?
Oh and Vladimir, I have a question for you. It seems that everyone refers to you as Strangy. Is there some sort of hidden reason for this strange nickname? :U
Well, Putin's name used to be Strangy but it was changed a while back.

Also aaah Arylett has been drawing, but she just takes SO long to colour because she procrastinates beyond all reason. Bad 'Lett! ;;Hits;;
That and I can't draw with people watching me.

It suuuuucks ;;

D: I knooowwwww.... I can't draw with people watching me. It's just really awkward, you know? Also, since the really random things I draw is either on my homework (oops) or is about you guys, I can't exactly draw them in front of my parents. They'll go crazy if they find out that I have friends on the internet, since everyone on the internet is "either trying to steal my identity or rape me" O.o

What's this? Linoone is procrastinating on both her homework and her picture right now? Bad Linoone! Bad!
Oh my GOD Linoone, my parents are like that too. And I hate drawing when being watched too. Nope, can't draw in front of parents either. Or at school. I was trying to colour a Crazy Queen Arylett picture at school, without letting the teachers or anyone see. Would lead to questions, aauuugh.

And so is Arylett! Oh wow, we're too alike. ;;Procrastinates on drawings AND homework;;
I can sort of draw at school.... When no one's watching me... And when I'm supposed to be doing something else... And I can't exactly draw all over my stuff either because parents are annoying like that. Blah. And if they find the Halloween group picture I finished inking... I'm doomed for ever.

I do not want to explain why there's a badger-thing and a spoon and a whole bunch of people dressed up as a video game character, thankyou very much.

Arylett~ We should be twins~

Zora has no homework? HOW COULD YOU ZORA?

You can do my homework for me, k? But wait, I finished all the hard ones already. That sucks...
I don't WANT homework, either. It's the result of going to the school that I do. One of the perks, I suppose. The only real homework I get is from my graphic and web design class at the college tech campus, and I get to draw all over that anyway. :3
You have no homework? You need to transfer to my school and take APUSH so you can have like 60+ notecards and 10-15 assessments of presidents and supreme court cases due every two weeks or so followed by an insanely hard test that you're not going to pass no matter how hard you studied. Then you shall feel my pain. D:

My parents will not ever see my sketchbooks. Partly because I write comments on my pictures that tend to be either sexual or with swearing in them, and partly because I'm quite fond of drawing insane-looking people and other things of varying levels of disturbingness.

I try as hard as I can not to doodle on things I turn in because I always end up getting the assignment back with "please don't doodle on your assignments" written at the top. It's happened twice.
Ah, I STILL haven't done my homework. I will though... I will FORCE myself to do it! (Seriously, to get me to do homework, you'd have to put a knife to my throat and THREATEN me. That's how much motivation I lack. Lucky Zora, LUCKY~)

And my parents shall never see my... sketch folder? Yeah. I don't like using sketch books, more of a loose leaf person. I'll DIE if they see my pictures. They already think I'm weird enough. I've shown them a few of my Pokémon drawings. My mom had a "Ehehehe, that's nice dear. ;;Cough;;My daughter is a weird, why can't she draw normal things?;;Cough;;" reaction. My dad did too, except he told me plain out loud that he didn't like me drawing "nonsense." He'd rather I draw Real Things. Like scenery... trees... blech.

So I don't show them my drawings any more. And they're DEFINATELY not seeing my Queen Arylett pictures. Oh my God.

Let's be Crazytwins, Linoone! Okay, I'll be Twin 2. You can be Twin 1.
Gawd, we should really start a "I Have Too Much Homework and I'm Procrastinating" Club. xD
-Shot because she has an essay to do-
My mom trusts me more, so she only thinks 60% of my friends are rapists or something. But there's still some lingering so... .___.;;
Haha, I doodle you guys all the time. Especially spoon!Spoon, and Linoone holding Spoon, while riding Long Bunny, a parody of Long Cat. And the others are riding on Long Bunny too, while going to the Crazybuddy Land.
... I think I'm not making any sense anymore.
haha i made people jealous :D

But more to the point, no I don't get homework. I'm barely even there for two hours out of the day anyway. So the only thing I have to do is write a half page health-related article for PE then they just let me draw the rest of the day.

And also: Good God the song this is based on has been stuck in my head all day ><

EDIT: Have you ever doodled me Eclipse? You DID say you doodled us.
And what about Arylett? Doodle her?

And YES, somebody needs to make that club. I'd post in it ALL the time. Because I procrastinate every single day of my life, because every day I have trucktons of homework. I really need to make a schedule or something, balance out all this. If I got rid of my procrastination, I'd probably get a LOT done. Including drawings... ;;Ponders ways to allieviate procrastination, ponders about creating schedule;;

Perhaps I need to get some guy to hold a knife to my neck. I think that'd work best.

Ahaha, I hope I'm not the only person who draws in class while people watch and shows their sketchbook to their parents :v
The only things I don't show to my relatives are sketches of a sexual nature, and even then they have to be downright obscene (I have no problems with showing people my men-in-corsets drawings, for example).

I usually do my homework when I like the subject matter, otherwise I just hurry up and rush it the next day one hour before class :v

Starting the Halloween picture, by the by.
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