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Outdated Social Media Mafia [NIGHT 1]

Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]





no one can understand me, maan.

I'm guessing you're trying to claim vig? (If so... why are you claiming so early?)
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]




*Double headdesk*

I'm such a mmmooorrrooonnn.

Anyways... There could be two Vigs, I guess?

Okay nevermind.
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

Hello! This is your friendly, neighbourhood inspector!

Cirrus is mafia.
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

That's nicemazing!

But please, can I vigkill? D:

meh. Cirrus
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

He could always be a Mafia pretending to be an inspector so that he can say that Cirrus is a Mafia.
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

Then I'll vigkill her!!

but if they're BOTH not mafia I'm quitting this game. >:I
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]


Uh. I suppose, but I'm inclined to believe her (she's popped in like this before as inspector).

Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

Hmmmmmmmm I don't have any reason((in this game)) to disbelieve our ?inspector? so I'm gonna vote Cirrus
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

Just seeing this now. Fortunately, there's been sufficient evidence to suggest this.

Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

I've very little doubt that Cirrus really is mafia (fakeclaiming inspector on day one just to get rid of one innocent and then get caught would be a pretty silly move. also Cirrus is always mafia :o), but we mustn't jump to the conclusion that that confirms Alvyren's claim or clears vem of any suspicion; ve could easily be a mafia member sacrificing another to appear innocent to everyone else. Whether Alvyren's innocent or not, though, this is likely one mafia member out of the way!

Also, RK, did you target anyone last night?
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

Cirrus is always mafia? How is that a valid argument? The roles should be randomized, so it doesn't matter if Cirrus is always mafia, and if the roles aren't randomized this game isn't going right.
That said, I was just being untrusting. However, because of the lack of evidence, I would like to abstain from voting, if possible.
Nah, I'm kidding. It's not as if it makes a difference, so I guess I'm going to vote for Cirrus.
Re: Outdated Social Media Mafia [DAY 1]

If I kill an innocent I die.

So no I didn't
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