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Enzymes are the biological ingredients in Geological detergents and washing powder. Um.
This is now my new desktop background. :DWhoot Linoone colored the Chimera pic from before. She was messing with some random coloring styles, so yeah. It's actually more work than the coloring style suggests.
I like throwing Hula Hoops up in the air and catching them in my mouth.
(Pretend that light green is less yellow.)
Why yes, it's a dance :DWhoa, Ice, nice group picture~ I like it! Especially the look in Dannichu's eyes and how she's just like... pointing. That's epic.
The poses are really nice, looks like we're all dancing or something.
But my only complaint would be on Kai, that his head looks a bit too small for his body, same with Ice the Frosty Cat. And Linoone has got a point... my hair could be floofier~
The first one's pretty adorable and the ice effect on the second is really good, but both the second and third have pretty weird expressions. Is that what they look like in the game?
Expect the chapter 2 cover soon, I'm halfway through editing it.
cool joker pics kai, i always thought that if i was a villain from any film, it would be the joker x3 and as usual you MSN doodles end in epicness
btw pcbby, your really good, with such talent at drawing why are you so inactive? you should be flaunting of your drawing skills x3
Thanks muchly. :)cool joker pics kai, i always thought that if i was a villain from any film, it would be the joker x3 and as usual you MSN doodles end in epicness
And I've drawn a reccuring character from Disgaea (And perhaps the most amazing Disgaea character ever), Vyers, the Dark Adonis.
Also, has anyone else noticed how inactive this group has got?