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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Meep. Thankies. I feel loved~

I wasn't going to make it rainbow originally, but I changed my mind at the last second and stuck on some rainbow. And I'm glad you guys like the shading, since it's really hard to shade properly without a blur tool.

Speaking of blur tools... What do you use when you draw?

I draw the basic things with a pencil, then I ink with either a inky pen that I found on the ground, a inky pen I found stuffed in my desk, a inky pen my sister left in her room, or a inky pen that my mom gave me because she thought it was dead. Yeah. I use Paint.NET to color, since it's free, and I still can't figure out how to use GIMP. And GIMP is just way too complicated. Also, I can't figure out how to use GIMPshop either, and it crashes on my computer.
Oh, that is quite nice. I struggle with things like jars and bottles myself - I just can't get them to look right, and you pulled it off pretty well. :]

The tools I use depend a whole lot on what media I'm working with, exactly, but I guess this is the general process my drawings go through:

1. set up basic guidelines with a 2H pencil; start sketching everything out approximately how I'd like it to be.

2. take a mechanical pencil and detail in the sketch more. I have a love/hate relationship with mechanical pencils when I draw; they have awesomely thin leads and are good for doing details, but they tend to smear like woah and that's pretty annoying. If I don't have my 2H pencil with me, the whole sketch can be done with one pencil whatever the kind, but I like doing it with the two for some reason. :V For the record, I keep all of my art stuff either in a an art tacklebox-type thing I found on sale at Michael's or just in my Prismacolor tin.

3. From here on out, it's all what media I'm using, really. I have pencils in a variety of HB scale things. I have a set of markers by Staedtler and sometimes I can get access to the Prismacolor marker set that my art teacher bought. I have a few Micron pens and then set of pens from Staedtler and Faber-Castell. I have the 48 set of Prismacolors with a bunch of them missing, but the art room has every Prismacolor I could ever hope for so I can mooch. My oil pastels are just a crappy Cray-Pas set I got for like $5; I've never used fancy artist pastels but these work fine for what I can do. I have Photoshop and Corel Painter on my computer with a Wacom tablet.

And that's about it, I guess. :V
...I sketch out my drawings using a mechanical pencil, ink them using a uni-ball pen and I color them using some colored pencils whose brand name I forgot. They're nice colored pencils though. :I
Awesomesauce Linoone is awesomenocity.

Rainbows yay! And I love the expression on the Linoone's face. And the arms and just the pose is awesomenocity. Although is Awesomesauce supposed to be a liquid? It doesn't really look liquidous, if it does. It looks more like... light. I'm not making sense again.

Purple haired Spaekle is creepyawesome. The teeth are sharp and the grin... just wow. Creepyawesome can only describe it. And Spaeklegunk has a very awesomenocity name! And I love the expression on the face. And glasses! Because Pokémon with glasses is ALWAYS cool. ;;Points you to Aryena;;

I uh, draw them with a mechanical pencil. Then I grab my Crayola coloured pencils, colour them, and the last thing I do is go over the outlines with a random pen I found.

Also, for digital stuff, I use Paint and GIMP. Paint to go over the outlines (if I drew it by hand) or to draw the outlines. (I find it much easier to do outlines with Paint, I've been using it for years) GIMP for colouring and transperancy. Of course, I don't know much of how to work GIMP, so I'm probably not using it to its fullest.
Awesomesauce is whatever you think it is. It can be a sauce, light, RAINBOW, your imagination... Anything.

Yay! Some one else who doesn't know how to use GIMP! Try Paint.NET for stuff. It's quite easy to use, and you get the magical Magic Wand. I love the Magic Wand. *waves around* The Magic Wand makes coloring more simple than pie, and it's not hard to use. You also get *gasp* the Clone Stamp, and some cool effects that I haven't figured out how to use properly yet. [/advertisement]

GIMP is so hard to use... I used to use it, but after finding that I have no idea how to paste things properly on that thing, I gave up. Yeah. And it takes forever to load up on my computer.
I draw the outline with a pencil (preferably a mechanical one but I'm not too fussy), ink with various fineliners and then use a bunch of colours from my empire of pencils (WH Smith set of 36, WH set of 24 watercolour pencils, Faber-Castell set of 24, Crayola set of 24 and a ton of decent random ones I've bought from art shops for stupid amounts of money) to colour it in as happily as possible :D
I'll join. I have a DA account, but I never log in. I have a Photobucket account, HERE.
My scribble (sorta):
I usually do a quick, light sketch in pencil and go over it iwth pencil. I don't colour or outline my drawing much. :/
I usually start sketching with a B or an HB pencil, sharpen another HB or an H to all hell and fill in the drawing with details and halfway decent anatomy and such, ink it with a Rotring calligraphy pen (because I haven't found a decent inking pen yet, hoipoloi) and then I either scan it there and a) colour it in Photoshop or SAI or b) upload it, or I whip out my Copics pen set that cost me my firstborn. Then I try to make it as pretty as possible, scan it, wank around with the settings to make it look decent since I can't figure out how to set my scanner properly and ta-dah, art.
I just recently(-cough-A month ago... >.>) got a large variety of Faber Castell pencils, all different. I have Photoshop CS3, which I make icons and CG with it.
For simple edits of sprites, I use MS Paint.
Scratch ones, I use PCS3. xD
I envy all of you guys, full of funky colored pencils, tablets, and Copics. I better stockpile my money again to buy it. x.x;
Hai Terry~ Welcome~

You might want to resize your picture a bit. It's going to cause side scrollbars on smaller monitors, and nobody likes scrollbars.

or I whip out my Copics pen set that cost me my firstborn.

Dannichu said:
then use a bunch of colours from my empire of pencils (WH Smith set of 36, WH set of 24 watercolour pencils, Faber-Castell set of 24, Crayola set of 24 and a ton of decent random ones I've bought from art shops for stupid amounts of money) to colour it in as happily as possible :D

Spaekle Oddsberry said:
I have a set of markers by Staedtler and sometimes I can get access to the Prismacolor marker set that my art teacher bought. I have a few Micron pens and then set of pens from Staedtler and Faber-Castell. I have the 48 set of Prismacolors with a bunch of them missing, but the art room has every Prismacolor I could ever hope for so I can mooch.

So that's what you guys used to color your art! *takes notes* They all sound expensive though...

I never color my art on paper because I always screw up, and, sadly, there's no Ctrl + Z I can use. I once found myself making the Ctrl + Z hand gesture when I screwed up on coloring something... And it didn't work (no duh), but I got very annoyed because color pencils are a pain to erase. Actually, they don't erase at all. But maybe that's just because I was using crappy cheap Crayola color pencils.

I guess I'll be sticking with good old Paint.NET for the while.
I never color my art on paper because I always screw up, and, sadly, there's no Ctrl + Z I can use. I once found myself making the Ctrl + Z hand gesture when I screwed up on coloring something... And it didn't work (no duh), but I got very annoyed because color pencils are a pain to erase. Actually, they don't erase at all. But maybe that's just because I was using crappy cheap Crayola color pencils.
Aww, colouring's something you just really have to practice and have patience with. The smaller the picture, the easier, I think; I hate colouring massive blocks, especially if it's all the same colour (which is why I never draw backgrounds). And, I think, the more colours you use, the better it'll look.

Faber Castell's are very good but are very pricey; my set of 24 was about £10 ($20) and that was on sale. The WH Smith pencils are awesome if you look after them and not expensive at all (as far as art supplies go), but I don't think the WH Smith chain exists in the US.

Uuh, this is more or less how I colour things.
You can get small sets of inking pens by both Faber-Castell and Staedtler (like 5 or 6 pens but in a decent array of sizes) for less than $10, I think. I don't remember how much my Faber-Castell set cost, but it wasn't too much. I also picked up this pretty cool "Sketch-pod" thing at Michael's for I think around $7 that came with different pencils, a ruler, sharpener, and eraser.

You don't need Prismacolors to do amazing colored pencil art - they're awesome and I love them, but a lot of Really Good Artists you talk to will say that they're overrated. I don't really like Crayola, though. If you're going the cheap pencil route I'd say go for Prang.

Sometimes I even find myself doing homework, writing down the wrong thing in pen, and getting annoyed when I realize I can't just hit the 'undo' button this time. :c
I got my Faber Castells with 70 cents apiece. Those were bought obviously in Asia(where, technically, everything is a lot cheaper.)

Well yes, my desire for the Prismacolor Copics was to practice using markers. I usually color CG, but I realized that I can't be too dependant on Photoshop. So yeah. I generally know they suck. :P

Yes, that happened to me too. Though, the sub-consciousness of the action surprised me. I should go out more. xD
Oooh! Arylett has downloaded Paint.NET.

She likes it. A lot. It's got Paint's simplicity (and easy-to-draw-outlines-with-ness) with GIMP's pretty tools like Transparency and the Wand~ But it seems to lack an airbrush. D= Nooo, not the airbrush! I use that a lot.
Which reminds me...
I wonder if Photoshop has the airbrush. That'd be epic in a sort.

Oh speaking of which, what do you guys draw often? I tend to like making really fuzzy hair, or practice eyes. Other then that, I doodle. :D
I'm pretty much always doodling faces with different emotions in the margins of my papers. Sometimes I'll start to add on hair and whatnot, and a lot of the time they'll end up looking a lot better than things I worked really hard on. :(
I've found myself drawing people more and more. I used to draw exclusively Pokemon and animals, and then started drawing my Pokemon as humans and now it's more or less just people. Almost always female, and, more often than not, Glinda and Elphaba. Or Yotsuba X3
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