Finally got my Pen Drive back. TIME TO CATCH UP TO RECENT STUFF >D
Mitadake High: Page 6
Mitadake High: Page 7
Mitadake High: Page 8
Mitadake High: Page 6
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Mitadake High: Page 8
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Good lord, that must've taken ages! Kudos. My rainbows are boring, I just draw six stripes and I'm done :vHAY GUYS
Thought y'all might be interested in this.
Since it was drawn a year ago there's not much to give in terms of critique, especially as it's a Pokémon and I'm very bad at Pokémon-crits. Looks alright.
They both look very good for Paint drawings. Since they're directly referenced there's not much to say, good job.
Very cute. I like the colouring on the hair a lot. The anatomy and pose are off and her legs are kind of shapeless but her clothes look nice, and I like her expression.So have a traditional picture of Flonne for now.
Haha, you guys with your pictures full of people have the patience of saints! I get annoyed when I have to draw more than three people in one page :vHAVE AN ARMY OF MAGES ANYWAY~
Pffffft I love this so hard <3![]()
I finally perfected Medveded/Ahmadinejad! They're so adorable~
Gettin' interesting! There's anatomy issues scattered arounf but my comic has plenty too so I can't complain too much. I like the pacing and I think you're doing a good job so-far. Keep it up!Finally got my Pen Drive back. TIME TO CATCH UP TO RECENT STUFF >D
Mitadake High: Page 6
Mitadake High: Page 7
Mitadake High: Page 8
*feels almost completely ignored* /_\This will either horrify you of make you insanely happy.
Obsessive scribblers Caramelldansen:
Danni and Vlad
Me and Black Hood
Kratos, Salamander and Zora
Kinova and Arylett
Spaekle and Linooney
Cathy and Ice Tiger
Flareth, PichuK and Zephyry
Best. Quote. Ever. :DTCoD can go fuck itself.
Ages is an understatement,Good lord, that must've taken ages! Kudos. My rainbows are boring, I just draw six stripes and I'm done :v
Shading just with black and white is alright, but it does make the shading look very... blobby? I like the inclusion of Spaekletowel and everyone looks good, great job.
Actually it was more like a fuckton of coffee and nothing better to do.Haha, you guys with your pictures full of people have the patience of saints! I get annoyed when I have to draw more than three people in one page :v
ffffffffff It always looks so awkward when people use that one considering she's an OC and not me. ><
Epic cattleprod is epic.AAAANYWAY I just finished a new dA ID so yeah THIS is what I look like for future reference :v
...I really need to redo that rainbow. ><
and so is Nicky picking his nose.
Aw man, how'd I miss the hot cancery gay zombie makeout scene in Shaun of the Dead? Sad now.ooooh godthecanceroneiscreepyashelli'mgonnahavenightmaresnow. even if it is an amazing picture. Reminds me of the zombies off of Shaun of the Dead.
I hope naked people don't count as porn! Rest assured: this image was in no way meant to be sexually exciting. I'm not a good enough artist to do that yet.The naked dues one could earn you a ban, but it's not really porn, is it? It's just nude. And very good nude artwork at that.
Putinart doesn't need a why. It just exsists. Because.and the rest of putin!art is amazing as always/I don't know what it's about but it still looks good.
I have experience this so often, especially because of my old slow computer, that I now have the reflex of ctrl+c'ing every post I make before clicking on Submit.TCoD can go fuck itself. I just finished responding to LJ and Kai's posts. Guess what? The forums went -down-. For two minutes. It just had to be in that interval D<
Pffffft I love this so hard <3
The anatomy's a bit off and Dmitry's suit looks dodgy but WHO CARES everything else in this picture is wonderful. Their faces are so cute! Mahmoud :)
Your Medvedev looks more like him than mine, haha. I also strongly disagree with this pairing: Putin/Medvedev 4ever. My fanfiction and fanarts prove this.
Patience isn't really the issue. I just like doing this xDIce: Whoa, you have a lot of patience to keep the comic going for so long. They are paneled rather nicely, and the only problems I really see are just some anatomy things and, to an extend, you scanner. I really like how the last panel in page 13 is a close-up of the person's eyes -- it give it a dramatic sort of feel.
Hm, on a totally unrelated note, I had a weird dream last night everyone in the Obsessive Scribblers Club goes out camping someplace. I vaguely remember Vlad setting up tents some place, and Spaekle and Arylett were there, laying out sleeping bags. It was weird...
DUCKY!But have a fail picture of Ultimate Chimera. After killing quite a few erasers and papers, Linoone finally managed to draw an Ultimate Chimera that does not look horrible. Ultimate Chimera is waaaay harder to draw than it looks. I cannot draw it at all with its mouth open. A question for RainbowRayquaza if she happens to be on: How do you draw Ultimate Chimera? I can't get it riiiiight....
Bunch of little EarthBound enemies I drew for dad. I originally only wanted to show him what a Booka looked like, and I ended up drawing all these and a Flying Man too. I kept the Flying Man and stuck him to my chest of drawers next to this pretty cool little Mewtwo, which is another silly o'clock experiment that I really liked. Oh no, I'm making a paragraph!
Here's 6 things. My favourite is the tiger.
Here's a weird bird I dreamed about, called a yamagain. It can't fly, but it can jump like a flea, turn it's head and eye-stalks right around and has holes torn in the back of its head for some reason. It doesn't look much like a bird. It's very, very creepy when it stares at you.
...EB-styled me? I'm not even sure if I look like that. My hair definitely isn't that bright and I'm fatter than I look here. But yeah, this is probably what would happen to me if I saw any Shroomdogs in the Mother-universe.