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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Side note: Where have all the original members gone to? :/

I'm here, It's just that school started two days ago and this is the only time I've been online since. :U
I'm right here. I just haven't posted because Ice Tiger and Eeveeskitty have pretty much TAKEN OVER (>>), and I haven't really been doing much in the way of drawing lately. :/

well the last couple of times i posted art it was ignored and the last couple of times i posted crits i was whined at so i took the hint

I'm here, It's just that school started two days ago and this is the only time I've been online since. :U

Oh good. I thought everyone had died. Although we're still missing more than half the members... I feel sad.

And now, comments:
The anatomy of the Appaloosa looks... Strange. I think it's head and neck is too big, and the hind legs are too small. The face is pretty well drawn though, since (at least for me) horse faces are a pain.
The evil bear is kinda cute (or I'm just weird), but I like the rainbow and the nothing box really really much. Also, has I ever tells you that I has bad grammar?
The worm-thing has improved very much. Although the sudden change of color from gray to green is sorta weird...
And the Arabian horse has an awesome face and neck, but the body looks weird... I think the body's too rectangular. Or something. I dunno, something seems off but I can't figure out what...

Duh, Linoone seems to be churning out fanart at a extremely fast rate lately... Namely, Soul Eater fanart. And she seems to be always drawing them on crappy paper... But. Soul Eater is awesome. Because (one of the) the main character doesn't wield a scythe, no. The main character is a scythe.
So, I present to you, Linoone's epicfail fanart of Maka Alburn and Soul Eater. Please ignore the godawful hands and focus on the nice, non-existant background instead.
Next, we have Crona and Ragnarok. The best thing I like about these two characters is that they don't have genders. It's true. They're currently gender-unknown, which is giving the fansubbers a headache right now. But who cares, they're awesome. And, uh, the black thing on the person's head is Ragnarok.
And then I present to you Excalibur, who is a complete asshole since it got its stupid song stuck in my head. Ugh. Excalibur~ Excalibur~ From the United Kingdom, I'm looking for him, I'm going to Californiaaaa~ Excalibur~ Excalibur~ *shot* I think I drew it wrong though....
And then we have Stein, who is awesome and is awesome and will dissect you now.
Last but not least, we have... Hey, this is not from Soul Eater!

And that's the end of Linoone's art explosion.
Side note: Where have all the original members gone to? :/
Insane busyness. Homework, ugh. Also general laziness has prevented me from commenting. But I suppose I might as well comment a bit now.

I drew a Arabian horse, it's much better than the Appaloosa was :3
Very nice! I like the face in particular, it appears just the right length and the snout is quite nice and horselike. (And cute) The mane as well as the front half of the body are good, but the stomach area of the body and the back are a bit too straight. I can't really think of how to explain it, but they look sort of disportionate. As well as the hindleg just being a bit... off somehow. God, I suck at explaining.

But um here. Have a sort of lousy preview? =D
I like the colouring and the shading - it's good~ The shoulders are a bit funky though, I think too droppy. People's shoulders tend to stand up more, I'd recommend when you draw shoulders drawing a horizontal ovalish thing, then drawing the arm and connecting it to it, if that makes any sense at all. Also her body is a bit too straight, the lines.

Uuh, I did a random comic a little while ago that I never uploaded and got a little cut off by the scanner. I didn't know how to work any kind of dialogue, but it's basically my friend and I watching Animal Planet (or similar), Alex pointing out that the way lion prides work (the male sitting around, the females going out hunting) is the way things should work, and then the thrilling insect world where the females often end up eating the males, freaking him out.

I also put a bunch more pictures up in my art thread... like this one X3
For the comic - Liking the facial expressions! I don't see much wrong here, except for in the first panel. Your head seems a bit too big in porportion to your body, as well as the upper half of your body being too short and the legs a tad bit too thick. Excellent job though~

The second one - XD Oooh, I saw that movie! The whole thing just reeks of adorableness and I love the blond haired chick's (is that Galinda, if I'm right in assuming?) Howl coat, sooo cool~

This is a couple of new pokemon concept sketches
Do you guys like the designs? Don't rate the actual drawing I know they are terribly drawn >.>
Actually they look a bit more like Digimon than Pokemon to me for some reason... hmm.

Dolfinn: I'm not really liking the colour combination for some reason. Perhaps instead of blue, you could make it white with purple markings? We'd still know it was a Water-type, due to it being baised off a dolphin, and yet it would look more mystical. Like the tag-thingies on the fin though~

Pachirisu Evo: I think it could use something on its head, like bigger pointed ears or something. Perhaps make the design a bit more complex too, it looks too simple to be a Fakemon evo.

Wurmle: The name's a bit too close to Wurmple, it'd be a bit too easy to get them confused, wouldn't you think? But I see you put a question mark, indicating that you were only considering the name~ I like the design though, good and simple for a Basic Pokemon.

Wurmig: A lot of people making Fakemon seem to have the problem of not making their evolutions look distinct enough - often evolutions look merely like bigger versions of the prevolution in Fakemon. Give it a bit more complexity, maybe add more of those gray ring things to it.

Wurmdrill: Looks too similiar to its prevolutions, more just like a bigger version. Perhaps you could make it a different colour or add markings or more of those gray ring things again? You could also make it segmented, to give it more of a wormy look. I like the whole idea of a worm + drill Pokemon though, I think it's rather original~

Ooooh, quite nice. Like the shading and pose. I think though you should've drawn the paws in there somewhere, looks a bit too simple the body.

I think my diamond dog and carbon dog are finished.
Diamond's shading was the hardest I've ever had to do. Carbon wasn't that much easier, I couldn't figure out how to shade something that's on fire. So these two combined were pretty much death by shading.
Diamond is semi-transparent too.
I wish I could do backgrounds *flails*
Diamond dog - Wow! So pretty and shiny and cool~ I like it a lot, it's really quite good! Especially the eyes, they look all glowy. The reflection of light on it is amazing, actually makes it look crystalline/diamondlike. The only issue I see is that the right ear is a tad bigger than the left, but that's not really that big a deal~

Carbon dog - Amazing! You're really good with colouring and shading and lighting, all the lighting seems in the right place. The firey glow around the body and eyes is awesome. And it's just really, really cool~ (Or should I say hot? Ahaha!)

So, I present to you, Linoone's epicfail fanart of Maka Alburn and Soul Eater. Please ignore the godawful hands and focus on the nice, non-existant background instead.
Next, we have Crona and Ragnarok. The best thing I like about these two characters is that they don't have genders. It's true. They're currently gender-unknown, which is giving the fansubbers a headache right now. But who cares, they're awesome. And, uh, the black thing on the person's head is Ragnarok.
And then I present to you Excalibur, who is a complete asshole since it got its stupid song stuck in my head. Ugh. Excalibur~ Excalibur~ From the United Kingdom, I'm looking for him, I'm going to Californiaaaa~ Excalibur~ Excalibur~ *shot* I think I drew it wrong though....
And then we have Stein, who is awesome and is awesome and will dissect you now.
Last but not least, we have... Hey, this is not from Soul Eater!

And that's the end of Linoone's art explosion.
Maka Alburn - The scythe. It is badass. Also I like her outfit and the expression on her face. You pulled off the pose nicely - if I had tried to draw that it would've been really awkward. The only issue is the cuffs. I dunno quite how to explain this, since I suck at explaining, but they are just... square. They need to look more three dimensional, you need to draw the inside of the cuffs, the cuffs going all the way around her wrists. If that makes sense.

Crona and Ragnarok - The body is a bit blobby, to the person, I mean. It doesn't really have any definition. Clothes could use some folds and bodies generally tend to be a bit... less blobby. If you know what I mean. The little guy on the head though is cute~ And I like the hair!

Excalibur - Cute! I like his face, hat, and cane-stick thingy. As well as the pose.

Stein - Loving the chair and the table, awesomely cool~ And his expression too! The legs and shoes are really nice too!

Spoon - One word: ;;SNACKERS;; Ahaha! Dannihat and Slash Googles and Danniscarf + Spoonie = Awesomenocity.

...Wow, I can't believe I actually stopped being LAZY for once!
I'll join, I suppose. deviantArt: http://evilcrazymonkey.deviantart.com
I mean, my artwork isn't so great and I've only started sketching a few days ago (I don't like to color with a crappy 12-piece crayola colored pencil set, which is all I have D:). The only piece of artwork I adore is in the margin of the Spanish quiz we took today (I finished like twenty minutes before everyone else and the teacher collects all of the quizzes at one time; I couldn't read because our desks had to be clear) and I'll try and replicate/scan it soon.

EDIT: and it's finished: Soapy.
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Yeah, stupid mistake.

Note to self: Draft in PENCIL before using Black colouring pencil :/

Gastrodon is...cute somehow. But I guess I see way too many things cutely
General Message:

Aaaaah sorry I keep abandoning this plaaaaaace DX
I don't have a scanner and haven't been drawing much recently, and when I don't draw, I kinda assume everyone else stops, too.

I have been doing some drawings the past couple of days, though, mostly experimentation with other styles. I'll get them scanned up as soon as I can, because I'd really like to hear some opinions on them :3

Crazy Linoone:

I lovelovelove the DanniSpoon picture. It's the best thing ever and needs lots and lots of bright colours right now :)

The girl with the scythe is realy, really good. The legs and angles of the feet are amazingly good, and I especialy like the way the coat's flowing out behind her.
The only crit I can think of is that the way she's holding the scythe (with both arms underarm) is a little odd; if someone were to hold a long stick in an an aggressive pose like that, I can't help but think they'd have one arm holding it overarm and one underarm. God, I'm bad explaining things. She looks really great, though.

The, uh, thing with the walking stick? Very, very cool. His feet are awesome :D

D'aww, that Poliwag is freaking adorable, with the big eyes and the little sad mouth~
The shading's not half-bad, either.

Woah, I really, really like this one. The colours you picked for it work really well, and you colour so smoothly... this is definitely one of my favourite pictures by you :3
Gonna be lazy and not scan up more old pictures. Is also going to copy Dannichu's formatting because I'm too lazy to quote everyone.


Whoa huge post good job. And, yes, Soul is an awesome scythe. And I think I know what you mean by the scuffs... *goes off to change it* And, uh, I tried to draw some cloths in Crona's clothes! I really did! But it didn't look right. And now that you pointed it out, it is sorta blobby... Thanks for the crits!

ECM: Welcome and well come! The poliwag is cute~ Its eyes are sorta funny though. The eyes are not... how should I put it... round enough. They're, like, sorta square-ish.

Nice. Since the tail thing has already been pointed out, I don't think I need to go into that... The colors are quite nice, and I like the shading.

Kai: Whoa, it is squidgy. Using color for outlining worked pretty well here -- it gave the Gastrodon a more, well, squidgy look.

You know, that explained why her hand looked really funny. *goes off to doodle*

And I actually started drawing Excalibur feet first, then drew the body. :3
By the way, Excalibur is a sword.

EDIT: Look at what Danni made me do.
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That RainbowSpoon picture is -awesome- x3

I uh, fixed up a comic, which I promised myself I wouldn't do. But I needed stuff for my DT project and this worked for it

Ignore the lack of real shading, time is valuable and I had to settle for a lame Photoshop effect D:

Oh, and my Mum bought Dad a new Scanner/Printer for Valentines day, so if I'm lucky, I might get his old one :D
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Im finally going to bring up the courage and post my two fursonas here because I still need help on which one to use. I just hope you guys like them, because I do. The quality may be different but on the Fox one I had some references for clothing folds and positions.

My Wolf Fursona
My Fox Fursona
Happy Valentines Day!!! Warning: Contains giant rainbows and lots of hearts X3 I tried to draw most of the OS's in it (Sorry Eeveeskitty for making you wear pink, and sorry Arlett for making you look .... strange, and Ice I made you the wrong colors D:)
lol but look at spoon X3
I would have posted it tomorrow but my dad will be asking to use the computer every 5 min so I decided today would be better :D
That RainbowSpoon picture is -awesome- x3

I uh, fixed up a comic, which I promised myself I wouldn't do. But I needed stuff for my DT project and this worked for it
[whee image here]

Not bad, actually. I rather like the effect thing that makes it look sorta 3-D. Like, how the lines have white lining and stuff. Also, your pose in the second picture is awesome. now all you need is stick "objection!" over it

Im finally going to bring up the courage and post my two fursonas here because I still need help on which one to use. I just hope you guys like them, because I do. The quality may be different but on the Fox one I had some references for clothing folds and positions.

My Wolf Fursona
My Fox Fursona

Duh, they both look nice to meeee.... But the fox one is really high quality. The folds in the clothing are awesome, and the fingers, too. The elbow is awesome, too. howcanyoudrawsowelldammit

As for which one to use... Uh... Well, it's your fursona, so your choice, really.


Something tells me this isn't as active as it was :(

I command you to crit other people's art and fill up space. GO GO GO

Happy Valentines Day!!! Warning: Contains giant rainbows and lots of hearts X3 I tried to draw most of the OS's in it (Sorry Eeveeskitty for making you wear pink, and sorry Arlett for making you look .... strange, and Ice I made you the wrong colors D:)
lol but look at spoon X3
I would have posted it tomorrow but my dad will be asking to use the computer every 5 min so I decided today would be better :D

Yay grouppic! Linoone approves of the rainbow. Although with half the members inactive, I guess I can't blame you for not putting everyone in. Poor spoon... (It's interesting how she's also inactive but everyone's drawing her).

To prove that I'm actually drawing something...

Dannichu wants YOU to dress someone up as her! Featuring inactive Kratos and inactive Spheal.

Apologies to all whom I've abused in this picture. Don't kill meee Kratos pleeese
Dannichu wants YOU to dress someone up as her! Featuring inactive Kratos and inactive Spheal.

Words do not BEGIN to describe how great this picture is. Mind if I colour it? :3

Aww, Ice Tiger's group picture is brilliant, I love it X3
I wish I could do a OS Valentine's thing, but I've got to start and finish a massively long essay tomorrow so I can go home for the week (romantic, huh?), so I don't think it'll be possible.

Woah, Black Hood's fursona pictures are gooood. The fox one is amazing; the clothes and the folds and everything looks great. And there's no shame in using references; still-life artists use landscapes and buildings as references, after all.

Hehe, I love the expressions in Ice's comics. They're always perfect X3
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