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Obsessive Scribblers~

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The Magnemite looks like it wants to eat me D=

Uh, a suggestion I have is to make a ref of a your persona, fursona, utensilsona, or whatever you use to represent yourself,

Ooh, there's a good idea for something to draw. Mindblank, lately. >:3
I beat all of you in inactivity! xD

Awesome pictures. And the comics are cool too. O:
Maybe I should draw a comic featuring all members of the OS.
Oh yes, missed the awesome post.

YES, draw the OS members. Not that I'm going to be in it(no one knows what I look like...) it'd still be awesome~
YES, draw the OS members. Not that I'm going to be in it(no one knows what I look like...) it'd still be awesome~

Note to self: post more pictures, including ones of self.
Yay Kali! Welcome and well come!

EeveeSkitty is a EeveeSkitty. That's simple enough. Like, Crazy Linoone is a crazy Linoone, and Kali the Flygon is a Flygon named Kali, Rainbow Rayquaza is a rainbow Rayquaza...

And I always imagined ultraviolet as a hyperintelligent shade of the colour blue. Which can be temporarily refracted into a free-standing prism.

Free cookie to whoever knows what I was talking about.
Honestly, it doesn't bother me - if it's any easier then just shorten it to 'UV'. :]
Can I join? My art thread is in my sig..

Yes, but it'll take me forever to update the memberlist Dx So I aplogize for anyone waiting to be listed on the memberlist, uh, so Ice the Frosty Cat, Dragon, Ice Tiger, EeveeSkitty, Kali the Flygon, and anyone else who is waiting. If you've posted here asking to be a member, and draw regularly, you're accepted.

Uh, welcome, I suppose.
Yay Spaekle! Inactive buddies!
Can I be an inactive buddy too~?

And Eclipse, you should SO do it. But I think it would take quite a bit of effort. I would give you so many Awesome Points it wouldn't even be funny.

Also umm... so this post won't be a total waste... Here's a random Creationdrawingthing~

Maybe I should draw an OS Group Picture... when I stop being lazy, provided~

...I really need to stop being lazy and actually COMMENT on stuff. Bleh. Inactivelett, oh dear~
I'm being a lazy lazy person in terms of drawing. Recently I was in more of a write mood so I wrote instead of drew.

But I'm always in a internet mood :)
Yes, but it'll take me forever to update the memberlist Dx So I aplogize for anyone waiting to be listed on the memberlist, uh, so Ice the Frosty Cat, Dragon, Ice Tiger, EeveeSkitty, Kali the Flygon, and anyone else who is waiting. If you've posted here asking to be a member, and draw regularly, you're accepted.

Uh, welcome, I suppose.
Well, yes, I do. The problem is it usually takes me forever to upload anything :D
Hey,look a robot. *Doesn't usually draw such things* What do you think?

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