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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Yay for one-minute Paint pictures. I'm really spamming this thread with those.

And, uh, welcome, PichuK! Please just ignore that random outburst right there and pretend nothing happened. Thankyou.

The shading on the Lucario is really good... I can't shade with pixels for my life. You do need to work on anatomy though.
XDDDD at CrazyLinoone's picture. Reminds me of when people go crazy on Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents X3

I love the Murkrow's beak and feet, PichuK. I have such trouble drawing birds >.> And like Linoone said, the shading on the Lucario is vbery good :3
Still loving your Spaeklerobe Linoone. X3 ;;Gigglefits at Linoone's picture;;

And whoamygod, I just noticed, in Zora's picture, my eyes are green. Eeee, but Arylett's eyes are brown. Oh well, green eyed Arylett is still awesomenocity~ <3 (That and you didn't really have any coloured references~)
Drowning... In.... Cuteness... of... Delibird.... ;glug glug glug;

So..... Cute.... Can't... Think.... Of.... Comment.........

Love the fuzziness. *huggles*

Meanwhile, have a random picture of Kino from Kino no Tabi (also known as Kino's Journey or Kino's Travels. Awesome anime. GO WATCH IT NOW. Back on topic...) that I drew in Chinese class one day. On a worksheet. Bad habit, I know...

What I want to know is if you think this picture is "in-character" or not. Does it look like Kino? Is the expression weird? What about the anatomy? Does Kino look too much like a girl/boy? This is my second-ever picture of a human I drew that's not an eye-trace, so I really need feed backs to see what I did wrong and right... In case you're wondering about my first picture, it's still being fixed... Mainly because I screwed up really badly on Canon (Kino's gun, a revolver. Yes, this anime is awesome. GO WATCH IT NOW). And, why, yes, my first-ever picture of a human that is not an eye-trace is another Kino. Go figure. [/rant]
It's cool, Zor-zor~ There's really no way you could've known. X3

...Zor-zor? Each and every day, I come up with weirder nicknames, I swear.

I can't really tell you if it's in character, since I haven't seen that anime~ But uh, it's pretty good. Really good human picture! Wow~ And the coat is just awesomenocity~ The folds in it are realistic, as is the way it's blowing in the wind.
I'd like to join. All I ever do is draw, but...

I abandoned my DA, and haven't started my planed art thread.

I hope that is okay.
Arylett. PLEASE don't ever call me that.


Aaanyway, I fear that after that great work I may have fallen into a bit of a depressed slump. I mean what with my injury and a bit of a personal thing that I only feel comfortable telling two people here about, I don't really feel too much like drawing lately...
Oh God. <<

I accidentally pressed the Delete button when I went in to Edit and then I was all: "NOOOO. D<" And I had to repost it.

I won't! I promise~

Also, I just felt the need to do some random doodles. X3
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SMACKJEEVES don't click on the bottom comic it sucks and hasn't been updated in ages

What do I like to draw? Gay men, colourful things, awesome things, politicians, political incorrectness and nazis, or any combination of those things.
I used to draw in Photoshop obssessively but traditional art is much more appealing, pleasing to the eye and relaxing to me. I do use Paint Tool SAI when I want very crisp, clear lines and nice colours.
I hope to be able to do something cartoon-related as my job, and lots of people keep telling me I should look into becoming a political cartoonist which is flattering I suppose :v I don't know if I want to spend years in art school though, I think I'd like to do politics or history in university.

Now to read through this thread, hurrah.
...There's an easy solution to that, Strangy. Take politics first, THEN spend a few years in art school. Wah-lah. Easy political cartoonist. :P

EDIT: Or just take both at the same time. :D
Oh VP~ I love your art~ I'm just one of those people who stare awestruck at the awesomeness that is your art and can't think of anything to comment so just leave your thread...

Yeah. And welcome, new members!
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