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Obsessive Scribblers~

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That's a really good Feraligatr, Linoone. The shading is great.

Um, I was wondering if I could have a little critique on the shading in this doodle? I don't want advice on any other aspect of it, just wondering, basically, "am I doin it rite??"

Also... does anyone have any idea why my pencil tool in Paint Shop Pro 7 is being weird? For some reason, whenever I draw a line that's even slightly curved, it fills in the curve with the background color. o.o
Well, I think the main problem is that the shading looks a little lumpy (under the nose for example). Where is the light source coming from?
And there's that trail of white around some edges which I remember having on my pictures when I first got Photoshop.
I do like the shading on the hair, I think it look quite good. Skin does shade very differently and there are many surfaces to take into account, e.g. around the eyes, under the lips, above the lips, etc. What I like about shading in general is how it can convey facial structure even in not very detailed sketches. Hollow cheeks or the shape of the nose.

My two cents, hoipoloi.
The one thing that really stands out to me, like Vladimir said, is where is your light coming from? The shadows around the nose could probably actually be highlights judging from the rest of the shading. They look a bit out of place there as shadows, in any case.

Do you mean the 'draw' tool with the little pencil for an icon? You could probably fix that by:

Is that second color (it's blue in this picture) the one that gets filled in? You can click that little arrow on the color to make that menu come up, and then click that "no" sign to turn it off. Then it shouldn't have a color to fill it in as.

I never really liked PSP for coloring pictures and the like. Overall the program seems more geared toward making graphics and such. I have both Photoshop and Corel Painter now, since the software came with my tablet. I think I like Corel Painter a bit better, but I'm not very good at using it. The other day I had to restart it because I had no clue how to get the thing out of Underpainting mode. :(
Ah, like Vladimir said, the shadings does look lumpy. I think you should keep in mind that when shading skin, the shadows tend to be very, very dark then the base color.
Other then the white of hte lines, the hair looks okay.
I would comment, but everyone already said what I was going to say and more, so I'll just not, since I'll be repeating things anyway. And since I don't have a tablet (or any high-tech art programs like Photoshop for that matter), I can't really tell you how to fix things. Sorry...


Uhh... Have [IMG="http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/1757/sneakpeakrm5.png"]a teaser[/URL] of what I'm working on.

And... It's done~ (click the image for full view)

I'm sorry if some of you guys are not on there... I inked this quite a while ago, so I can't really do anything about it... It's based on Zora's picture and all your avatars. Sorta.
It's awesomenocity Linoone. X3 I knew it was another Crazybuddies picture, I could tell from the spoon. Oh it's Foons. X3 She's a spoon again~ ;;Immensely amused;; We're one interesting gang of Obsessive Scribblers! We have a spoon, a salamander, a Linoone in a Spaeklerobe, and Kratos Aurion. I love the looks on their faces, so cute. And Kratos, Kratos STILL does not approve. Wow Kratos, just wow. And the pencil! It's really good and funny, nicely shaded, good colouring. That pencil is just brilliant man. Look at my crazy curly hell hair. I like how there's one lone hair sticking out. X3

The Feraligatr is nice! I especially like the colouring, the shade of blue you used for it is wonderous. It looks a bit small for a Feraligatr though, but maybe it's just crouched down or something and I can't see it. ;;Fails at explaining things;; The expression on the face is very nice though, it looks so deep, so searching. And the teeth too. Good.

As for Salamander's, the shading hmm... well, it's a bit rough. The hair has some nice shading, but the face looks rather lacking in comparison. And just as Putin said, I can't really tell where the light source is coming. Yeah so, listen to Putin, their comment is much more detailed and better than mine.
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dfl;hzf that group pic is amazing. I love it so much~ It's my new desktop background XD I love meeee~

And Seritinajii's pictures are always so happy and bright, I love them :3
Oh god.... VP, this is brilliant. Brilliant can't even describe that picture...
Pure awesomesauce, I tell you! I love the colors, and everyone's expressions, and how Spoon's a spoon (again), and how Kratos is all like "I have nothing to do with you" while playing the music on the side and how Salamander is a salamander and how everyone is wearing an awesome hat... I'll stop now. This picture is so much win that I can't describe it.

All hail the mighty VPLJ...

And, uh, welcome and well come, Seritinajii. Hope you weren't scared off by our insanity.

I mean, that unamused you in the front, and Crazy Linoone, and short!Flareth, and Dannichu in a rainbow suit and spoon!Spoon and Eclipse's expression is just fabulous and OH MY GOD IS THAT A PAIR OF PIRATE UNDERWEAR ON MY HEAD OH GOD I APPROVE SO HARD IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY xDDD

And Kratos plays the sax. That just about killed me. xDD
You win. x3
Oh. My. GOD.

;;Bursts out laughing hysterically;;

It is brilliant. Sheer brilliance.

No, not brilliant.


Kratos is playing the saxophone~ X3

I am groovyfroovy, like totally, I look so jaaaazy~ And oh my God, Dannichu is just X3. It's so colourful and just love, love, love, I cannot even go on about this picture coherantly because the giggles are incapacitating me. Foons is STILL a spoon and Salamander a salamander. ;;Laughs insanely;; I especially love Spoonie. X3

It is. Quite possibly. The Best Drawing. I have. Ever Seen.

;;Worships Putin;; You are now a god in my eyes.

;;Can't BREATHE;;
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Hahaha, both Linoone's and Strangy's pictures are great. I like how they're all skipping across the pencil on Linoone's, and the timewarp is automatic win no matter what.

I have purple hair apparently! I have started doodling purplehairme in photoshop. Maybe I'll actually get around to finishing it. And if I can get around to it I might give the group picture thing a shot too.
I knooow, I want to do a group pic too (though these two will be a very hard act to follow :3), but we have so many members it's hard to keep track of everyone and what they look like.

Everyone (who doesn't already have one), go draw a persona, now!

Oh god Linoone is wearing a beret how did I not notice that before XD
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