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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Uuuuh. I... kind of have been totally slacking off on my Lloyd Irving: Ace Attorney project. And I'm trying to get back into the groove of drawing now.

But um here. Have a sort of lousy preview? =D
Aww ;; I love HSM to bits.

Hehe, I absolutely love CrazyLinoone's Disgaea pic X3 It's such a crazy, funy game, no? That Prinny might just be the best thing ever.

God, OSLand looks amazing. Are you going to colour it because you so totally should :)
(random aside: I doodle Linoones a lot in my spare time, and my friends can now recognise Crazy Linoone as "the one with the beret". Just thought you should know X3)

And d'awww, Presea!Vera is the cutest thing~ The shading, especially on the arms, is really good, and she just looks plain adorable. Her left arm, because of the way it's bent and stuff, looks a little longer than her right, though.

Uuh, I did a random comic a little while ago that I never uploaded and got a little cut off by the scanner. I didn't know how to work any kind of dialogue, but it's basically my friend and I watching Animal Planet (or similar), Alex pointing out that the way lion prides work (the male sitting around, the females going out hunting) is the way things should work, and then the thrilling insect world where the females often end up eating the males, freaking him out.

I also put a bunch more pictures up in my art thread... like this one X3
Hehe, I absolutely love CrazyLinoone's Disgaea pic X3 It's such a crazy, funy game, no? That Prinny might just be the best thing ever.

God, OSLand looks amazing. Are you going to colour it because you so totally should :)
(random aside: I doodle Linoones a lot in my spare time, and my friends can now recognise Crazy Linoone as "the one with the beret". Just thought you should know X3)

*is flattered*

Disgaea is awesome. I'm burning so much time in the Item World, it's not even funny. I have all these level 10 Mint Gums...

I like the way you and your friend are lying around on the couch, and the expressions in the comic are priceless. I especially like the unamused Danni switching channels.

Spoony's PerseaVerna is staring at meeee... *hides*
They're cool, I like Dolfinn the best.

And the worm line don't have enough difference between them, they're pretty much the same but bigger.

And the Pacharisu evo is more like a pre evo.
I don't know what to do with the worms >.> suggestions? They are bug/ground or should they be bug/steel? Hmm. (The first one is just bug)
Cuteness! :3 I can't draw Skitty... And my color pencils suck, I don't even have the right color pink! D:
I got some ideas about the worm line... but the all end up as looking really inappropriate... but then again look at Palkias head and neck >.> Palkia
This is a couple of new pokemon concept sketches
Do you guys like the designs? Don't rate the actual drawing I know they are terribly drawn >.>

Dolfinn is pretty cool, and I like the tag-things on the fin. The purple runes are going to be a pain for spriters though. The Pachirisu evo is pretty good, but I think it looks too much like its pre-evolution. Same with the worm line, really; they all look like each other. Maybe you should add a bit more details or change the design a bit on Wurmdrill, so it won't look like a bigger Wurmig with more spikes.

I like the shading on the Skitty, especially the tail. But, uh, where are the legs? >.<

Linoone has no art to upload. Or not. Yeah, its kinda old and way overdue, but I'm too lazy busy watching Soul Eater doing homework to scan up the other ones. [/excuse]
^-^ Hey I has an idea for the Wurmdrill, should I make it have a drill nose, and on the end of it have a big, circular mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, and make its body thicker, and mostly concealed in the ground, so it's poking out of a hole? :3 *Must draw...* AND NO EYES XD
I think my diamond dog and carbon dog are finished.
Diamond's shading was the hardest I've ever had to do. Carbon wasn't that much easier, I couldn't figure out how to shade something that's on fire. So these two combined were pretty much death by shading.
Diamond is semi-transparent too.
I wish I could do backgrounds *flails*

The sleeping Skitty is really sweet, and I actually like it better with no visible legs, it makes it look kinda blobby. Which is good.
I love the carbon's eyes. :o Diamond dog is awesome, but... shiny. Note to self, do not look directly at bright pictures after surfing dark sites. >_O

You are awesome. =) Or, more awesome than me but everyone is, so meh~
I think my diamond dog and carbon dog are finished.
Diamond's shading was the hardest I've ever had to do. Carbon wasn't that much easier, I couldn't figure out how to shade something that's on fire. So these two combined were pretty much death by shading.
Diamond is semi-transparent too.
I wish I could do backgrounds *flails*

The sleeping Skitty is really sweet, and I actually like it better with no visible legs, it makes it look kinda blobby. Which is good.

The carbon and diamond dogs are awesome~

Carbon dog has wonderfully glowy eyes and the firey stuff is awesomeness.

Diamond dog is so nice and shiny and spiky and awesome. And it does look somewhat like Diamond even through glass is also similar.
I think my diamond dog and carbon dog are finished.
Diamond's shading was the hardest I've ever had to do. Carbon wasn't that much easier, I couldn't figure out how to shade something that's on fire. So these two combined were pretty much death by shading.
Diamond is semi-transparent too.
I wish I could do backgrounds *flails*

Oh wow... This is really good. I really like how the diamond dog is all shiny and glowing. And it's sorta transparent, too. The shading is pretty on both of the dogs; I like how the carbon dog's light source comes from the bottom instead of the usual top.

Side note: Where have all the original members gone to? :/
well the last couple of times i posted art it was ignored and the last couple of times i posted crits i was whined at so i took the hint
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