Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
You have some skills with photoshop/GIMP/whatever you are using, I like your shading style and the outlines of your graphics, they are very nice ^^
I haven't done it yet. ^^"I don't mean to sound annoying, have you forgotten about mine or did you just not do it yet
You're welcome ^^Thank you, the banner looks nice!
You're welcome :)Thankz! It's awsome, and plain koolio~
MUCH better. Gracias! And I would like a gift for Moonlight the Umbreon. An avvie!Mewtwo's banner:
I love the text on this one, heh.
MUCH better. Gracias! And I would like a gift for Moonlight the Umbreon. An avvie!
It should have, obviously, an Umbreon on it, Preferably this picture:
but the rings on it are lavender, and the eyes are light blue. It should say, "Moonlight" in small, but able to read, text. Thanks!
EDIT: Oh, you get your pics off of a website. I would like you to do my request if you can, but you don't have to.
EDIT2: I went to the website, and the Umbreon in the avvie is the same as the one on the website but it's flipped!
Maybe you should have PM'ed the request?
Put it in my sig. It's weird, because I cleared some stuff out, and it worked once. I tried it again, and there that wretched message goes.Well, what were you trying to do with it?