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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Skippety dee! Whee~ 8D Congratulations Flareth, you're a crazybuddy!

Oh my God, I think I've created a monster. How come the crazy ideas that come out of my mind always end up turning into stuff like this? X3

(Also thank you Spaekle and Linoone, I'll remember these things for my future humans~)

Yay Zora! ;;Excited for crazybuddy picture;;
Because craziness is awesome.

Let's get back on topic, shall we... Have a picture. This is a random Crocnaw I drew one day, because Crocnaws don't get enough love. I have another version right here, with darker outlines. Which one do you guys think is better?
Arylett's curlyness almost killed me while I was drawing my picture, too.

Zora, you should be more careful with red paint. And what's with your over-sized paintbrush? *shot*

Love your coloring style~
Aww, both Crocanaw pictures are cute as hell, but I think I like the darker outlines better :3

Haha, that bloodied picture is seriously cool. You're really good with exotic mediums; I envy you~

My hair IS evil to draaaw~ And it's evil to brush too! I once broke the bristles off of one, I'm serious. (Psst, just do what I do, draw a bunch of squiggles~)

Also, wheee, Berserk Zora is so deliciously evil. >DD And scary~ Like I said, I love how your art is all pastelly~ Colours are awesome~ (And the sword! Holy crap, look at that huge ass sword! It's all bloody and wow~)

And Linoone, I think I like the darker lined Croconaw better~ But they're both awesomenocity. I love Croconaw's expression (so mellow man) and its eye, the colours in its eye are really pretty and shiny and reflective~ It's really good, actually! I especially like the leg, it's just :D. Its legs and arms are canine-ish, so that's only a bonus~ ;;Is biased for canines;;
Fweeeee~ Thankies. I wasn't really sure what Crocnaw legs really looked like, so I just made them canine-ey. Yeah. And it was fun shading in purple~

Zora~ *prods* Are you done yet? Can I sees the picture~? Pweese? Even if it's just a sketch~? *is excited*
*is prodded*

It's a policy of mine to not show my work till it's finished. I got Arylett and her hell-hair done, but now I'm at a loss over what to do with Spaekle and Flareth and the rest and what not.
;;Gigglefits;; HELL-HAIR! Oh. My. God. Yes. That is the most awesomenocity thing I've ever heard my hair be called~

Also Zora, I have this very same policy. ;;Is very obsessive and finicky;; Take your time, man~
Right then. So now I've finished Spoon and have moved on to Kratos Aurion, but he (she?) is being a paaaaain ><

Is it bad that I'm drawing him/her as his/her avatar though? That's what I always picture him/her as. :/
And it's taking an insane amount of refs ><

But the good news is I only have a few left to draw after that. :D
;;Is wondering immensely what Zora-style Arylett looks like;; X3 I do hope you captured my good side~ Arylett's hell-hair, yeeeeaaah~

And uh, fufufufufufu~ I drew this. It is proof that I am certifiably mad. This might as well be my madness certificate~


PLEASE NOTE: I do not know what Salamander or Spoon look like, so they have taken the form of their usernames. Also that black dot near Dannichu's nose is the fabled piercing. And Spaekle is the robe. >>
I LOVE IT. <3<3<3

Oh my God, Arylett is laaaa~ You got my hell-hair pat down. And the expression on my face, it's like so dreamy. Like... "La la la, lalaland." It's PERFECT. It's like, you captured my Arylettness immensely~

And Spoonie is a spoon. XD ;;Gigglefits;;

Linoone, you look STYLIN' in Spaekle. X3 Aye, I guess it was a good idea for me to give up the robe afterall.

Danni is adorable. X3 Yaaaay piercing~ And raaaainbow. 8D And Dannishoe. XDXD

AWESOMESAUCE. And I look awesome in Spaekle(robe)~

:D Spoon. Spooney spoon spoon. And Salamander!Salamander. And RainbowDanni. And Arylett's hell-hair. And the not amused Kratos who is very much not amused.

Is Flareth the only one who looks like a normal human here?

BTW, Kratos is a she.
Aww. Why do you have stitches, Zora? Anyway, amusing picture is amusing. :D

The Croconaw is cute, Linoone, although it looks a little more like a Totodile to me. Croconaw has that spotted pattern on its belly and it wraps around to its back, remember? Other than that, yeah, it is cute.

He, she, it... do you people not read Kratos's usertitle? It is there for a reason. D<
Aww. Why do you have stitches, Zora? Anyway, amusing picture is amusing. :D
Aye, thank you. ^^
But the one I did to represent you took an INSANE amount of refs and I really don't think I did anything but his hair total justice. :/
He has awesome hair. ಠ_ಠ

Also I ended up with stitches due to an incident with a glass fishbowl last Tuesday. Full (And damn do I mean full) story here.

Although it did stop hurting, so I guess it's good. Getting them out on Saturday but my mom wants to do it herself and I don't trust anyone but me near me with sharp objects unless they're a professional. ಠ_ಠ

He, she, it... do you people not read Kratos's usertitle? It is there for a reason. D<
I read it. That's why I kept putting he/she.

Also also:

Hahaha, that's pretty awesome. :p
This made me smile. :D
Yessir. Kratos is awesome.

Croconaw has that spotted pattern on its belly and it wraps around to its back, remember?

D: I know... But I couldn't find a SINGLE ref of a Croconaw facing the way I drew it... They're all facing the other way... So I had no idea how the pattern was supposed to look like...

You try looking for a picture of a Croconaw facing left. -_-

I think I'm going to draw myself with Spaeklerobe all the time now.
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